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Chapter 2124

Under the Black Dragon Army’s protection, Wyrmstead was safe. Besides, in preparation for theapocalypse, Wyrmstead had a series of precautionary measures. As such, the country was the onethat suffered the least casualties since the outbreak of the First Calamity.

At the moment, there was hunger and poverty all around the world. Countries that had limited foodreserves found themselves on the brink of collapse as the population began taking things into theirown hands by resorting to violent activities. Many countries had no choice but to take a hard stance,annihilating all who created disturbances.

In any case, the world had fallen into disarray.

Apart from Wyrmstead, some other countries remained relatively peaceful, which included Sol,Japura, Tacriyrus, Lothian, and a few others.

On the way back to Wyrmstead, Thea explained the current situation to James.

Upon arriving at Wyrmstead, they headed straight for the palace.

Thea grabbed James’ hand and said, “Over the past few years, countries like Sol, Wyrmstead,Japura, Tacriyrus, and Lothian have been acquiring and hoarding food reserves in preparation forthe apocalypse. As such, at the current moment, nearly eighty percent of all food reserves areconcentrated in just a few countries.”

“As famine swept through the globe, some countries only have a month’s worth of food reservesremaining. As such, they have been pleading for us to send them aid.”

Upon hearing this, James’ expression turned grim.novelbin

He never expected that the First Calamity would be a natural catastrophe. He did not anticipate thatthe black rain would lead to crop failure and the contamination of the soil.

The two entered the palace’s main hall.

At that moment, many people were gathered there.

In the lead were the Blithe King, Henry, Quincy, and others of Wyrmstead, whereas behind themwere the leaders of certain countries.

Upon James and Thea’s return, they immediately stood up.

James went straight for the main seat.

Quincy approached him and whispered, “They are representatives of countries that haveexperienced famine. They came here in search of aid, hoping that Wyrmstead would donate someof our food reserves so that they could weather the storm.”

Quincy briefly described the situation to him.

James turned to look at the representatives, who were all looking at him pleadingly.

James was lost in contemplation. Although Wyrmstead had been hoarding food reserves over thepast few years, they only had enough to last a few years.

“Your Majesty, please send us aid. My country, which has a population of 10 million, has beendeprived of food for days. As we speak, bodies are piling up in the streets.”

“This is a global crisis. As a superpower and a country established to deal with the apocalypse, wehope that Wyrmstead will take the lead in leading us out of the current crisis.”

The other representatives spoke.

Over the past few years, James had been ridiculed and admonished for establishing Wyrmstead inthe Southern Plains. However, as the apocalypse drew nearer and as he annihilated the Outsiders

time and again, the world now knew of his righteous and awe-inspiring objective. That was whythese small countries that had been backed to a corner came pleading for Wyrmstead to send themaid.

Thea walked over to James and sat beside him, whispering, “Now that the soil is contaminated, wewon’t be able to replace what limited food reserves we have. What should the people of Wyrmsteaddo if you donate the food reserves to them? As Wyrmstead has been developing rapidly over thepast few years, we now have a population of around 300 million.”

“I know.” James nodded slightly and said, “But I can’t just sit idly by.”

Then, he stood up and said, “Please rest at ease. As this is a global crisis, we humans should worktogether and overcome this ordeal. I will give the order to send our food reserves all around theworld so that everyone can live.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Long live Your Majesty!”

“You must be sent here by the heavens to rescue us!”

“Long live Your Majesty!”

The representatives all stood up, unable to control their emotions.

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