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Chapter 2094

The geniuses who would soon appear greatly overshadowed men like the Son of Heaven andTristen Hazted.

James also knew nothing about the incoming First Calamity.

At the moment, he was on a plane heading to Cansington.

After the plane landed in the military region of Cansington, he got off the plane, left the militaryregion, and hurriedly made his way to the Callahans’ residence.

However, the moment he left the military region, a woman blocked his path.

The woman had her back to James. She was wearing a white dress and had long black hair. As sheturned, James recognized her immediately. He hurriedly walked over to her and asked, “Ms.Custodian, what brings you here to Cansington?”

The woman was none other than the custodian of the Chamber of Scriptures. She looked at Jamesand said, “I came here to tell you something.”

“Feel free to speak your mind.” James looked at the custodian with a serious expression on hisface.

“We’ll talk about it as we walk.”

The custodian took a few steps forward.

James hurriedly chased after her and asked, “What exactly happened to bring you here?”

The custodian asked, “Have you heard that Earth will go through four catastrophes before the sealis released?”

James nodded slightly and said, “I heard about this from the Omniscient Deity. Back then, he eventhought that the Four Holy Beasts would bring about the Four Calamities.”

The custodian said, “The Omniscient Deity learned about the Four Calamities from his master, whoalso had limited understanding of the subject. As the Four Calamities descend upon Earth, there’llbe four great providences as well. I sense that the First Calamity will soon arrive. This also meansthat a great providence is upon us.”

Hearing this, James was stunned.

However, he could not care less about the providences. He was only concerned about the FourCalamities.

Wearing a solemn expression, he asked, “What’s the First Calamity?”novelbin

The custodian said, “Earth’s environment will undergo a profound change. Black rain will fall fromthe sky, and countless foreign viruses will find their way here. Those who adapt to the viruses willhave their physiques modified, whereas those who fail to adapt to the new environment will perish.”

The custodian briefly explained what could happen next.

“In any case, this is the beginning of the end and also a precursor to the seal’s release.”

Upon hearing this, James’ expression turned grim. He never thought that the situation would be thisbleak.

“Will many die?” He asked.

The custodian nodded slightly. “Of course. The First Calamity is estimated to wipe out one-third ofhumanity.”

James took a deep breath.

He was indeed stunned.

The custodian consoled him. “Don’t overthink things. Although the Four Calamities are terrifying, theearthlings won’t go extinct. Those who survive will only get stronger.”

James asked anxiously, “Is there a way to prevent this?”

The custodian shook her head. “Nope.”

James asked once more, “In that case, what’s the providence that would appear after thisCalamity?”

The custodian shook her head slightly and said, “I don’t know much about that either. I only knowthat the providence will allow you to increase your strength drastically. You might even become thegreatest in the world.”

She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at James. Her expression turned grim as she said, “Icame here today to urge you to seize the providence for yourself. Whether it be you or Thea, youmust never allow the providence to fall into the hands of the Outsiders. Otherwise, there will bedisastrous consequences for humankind.”

Upon seeing her grim expression, James nodded his head and said, “I’ll do my best.”

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