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Chapter 2463

They ran into each other a number of times during the Primordial Age?James was stunned by her reply.What kind of era even was the Primordial Age?

It was an era where great numbers of skilled savants roamed the universe. During that period, there were many Grand Emperors. From what Jamesremembered alone, there was Emperor Jabari, the Ten Emperors, and a few Demon Emperors.

Was this chubby man from the Primordial Age?

Moreover, what did Sophie's question mean? Why did she ask if he was from this time period or another time?

Could this man have time traveled from the Primordial Age?

Things were getting more and more convoluted.

Henrik pulled Sophie aside, and the two exchanged a few words in hushed tones.

James wanted to listen to their conversation but could not hear a thing. Even though he tried his best to eavesdrop, his efforts were to no avail.The two chatted for about five minutes.

Eventually, their conversation came to a close. Sophie walked over and looked at James. Without any words, she disappeared in a flash and returnedto the Celestial Abode.

"What did he tell you, Ms. Sophie?” James asked Sophie

Sophie's voice came from the Celestial Abode. “It's nothing much. Although he is a bit unethical and caused a lot of trouble for the powerhouses inthe Primordial Age, he does have great respect for you.”

James’ brows furrowed together, and he asked, “He respects me? I've only just met him. How would you know? Could it be that you've seen usbefore in the Primordial Age?”

He laid his worries bare.

However, Sophie stopped replying to him.

"Hey, Ms. Sophie? Answer me. What's going on? Please tell me. Otherwise, I'm going to feel uneasy.”

Sophie's voice came from the Celestial Abode again. “I've never seen you before. I've only encountered Henrik and heard stories about him.”“Then tell me, who exactly is he?”

Sophie went silent for a while and replied, “You don't need to know that now. You'll find out in the future.”

James kept asking questions but could not get an answer from Sophie.

He knew many of these matters involved a great secret. Therefore, he would not get an answer no matter how much he asked. Ultimately. he gaveup.

James turned to Henrik beside him, scratched his head, and asked, "Are you perhaps a Grand Emperor?”

Henrik replied earnestly, "That's ludicrous. I'm far from becoming a Grand Emperor. That's simply impossible for me.

"How did Ms. Sophie encounter you in the Primordial Age? Have you been alive from the Primordia Age until now?” James looked at himHenrik nodded and then shook his head.

James could not understand his actions.

Henrik patted James’ shoulder and said pensively. “You'll understand in the future, Mr. Caden. For now. you just need to know I'm here to help you.

"Huh?" James was puzzled.

Henrik thought for a while and said,‘Let me put itsimply for you.Basically, the future has gonehaywire. The Heavenly Pathcollapsett; and the River of Time wasmessgy up. There has been a ?ix-dp i in the Primeval Age, theAngient Heavenly Court Age;Primordial Age, and the ApocalypseAge. This has caused an overlap inhistory.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org


"So what does it have to do with your sudden appearance?” James was still perplexed.

James did nobbelieve Henrik's storythat the futute had fallen to

sham blescausing the collapse of - >the Heavenly Path and messing upthe River of Time. His statementabout'the overlap of differentageswas hard to believe as well~Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?

Could the past really overlap with the present?It could not be anything but fictional.Henrik opened his mouth to speak. However, all James saw was Henrik's mouth moving wordlessly.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"W-What did you say?”

Henrik parted-his lips and said again,“It's related te-some inimitablesecrets, sQlcan't tell you. Never ~~mind, let& not dwell on this for naw.You'll find out in the future. Forfiow,let’ 5.90 to the Labhrann Clandirst,winzover Brielle, and perhaps ‘makeHét your wife.” Content hefongs toNovelDrama.Org

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