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Chapter 343

Clinton took a deep breath.

“Of course I did. The Black Dragon was so overpowering. The strongest of North Cansington, Flying

Eagle did not even last one attack and was defeated in an instant.”

Clinton’s blood was still boiling as he recalled the scene.

Hearing this, Xara confirmed that Clinton had seen James.


She could not help but gasp.

She felt so suffocated, having to keep the secret alone during this time.

She knew James’ identity for a long time but could not tell anyone about it.

Now that someone from the Hills knew James’ identity, she could finally discuss James with Clinton.

“Clinton, the truth is, I had actually learned of James’ identity a long time ago. He is not only thenovelbin

General of the Southern Plains, the Black Dragon but also the behind-the-scenes boss of Cansington’s

Transgenerational New City and Transgenerational Financial Center. James was the one who arranged

my job in the Transgenerational Group.”


Clinton’s jaw dropped.

“Y-You already knew?!”


Xara gestured for him to hush and whispered, “Be quiet. Do you want the whole world to find out?”

Clinton quickly closed his mouth.

He glanced around and confirmed that no one was approaching them. Then, he whispered, “Xara, why

did James hide his identity and approach Thea? What is he trying to do?”

“You probably don’t know of his other identity yet. He’s actually the person that Thea rushed into the

burning Candens’ villa to save ten years ago. He must be trying to repay Thea for her life-saving


Xara wore an envious expression.

Thea was the luckiest woman in this world.

The man behind her was one on the top of the power and wealth pyramid.

“Even so, there isn’t a need to hide his identity, right?” asked Clinton.

Xara shook her head and replied, “Maybe he has his own reasons.”

The two quietly chatted about James.

Meanwhile, James had already driven far away.

At this moment, he was already on the highway.

Thea sat in the passenger seat with an absent-minded expression.

“What’s the matter, Darling? Why do you look so gloomy?”

“I-It’s nothing. Concentrate on the road. Don’t get distracted,” Thea regained her senses and replied.

“Yes, Ma’am!”

James focused on driving and refrained from asking any more questions.

Soon, they returned to Cansington.

However, Thea did not want to go home.

Instead, she requested to be dropped off and asked James to return home without her.

James did not say much and drove back alone.

After Thea got off the car, she took a taxi toward the Majestic Corporation.

The mysterious Mr. Caden had helped her countless times, and it was only reasonable for her to thank

him face-to-face. Additionally, she wanted to tell him not to continue secretly helping her because she

did not deserve it.

Soon, she arrived at Majestic Corporation.

Newton was the person that received Thea.

Majestic Corporation, reception room.

“Ms. Thea, is there something I can help you with?” asked Newton.

Thea sat nervously on the sofa and glanced at Newton. She opened her mouth slightly and uttered, “M-

May I know if the chairman is here? I-I would like to see him.”

“Ms. Thea, the chairman, is not in right now. May I ask what you need? I will relay the message to the


“I-It’s nothing.”

Thea stood up and left.

Newton immediately notified James after she left.

At that moment, James had already arrived home.

David and the others had already gone to the large villa in the Goodview Villa District, and James was

the only one home.

He was sitting on the sofa when he saw the message from Newton.

‘Thea didn’t come home to look for the mysterious Mr. Caden? This mysterious Mr. Caden’s position in

Thea’s heart has grown.’

He murmured.

It was reasonable.

Since Thea had constantly mistaken his help as a gesture from the mysterious Mr. Caden, it was

understandable that he would grow on her.

‘This is troublesome.’

James gently touched his temples.

Thea was gorgeous. Any man would be interested in her after witnessing her beauty. This was the

reason for so many troubles.

He pondered about it and called Newton.

“Newton, help me prepare a brand new phone and inform Thea to meet me tonight.”

James hung up the phone after giving the order.

Afterward, he called Henry and instructed, “Henry, help me prepare some materials…”

James listed the materials he needed.

“James, why do you need to make a human skin mask? What are you trying to do?” Henry immediately

grasped what James wanted to do when he heard the material list.

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