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Chapter 2240

They traveled for days on end.

After about eight days, Yoan appeared in a dense forest with James.

“Sir, is the Ancient Clan in this forest?” James looked doubtful.

Yoan nodded softly and said, “This mountain range is named Mount Bloodmoon. The headquartersof the Ancient Race is at Mount Bloodmoon. The Ancient Clan has consistently maintained a lowprofile. Members of the Ancient Clan rarely venture outside.”

He pointed at the mountain range straight ahead and said, “Mount Bloodmoon is protected by apowerful formation. Any cultivators who enter without getting permission from the Ancient Clan willperish violently in the formation.”

James nodded softly.

Yoan strode forward, and James followed behind.

Soon, they arrived at an open space. A stele more than thirty meters tall stood in the open space.Several words were inscribed on the stele: ‘Mount Bloodmoon. Unauthorized individuals are notpermitted entry. Violators will be dead.’

Yoan appeared in front of the stele. Using True Energy, he said in a loud voice, “Sect Elder YoanXenocrates from the Welkin Academy. Here to pay a visit to the Ancient Clan.”

His voice rang out. Soon after, a ripple appeared in the air in front of him. Some guards walked outfrom it.

The person in the lead was a man in his thirties. He was dressed in armor and carried a long swordaround his waist.

The man walked over, looked at the Yoan, and said, “So it’s Sect Elder Yoan of the WelkinAcademy. I sincerely apologize for not greeting you sooner. However, the clan leader has recentlygone into seclusion. We’re not accepting any visitors. Please make your way back.”

The Ancient Clan member treated the man with respect. However, the clan asked him to leave rightaway.

Yoan hurriedly said, “I have an urgent matter to discuss with the clan leader. Please notify them.”

“Please wait a moment, then.” Along with a few guards, the captain left. After taking a few steps,they vanished from James’ sight.

After seeing them leave, James said, “The Ancient Clan is quite arrogant, huh? They evendismissed you.”

Yoan’s expression was a little dejected. He said, “Who am I compared to them? The clan leader ofthe Ancient Clan is the most powerful cultivator in the Ancient Realm. They have attainedunfathomable heights. Even the headmaster of my academy and the Patriarch of the Divinity Sectcombined might not be able to compete with the Ancient Clan’s leader.”

“They’re that powerful?” James was stunned. He asked, “What cultivation rank has the AncientClan’s leader reached?”

Yoan said, “They’ve probably surpassed the Sage rank.”

Hearing that, James was astonished. To his understanding, only the leader of the Orthodox factionin the Sealed Realms had reached the Sage rank. The leader of the Ancient Clan, however, hadactually surpassed the Sage rank. That was far too impressive.

Yoan explained, “The Ancient Clan is very mysterious. There’s a rumor that a powerhouse fromancient times is still living among the Ancient Clan. However, this powerhouse was wounded in

ancient times, so they have been recuperating.”

“Phew!” After hearing that, James took a deep breath.

Yoan began explaining to James some information about the Ancient Clan.

Half an hour flew by.

After half an hour, some people appeared in their line of sight again.

The person at the lead was a woman. She was dressed in a green dress. Her body was movingwith grace.

“Quincey?” The moment he saw the woman, Yoan was slightly stunned. He asked, “Why is it you?”

“Sect Elder Yoan, why are you here?” The woman in the green dress had a radiant smile on herface.novelbin

“Sir, this is?” James was a little confused. Looking at Yoan’s reaction, he seemed to recognize thewoman in the green dress. He looked at the woman in the green dress as well.

Her facial features were delicate, and she was stunning. Her figure was quite nice. She looked likea fairy.

Yoan looked flabbergasted. He asked, “Why are you at the Ancient Clan?”

Quincey smiled and said, “Because I was originally a member of the Ancient Clan. I only joined theWelkin Academy to get some experience outside. It will be the Grand Tournament soon, so Ireturned to the clan and went into seclusion for some time to prepare for the upcoming GrandTournament.”

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