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Chapter 864

Tobias gave James a once over before letting out a pleased huff. “Not bad, your complexion’s


James’ eyes bored into the elderly man before him.

Technically, Tobias was James’ grand-uncle.

However, he was the farthest thing from family to James whose anger at the events from ten years still

burned furiously in his chest.

Ignoring the hateful gaze directed at him, Tobias addressed James, “I’m sure you’ve already heard

from Maxinne that they’ll seek to destabilize the situation by killing you. Unfortunately, the Cadens can

no longer afford to protect you.”

Never taking his eyes off Tobias, James said coldly, “I don’t need the Cadens’ protection.”


Tobias exclaimed in amusement. His lips twitched into something resembling a smile. “You’re

courageous, I’ll give you that. However, in your current condition, you don’t have a snowball’s chance in

hell against them. Even if you had no injuries and were in peak condition, you’ll still get crushed with

extreme ease if you faced them. You’re merely a first-rank practitioner at the end of the day.

“...But, seeing as you’re a Caden, it would be inappropriate for me as the patriarch of the family to

simply stick my head in the sand and leave you to your fate.”

James looked at Tobias, unsure of what he was about to say.

Tobias snapped his fingers. “Take him to the basement.”


Maxine nodded.

Tobias whirled around and walked out of the room.

Meanwhile, Maxine helped James onto a wheelchair and wheeled him out.

James figeted in his seat. “Why the basement?”

Maxine turned to him with a knowing glint in her eyes. “You’re in luck, James. Although, whether or not

you receive the knowledge is up to you.”

James pursed his lips together. Nothing is making any sense.

“What do you mean?”

Maxine looked ahead as she continued explaining to James, “You should have seen the items

contained in the box unearthed from the ancient tomb of the Prince of Orchid. Perhaps you have also

heard that these items are the key to unravelling the secret of the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge.

Many have gazed their upon the painting itself, but only you, grandpa, and our great-grandfather are

know about the contents of the box.”

James stared at Maxine dumbly.

“The legends are true. The items inside the box can truly unravel the secret of the Moonlit Flowers on

Cliffside’s Edge. What the painting is concealling is the methods of reaching the ninth rank. More

specifically, it details the secrets of an unparalleled cultivation method.”

Realization dawned on James’ face when he heard this.

“Am I going to have a chance to decipher the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge?”

The corners of Maxine’s mouth turned up. “You should be honored. Only a handful of our family

members have the right to do so. My grandfather is hoping that you’ll be able to uncover the secrets

hidden within Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge. That’s your only hope in being able to face down the


She continued to wheel James towards the mansion’s basement.

The Cadens’ mansion could only be described as labrynthian.

The courtyard had a long, corridor that seemed to have no end in sight.

There was also an artificial hill in the courtyard which held a hidden security feature.

Maxine pressed a button, and a passageway appeared. They entered the hidden passageway and

arrived at an underground basement.

It was a rather modest basement that was surrounded by bronze walls on all sides.

A painting hung in the center of the basement. The antiquated painting displayed a mountain, a flower,

and an ordinary-looking wooden house.

Tobias was already waiting there.

Standing before the painting, he looked at it reverently.

“We’re here, Grandpa”

Maxine announced their presence as she pushed James’ wheelchair.

“You’re free to leave.” Tobias inclined his head toward his granddaughter.

James’ eyes were also immediately drawn towards the painting.

It was the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside's Edge which he had seen in his grandfather’s room when he

was a young boy.

Tobias raised his eyebrow. “You should have seen this before. Do you recognise it?”


James nodded. “I first saw it when I was a boy. My grandfather would often stare at this painting alone

in his room.”

“This is the family’s treasure Scroll, the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside's Edge. Its origins can be traced

back to thousands of years ago.” Thomas began to elaborate.

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