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Chapter 2476

“During the battle on Earth, even the Demon Realm's Lord and the Azurean Clan's Leader died.”

Hearing this, James felt perplexed. He questioned, “Since this powerhouse already gained insight into Heaven's secret and knew he would die, whydid he launch the attack on Earth?”

Qusai interrupted and explained, "Because it's fated to happen. It's the Heavenly Path's decision. Even if these Grand Emperors didn't attack Earth,there was no escaping death. However, attacking the Earth and following the Heavenly Path’s way gave them a slim chance of survival. It's not timevet, but these Grand Emperors that died long ago may come back to life when it's the right time.

Henrik nodded and said, “Yeap, that's right. If they acted according to the Heavenly Paths way, they had a small glimpse of surviving. Otherwise, theywould truly be wiped out of existence.”

Then, Henrik continued with his explanation."Many Grand Emperors fell in that battle, and the Demon Realm also lost its Lord

"After the battle ended, the Demon Realm began to recuperate from their losses. After a while, all the clans came together to elect a new Lord for theDemon Realm.

“My teacher is also a Grand Emperor. He used a supreme treasure to avoid the catastrophe and survived. During the election of a new Lord, myteacher overwhelmed the other candidates and rightfully eared the position of the Demon Realm's Lord.

“Then, I appeared, and my teacher announced to pass on the Demon Realm’s Lord position to me.”

Henrik looked at James and said, “That's what happened. Although I'm the Demon Realm's Lord, I have no real power. If it weren't for my teacherbacking me up, no one would really care about me.

Qusai chuckled and said, "Even so, you're pretty impressive. At least no one in the Demon Realm dares to touch you.”"Of course!” Henrik said proudly, “You're good with your words. I like you.Jame was not interested in such superficial things. Instead, he was more interested in the battle that happened in ancient times.

He could not help asking, “Did the demons really attack Earth because they were complying with destiny? What do you guys mean by it was fated tohappen?”

Henrik shrugged and said, "Who knows? Our cultivation rank is too low, and we won't be able to understand these things unless we become GrandEmperors.”

Qusai nodded and said, "These things are way beyond us. Let's forget it for now. Brielle, quickly fetch us some good wine. I'd like to have some gooddrinks with these two today.”

“Alright,” Brielle replied with a smile and quickly turned to prepare wine for them.

After she turned around, her pretty face was full of dissatisfaction. She grumbled internally, ‘What the heck? He's ordering me around like a maid.”Soon, Brielle returned with a grand meal and fragrant wine.

She took on the role of a maid and poured wine for the three of them.

"What do you two think about becoming sworn brothers?”

After drinking-some wine, Qusaiproposed thatthe three of thembecome sworn brothers. He said,’ aSfeel like we've known each other >forever Why don't we become, aNswan brothers? From today ~~onward, we'll share our burdens andfsPtunes with each other,“ Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Hearing this, Henrik glanced at Qusai. Then, he turned to James.

“I've no objections. What do you think, Mr. Caden?”

“Sworn brothers?” James was stunned.

He looked at Henrik and Qusai, then fell into thought.

Although these two were not humans, they had extraordinary origins.

Henrik was a powerhouse that lived through the Primordial Age. Moreover, he was the Demon Realm’s Lord, and his teacher was a Grand Emperor.

Meanwhile, Qusai was a fiend from the Fiend Realm. For him to travel to the Demon Realm from another realm, he must have had an impressiveorigin as well.

There was no harm in becoming sworn brothers with them. It was bound to benefit him

Afte thinking for a while, Jamesreplied, “As you two already know,I'ma humary from Earth. Despite it .being a glorious age for cultivators;it only applies to the non- humanraces Humanity i is practicallydoomed in this age, and I'll.~emcounter a lot of troublesin thefuture.” Content be ongs toNovelDrama.OrgContents belong to NovelDrama.Org


Qusai stood up and said carefreely;.‘There's no hing to fear! Whateverdisasters that come your way, thethree of us will get through themtogether!” ontent belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

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