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Chapter 212

At a renowned restaurant in Cansington, James ordered some dishes and a few bottles of white wine.

Together with Henry, they ate heartily.

They conversed as they ate, reminiscing the ordeals they had gone through for the past ten years.

They were at it for a whole day.

By three o’clock in the afternoon, they were inebriated.

At that moment, Thea called.

“James, where are you? Something happened.”

Upon hearing Thea’s anxious voice, James felt a chill down his spine. He immediately sobered up.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Something happened at Eternality Hospital. Come, quick.”

“Alright, I’ll be there ASAP.”

James hung up the phone.

Henry asked, “What’s wrong, James?”

James shook his head. “I don’t know. Thea said something happened at Eternality Hospital. I’ll go there

and have a look.”

“I’ll drive you there.” Henry stood up.

“No need. You’ve drunk a lot. You shouldn’t drive. I’ll just call a taxi.”

James grabbed the suit by the side. After putting it on, he swiftly made his exit and called for a taxi by

the side of the road.

“Eternality Hospital.”

“Got it.”

The driver hastily drove toward Eternality Hospital.

Half an hour later.

“We’re here.”

James handed him a hundred-dollar note. “Keep the change.”

He hurriedly got off.

Eternality Hospital was located on Medical Street, the busiest street in Cansington.

This street was filled with hospitals and was the embodiment of Cansington. It boasted a history of

hundreds of years.

Every family, corporation, and business had established themselves on this street. Even renowned

doctors had made their way here.

Though Eternality Hospital was not famous around these parts, the Callahans were worth billions ofnovelbin

dollars. The size of their hospital was huge. It was three stories high with a surface area of a thousand

square meters per floor.

At the moment, a crowd had gathered in front of Eternality Hospital.

They were protesting.

“What a terrible hospital.”

“Close it down!”

“Give me back my money!”

Hundreds of people were gathered in front of Eternality Hospital, holding up banners and shouting


At that moment, an official reporter from the Cansington News Channel arrived.

“Good afternoon, this is Cansington News Channel. I’m Yasmin, your reporter for today. I’m currently

outside Eternality Hospital on Medical Street. As you can see, hundreds have gathered here today.

Let’s interview them.”

“Hello, I’m Yasmin, a reporter. May I know what happened here today?”

She asked a random onlooker.

He was a man roughly twenty years of age. Upon seeing the beautiful figure of the reporter and the

cameras behind her, he immediately straightened his back.

“I only just got here myself. But, it looks like someone has died in Eternality Hospital. Now, the family of

the deceased are here to demand compensation.”

James arrived and witnessed this scene.

He weaved his way through the crowd and arrived at the front door.

The hospital was closed.

There was a stretcher in front of the door. On it lay a sixty-year-old man. His eyes were firmly shut, and

he wore a ghastly expression. He showed no signs of vitality.

A few men armed with metal rods stood menacingly outside. They clamored for the Callahans to come


The atmosphere was tense. If not for the security guards at the front door, the armed men would have

broken into the hospital.

James arrived at the front door of the hospital.

“What do you want?”

A security guard armed with an electric baton pointed at James menacingly and roared, “Scram.”

James hurriedly explained, “I’m James, the son-in-law of the Callahans. My wife’s Thea Callahan, the

chairman of Eternality Group.”

“Oh, it’s you. Get going then.”

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