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Chapter 2400

“In essence, those who possess the Scythe of Judgment are a walking Heavenly Path and are capable of passing judgment on every living being onits behalf. Legend has it that the Scythe of Judgment was born out of the Heavenly Path and was formed by the Law of Heaven.”

Hearing this, James was dumbfounded

“What? Winnie's scythe is that impressive?”

He was stunned.

The Scythe of Judgment passed judgment on everything on behalf of the Heavenly Path. What power was this?“Indeed.”

Sophie nodded and said, “In the records of ancient texts left behind by Emperor Jabari, Heaven's Adjudicators once existed in ancient times. Theywere merciless robots who passed judgment on all living beings who transgressed the Law of Heaven on behalf of the Heavenly Path

“However, later on, the humans did something that completely rebelled against the Heavenly Path. From that day onward, Heaven's Adjudicatorsvanished without a trace, and the seals that Heaven placed inside the bodies of all humans on Earth today are also related to this matter. It wassomething that the ancestors of humankind had done that the Heavenly Path found impossible to accept.”

Hearing this, James took a deep breath.This was simply terrifying.

He never thought that his daughter would possess the Scythe of Judgment inside her body and that she would be a Heaven's Adjudicator and awalking Heavenly Path

Sophie continued, “Winnie was chosen by the Heavenly Path. As such, she’s many times luckier than Lucifer. After all, he only obtained an ElysiumInscription, whereas Winnie, on the other hand, would be able to pass judgment on all living beings on behalf of Heaven once she becomes an adult.Even cultivators at the Emperor Rank could be judged if they transgressed the Heavenly Path.”

Winnie had no idea what Sophie was talking about. She simply blinked her eyes and said innocently, “Will I be able to help my daddy slay hisenemies if I grow stronger?”

Sophie furrowed her eyebrows and said, “Don’t say such gory stuff at such a young age.”

“But, Mommy said that Daddy has been trying hard to protect mankind. I want to help Daddy out and make his job easier.”Sophie said no more and gestured for James to bring Winnie somewhere else.

James took Winnie out and returned to the Celestial Abode.

He said, “Sophie, if I'm not mistaken, there's something else that you wish to say to me.”


Sophie nodded.

James asked, “Can you tell me now?”

Sophie said, “As I glimpsed throughthe ancient texts left behind byEmperor Jabati, I learned that theHeavenly.Path ismerciless and ™%devoid ofall emotions. The HeaveflyPath issimply a set of disorderly”rule Rat controls everytningyin theuniverse. Likewise, Heaven'sA@judicators are also emationless.As they grow, they will becomeruthless machines that only passjudgment on living beings.” Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Hearing this, James frowned“Are you saying that Winnie will one day become a ruthless killing machine that only knows how to slaughter?”

“Not exactly... She only passes judgment on living beings. However, there aren't any differences between them. Once she passes judgment, onlydeath awaits the target.”

Hearing this, James’ expression turned grim.

He really did not wish for Winnie to turn out this way. He wanted her to grow up safely, fall in love, get married, have children, and live a life free ofworry.

“Is there no other way?” After brief contemplation, James asked, "Is there a way for her not to be Heaven's Adjudicator?”

Sophie shook her head slightly and said, “Nothing can change after one is chosen by the Heavenly Path. Unless, of course, you change the HeavenlyPath itself. However, no one has been able to accomplish such a feat.”

James sighed.

Sophie comforted him, “Don’t worry,James. It wilttake a long time forWinnie toaecome Heaven's aAdjudicater. To become one, sheswouldneed to at least acquire ~strength that is comparable t toacultivator at the Emperor Rank. .

Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


James nodded

There was nothing he could do atthe moment.He could only take itone step at'd'time and look for.opportunities to spend more timeswith Wirnie. He had to prevent herfrombeécoming an emotionlessadjudicator. Even if she begame anadjudicator, she had to besome onewith emotions. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Orgnovelbin

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