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Chapter 2492

As he thrust his palm, terrifying characters that possessed great power materialized. As Thea was near the Divine Holy Emperor, she hurriedly tried toblock the attack. However, she was too late.

A character entered her body.

The character possessed enormous power. As it exploded inside her body. she instantly suffered grave injuries. Staggering backward, she spurtedout a mouthful of blood

Then, Crucifer launched another attack at the Divine Holy Emperor once more.Demonic Energy materialized from within his body and formed a protective barrier that blocked Crucifier.

As Thea appeared high up in the sky, the sight of the Four Holy Beasts was visible behind her—a dragon, a phoenix, a gilin, and the Spirit Turtle.Then, the Four Holy Beasts entered the Malevolent Sword.

At that moment, the Malevolent Sword exuded a terrifying aura.

“Four-Quadrants into one! Sword of heaven and earth!”

Thea slashed with her sword, and a shapeless Sword Light shredded through the air at great speed

It was simply terrifying

As the Sword Light shredded through the air, the sky collapsed, and fragmented pieces of it fell everywhere. The ground trembled as the earth shook.Swish!

The Sword Light traveled at the speed of light

Before the Divine Holy Emperor could react, he was slashed by the sword.

The black protective barrier enveloping him shattered, and the shapeless Sword Energy struck him. Instantly, his body was sliced in half. Then, as theSword Energy exploded, his body was turned into ashes.

Four-Quadrants into one. Sword of heaven and earth.What a terrifying move!Even the Divine Holy Emperor was disintegrated into nothingness, and no remnants of his soul remained.

After annihilating the Divine Holy Emperor, Thea descended from the sky and landed on the ground. Immediately, she collapsed to the ground andspurted out a mouthful of blood.

The Curse Magic was terrifying. After being injured by the Curse Magic, she suffered grave injuries.

She hurriedly consumed a healing elixir given to her by the custodian. Then, she satin a lotus position on the ground and began healing her injuries.Cn Earth, everyone looked at the sky.

Days passed.

“It's been three days. Why aren't they back yet?”

“Who won?"

Three days had passed. Yet, no one returned. Every earthling was worried about Thea.

Just as everyone was concerned about the outcome of the battle, a figure appeared in the sky and slowly descended, landing on Mount Bane.“Th-That's Thea!”

“Itis her!”

"Why her?”

"Could it be that she has defeated the Divine Holy Emperor?”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Everyone was stunned upon seeing Thea.

at the peak of a mountain nearMount Bane. Gazing into thedistance, she looked at the ~~couptless living beings as a faintsmile crept up on her face. Ibélongs to NovelDrama.Org =

Wearing a black dress, Thea stoo d

“Sh-She’s too beautiful.”“Damn, I've fallen for her.”

"Why is she smiling? Has she really defeated the Divine Holy Emperor?”

Faced witrthe countless living ~~.beings before her, Thea smiled andsaid, "Fhe Divine Holy Emperortiasbeerdefeated and was annihilatedonthe moon.” Conten belongs toNovelDrama.Org ig

The crowd was stunned.“Is he really dead?”“U-Unbelievable!”

Many exclaimed.

Then, Thea hyrriedly left as she stillsuffered injudies. She had hurriedlyreturned te, Earth after a short perigdof healing-on the moon. Unable to"suppress the Demonic Energy insideher body any further, she hachfo findthescustodian as soon as possible.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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