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Chapter 2421

After briefly scrolling through the Martial Arts Forum, James logged out and sat on the sofa lost in contemplation.This time, Sophie had told him many things.

Moreover, he learned of Sophie's background. She was born in the Ancient Heavenly Court Age, and her father was a war god in the court. Since hewas hailed as a war god, he must have reached the pinnacle of strength

However, he did not know how Sophie made her acquaintance with Emperor Jabari nor why she was in the Celestial Abode.

For the time being, James remained in Wyrmstead and spent quality time with Winnie while he waited for the providence to appear.

He did not wish to acquire all Five Elements of Genesis. As long as he could obtain a single of them, he would consider himself extremely fortunateJust like that, seven days passed.

In the morning on the seventh day, just as the sun rose above the horizon


An explosion suddenly occurred in a random spot on Earth. The blast was so terrifying that even the earth shook.

“What's going on?”

“What happened?”

“What a powerful energy fluctuation!”

Sensing the blast. every cultivator on Earth turned to look in the direction where the explosion occurred. The blast had come from the South Pole.“Is the providence here?”

Many speculated that the providence after the Second Calamity had arrived.

In the morning, James was sitting quietly in the palace’s courtyard. Suddenly, the earth shook, and he heard a deafening blast coming from far away.Wearing a grim expression, he stood up and gazed into the distance.

“What's going on? Why is the earth shaking?”After hesitating momentarily, he stood up and flew in the direction of the fluctuation. He summoned his full strength and maximized his speed.

The closer he got to the South Pole, the greater the fluctuation

When he arrived at the South Pole,he realized there were thousandsupon thousands of living beingsthere. Sdme were beasts who hadrecently emerged as a force tobereckoned with, whereas others wereprodigies who came from theTfiree-Thousand Worlds.Gontentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Soon, he arrived at the source of the fluctuations

In the sky before him was a hugeenergy vortex that was golden incolor in the middle. Like a blinding=>sun, it ratiated a golden light. Astheenergywortex spun non-stop, it:radiated energy so powerful that itdistorted even the void. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

No one dared approach the vortex. That was because the energy in its surroundings was simply too terrifying.Every living being was observing from a distance away.

“James.” A voice came from behind him.

James turned his head and saw Delainey, Henry, and the Blithe King

“Mhm.” He nodded

Delainey asked, “Has the providence appeared?"

James shook-his head. “I don’tknow, but I think it should appearsoon. Sophie said that the 2providentee would appear within t thistime period. Since there's suchahuge-fluctuation here, I guessprovidence must have arrived.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Orgnovelbin


The three looked at the energy vortex before them

The vortex kept swirling for three whole days.

Three days later, the energy vortex was divided into five smaller vortexes, and each had a door in its center.“Could that be a Space-Time Portal?”

Many prodigies conversed with each other.

Then, some of them headed in the direction of the illusory doors in the center of the five vortexes. Each of them entered a different Space-TimePortal.

James looked at the three behind him and said, “Let's have a look, shall we? To increase our chances of obtaining the providence, we should enterdifferent Space-Time Portals.”

“Alright.” They nodded

After briefly glancing at one of the vortexes, he approached it and stepped into the Space-Time Portal.

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