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Chapter 932

“You should go. Is there any reason not to?”

Maxine said, “You said it yourself that the person who gave you the letter was extremely powerful and

could’ve killed you with a single move. So, if he didn't kill you and even left you a message, there must

be a reason. We'll find out what his purpose is when you get there. Besides, I'll join you."

She was not actually concerned about his safety and believed that going to Mount Arclens would not

put James in danger.

He would have gotten into trouble today if it had been dangerous. The opponent did not have to wait

until they had led him to Mount Arclens to strike.

“Okay.” James nodded and said, “The photograph revealed a lot of information. I simply need to go and

take a look.”

“I’ll get some plane tickets for you right now,” said Cynthia.

As she spoke, she took out her phone to book the flights.

James and Maxine, on the other hand, were having a discussion. They were speculating about who

had sent them the photograph.

Despite a lengthy discussion, no conclusion was reached. Soon after, James and Maxine left Cynthia's

house for the airport.

Before leaving, Maxine gave Cynthia some advice.

She wanted her to fully comprehend the Internal Cultivation Method. Even if she could not cultivate

True Energy in a short period of time, she would be fine because James had absorbed all the Cold

Energy from her body. It would not be an issue for two weeks.novelbin

After telling her that, they both left.

At the airport, James and Maxine boarded the plane.

Mount Arclens was located near the northwest border of Sol. On the same day, James and Maxine

arrived in Harvin City to the northwest of Sol. They walked out of the airport together.

“James, we're still about three hundred kilometers away from Mount Arclens,” Maxine said. “I looked at

the map, and the road is only about a hundred kilometers long. We'll have to walk the rest of the way.”

“Okay,” James said, nodding his head. "They gave us three days, so we should be able to get there in

that time. But I'm still confused. Who brought Thea to this place and led me here, and what are they

trying to accomplish?”

Maxine simply shrugged. “I have no idea. First, let’s rent a car.”

“Good idea.” James nodded.

They rented an off-road vehicle from a car rental company in Harvin City. Then they ate haphazardly,

bought some rations, and set out for Mount Arclens.

An off-road vehicle was traversing a desolate road.

The sky was gradually darkening.

“James, we’re getting close to Mount Arclens. There is no longer a road ahead of us. We'll have to

walk.” Maxine, who was driving, stepped on the brakes and brought the car to a halt.

James, who was resting in the passenger seat with his eyes closed, opened them to see some rocks

blocking their path. "Okay," he nodded and said. “Let's get out of the car here.”

As he said this, he pushed the door open and got out of the car. Maxine turned off the engine and

exited the vehicle as well.

They both took some rations with them and set out on foot, towards Mount Arclens.

Meanwhile, at the summit of Mount Arclens…

Mount Arclens was a volcanic mountain.

Thea was sitting on a rock with her legs crossed. She raised her hands.Then, a powerful burst of

energy formed in her palms and shot out abruptly.

The terrifying energy swept through the area before exploding in the distance. A small pit formed in the

ground instantly, creating a large cloud of dust.

On the side stood an elderly man. He was Thomas Caden.

"Not bad," he said with a laugh.

Thea breathed in. "If you didn't catch the fire snake at the volcanic vent and give me the snake gall to

ingest, or help me cultivate with True Energy, I couldn't possibly become so strong in only a few days,"

she said with a smile on her pretty face.

“It was pure luck,” Thomas laughed and said. “I wasn't expecting to see a centenary fire snake here. It

was such a terrifying creature that even I almost succumbed to it.”

"Grandpa, what is my current rank?" Thea inquired, unsure.

Despite the fact that Thomas had told her a lot of things, including practicing martial arts, she had no

idea what rank her strength was at.

Thomas gave it a thought and said, “Based on the strength of your True Energy, you're barely at the

third rank, but you have no martial arts background and only have Inner Energy in your body. People

with significant combat experience can still defeat you even if they haven’t cultivated True Energy. For

example, James as he was when he first married into the Callahan family could defeat you.”

"Thea, remember that True Energy comes second. What matters most is the self. You have True

Energy, so you must learn to use it and fully harness its power.”

"Yes, Grandfather. I'll keep that in mind.”

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