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Chapter 718

“The trial will now begin.”

With that, the long-awaited trial began.

The vast courthouse was silent.

Everyone’s gaze was fixed on James. Some pitied him, although most were apathetic.

“C-Can I have something to eat?”

James opened his eyes with great difficulty. The glaring lights blinded him.

Though his voice was frail, it reverberated throughout the silent courthouse.

Seeing this, many wept, especially Quincy. She knew that James served the people wholeheartedly.

Though he had resigned, he chose to return to the battlefield without the slightest bit of hesitation.

In the end, however, this was how he was treated.

She stood up and voiced her dissatisfaction tearfully.

“Although James is guilty, you have no right to torture him under Solean law. Is this how you treat a

man who performed great meritorious service for the country?” Quincy’s voice boomed.

The Emperor stood up and hurriedly explained, “I apologize for the neglect of our prisoner’s condition.

We were so busy collecting evidence that we forgot to feed him. Don’t worry, I will arrange for my men

to prepare some food for him. The trial will only begin after he has finished eating.”

After apologizing, the Emperor ordered his men to prepare food.

James turned to look at the jury box. He was acquainted with some of the jurors.

He wanted to say something but chose to remain silent. Leaning against the chair, he waited for his

meal to arrive.

Soon, his meal was served. It had generous portions. Under the watchful gaze of the nation, henovelbin

finished his meal.

James could feel that he had regained some of his strength. Although he was still weak, speaking was

not such an arduous task anymore.

“Let us begin the trial.”

Leroy stood up with the material he had prepared. He began narrating the crimes James had

committed. It took him ten minutes.

Next were the witnesses.

The first was a Xavier, one of the Great Four of Cansington.

“Hi, my name is Dobby Xavier. I’m a member of the Xavier family in Cansington. I’m standing here

today to expose the wicked deeds of James. He killed my family.”

Dobby was young. He looked at most fifteen years of age.

He started narrating how James killed his family members and exaggerated some parts of his story to

spice things up.

His words enraged the crowd.

“Kill him!”

“He should be executed!”

“Order… Order!”

The crowd quieted down.

Dobby sniffled. “My grandpa, my father, and my uncles all died in his hands…”

Tearfully, he pointed at James. “It’s all because of him that my family was torn apart. All this while, we

did not dare to speak up all because he’s the Black Dragon, the commander-in-chief of the Black

Dragon army in the Southern Plains. I would like to thank everyone here for allowing me to expose

James’ crimes.”

Dobby stood up and bowed.

The next witness was a Frasier…

Many more got on the witness stand to accuse James of his crimes.

Lastly, even Zavier Watson was lifted to the stand. Tearfully, he cried out, “James is a b*stard! I saw

him kill my father with my own eyes. He even crippled my limbs and my private parts!”

Zavier burst into tears.

At that moment, the crowd was enraged.

“How dare he do such a horrible thing?!”

“Execute him!”

“What’s the point of this trial? Just kill him!”

After the witnesses had given their testimony, the Emperor asked, “James, do you plead guilty?”

Hearing this, everyone turned to look at James.

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