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Chapter 2480

Qusai said, “There's still about a month until the bodhi fruit matures and Brielle holds the tournament over her hand in marriage. Time's of theessence right now, James. You have to cultivate diligently. Otherwise, you won't stand out in the tournament and will fail to marry Brielle.

James replied, “I've no interest in her.”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

He was being sincere about not having any affection for her.Although she was as beautiful as a flower, he was not interested.At that moment, Brielle approached them.

She wore a white dress, showing off her graceful figure. Her skin was fair, and she radiated her usual noble temperament. While walking over, sheoverheard James’ words, and her pretty face was slightly upset.

What kind of woman was she?

Brielle was the Mortal Dimension’s most beautiful womanCountless suitors had come to ask for her hand in marriage.However, James blatantly claimed to have no interest in her.

She walked over furiously and stared at James, saying with dissatisfaction, "Don’t think too highly of yourself. You say you have no interest in me?Well, I also find you unimpressive. You're not even worthy of me.”

Brielle was boiling with anger after hearing James’ evident indifference toward her. Thus, she expressed her displeasure.

"So what if you're from Earth? The human race used to be overpowering, but that’s all in the past. Humanity is the weakest race in the universe rightnow. Based on this fact alone, you're not deserving of me.”

Although Brielle’s words were offensive, she was not wrong.In the past, humans ruled over other races.

However, calamities struck, and humans were no longer the superior race. Long gone was the age where humans reigned. Now, they were theweakest of all the races.

James did not refute her.

He cast a glance at her but did notbother to respond. He stretched hisbody and said sluggishly, “After.sleepi ngdfor a few days, my waist.*and bagk feel sore. Henrik, Qusailet’ sf Head out for a walk. I've been i inthe.Demon Realm for sometime buthaven't had the chance tosstrollaround yet.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org


"Sure thing!” Henrik chuckled.

Qusai glanced at the furious Brielle and smiled. Then, he followed James and Henrik out

After the trio left, Brielle stomped her foot with fury.

The more indifferent James treated her, the more it fueled her anger.

Brielle was a beautiful prodigy that would be the center of attention and be treated respectfully wherever she went.She loved the locks of admiration other people gave her.

The way people looked at her with stupid adoration pleased her.

However, James did not even look her straight in the eye. How could she not be infuriated? It was only natural for her to feel enraged.The trio wandered the broad streets of Labhstead

James inspected the bustling streets and the various creatures walking around. At that moment, he was in a slight daze.

Henrik suddenly said, “James, your.current, cultivation rank is too loweThis isnt acceptable. We have 5)finda way to help you improve assoon as possible.” Content belongsto 5 NovelDrama.Org ig

James said troubledly, “I'd love to do so, but I need to improve my cultivation rank step by step. I can't take any shortcuts, and I can't rush things.”

Although he wanted to eat the bodhi fruit and become a Sage immediately, Sophie strongly opposed the idea.

Sophie sajdsuch a substantial ~~.improvernent with external forces”would fimit his growth in the futdre.It wad be hard for him to reach thepinhacle of cultivation. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

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