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Chapter 874

Maxine guessed that their failed attempts could be due to James’ lack of True Energy, which was

preventing him from cultivating. Therefore, she suggested they continue trying after he made a full


James agreed.

Maxine left in the morning.

James, on the other hand, remained in the basement.

His body had made a slight recovery, and he could now enter deep meditation, which would speed up

his recovery process.

Maxine left the basement with the cutleries.

Upon leaving, she noticed that Tobias was sitting not too far away.

“Grandpa,” She walked over to him and greeted him.

“Mhm.” Tobias nodded slightly and asked, “How’s it going?”

Maxine shook her head. “There isn’t much progress. The Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge is simply

too complicated. James is still unable to unravel the mysteries behind the painting.”

“Sigh…” Tobias sighed.

Maxine asked, “What’s wrong, grandpa?”

Tobias said, “The Johnstons have made their move. They’ve combined forces with the other two

families to apply pressure on us to hand James over to them. Besides…”

His expression was grim.

“Besides what, grandpa?”

Tobias spoke solemnly, “I just received news from the Johnstons that the Moonlit Bamboos on

Cliffside's Edge has been stolen. They were steadfast in their belief that the Cadens were behind the

theft and demanded we return the painting.”

“What?” Maxine exclaimed. “The Moonlit Bamboos on Cliffside's Edge has been stolen?”

Tobias stood up and said, “Who knows? We can’t exactly trust the Johnstons.”

He headed toward the courtyard.novelbin

Maxine followed close behind.

“By the way, James said that he wishes to remain in the underground basement for another half a

month,” Maxine said.

“We don’t have time.” Tobias paused for a brief moment before continuing, “The other three families will

gather at the Cadens’ mansion in ten days and force us to hand over both James and the Moonlit

Bamboos on Cliffside’s Edge. James has to leave as soon as possible. Or else, his life will be in


“But…” Maxine was hesitant.

Tobias glanced at her and asked, “What is it?”

Maxine said, “Grandpa, if we let him leave now, will that not be equivalent to handing him over to them?

However, with him here, they won’t make any rash moves. Considering his current condition, leaving

pretty much means death.”

“What other choice do we have? Are you telling me you intend to go against the other three families for

the sake of James? Although the Cadens is the head of the Ancient Four, the other three families

wouldn’t go easy on us once we have a fall-out.”


Maxine was at a loss for words.

Tobias looked at her and questioned, “You’ve always been a rational and cool-headed child. What


Maxine immediately knelt on the floor and hurriedly explained, “Grandpa, I believe that James is an

unparalleled genius. He managed to cultivate True Energy and reach the first rank without anyone’s

guidance. Besides, rumors have it that his medical skills are unrivaled. There’s no way everything he

knows now was imparted to him by Thomas. I believe he will be of great use to us.”

“I understand. Stand, my child.” Tobias waved.

Maxine stood up with her head lowered.

“But, what should we do when the other three families show up?”

Tobias knew there was something more to James. He had heard of James’ medical skills. As they

came from a distinct branch of the Cadens’ art of medicine, Tobias knew it could not have come from

Thomas. Moreover, James was also able to cultivate True Energy and reach the first rank while being

infected by Gu venom.

Maxine said, “Someone is trying to stir conflict among the Ancient Four. By instigating a civil war, the

person behind the scenes would be able to reap all the benefits. I believe that the other three families

are aware of this as well. The Sullivans and the Lees only combined forces with the Johnstons after

hearing that the Cadens had obtained an item from the ancient tomb of the Prince of Orchid.”

Tobias thought about it and nodded slightly. “Hmm, a reasonable guess.”

Maxine continued, “Since we can’t unravel the secret behind the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge,

we might as well seize the opportunity and ask the other three families to bring their paintings along.

We’ll be able to resolve the misunderstanding while also getting a glimpse at all four paintings


“A good idea… However, the Johnstons claim that their painting has been stolen. They don’t have it at

the moment.”

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