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Chapter 1554

For half a month, Thea’s True Energy had been increasing as the days passed.

She had already ascended the Skyward Stairway’s Fourth Stair.

She managed to almost completely assimilate the power from the Spirit Turtle’s blood.

However, she had not reached her full potential yet.

There was still some remaining energy within the Spirit Turtle’s blood.

Thea was in a closed-door meditation.

During this period, a piece of information had become the new hot topic in the ancient martial world.“The latest news is that Celestial Sect’s leader is actually Thea.”

“What?! Thea?”

“Who's Thea?”

“She’s James’ wife. She used to be known as the ugliest woman in Cansington. The woman that saved James from the fire thatclaimed his family.”

“No way. How could it be that same Thea? What kind of joke is this?”

It was unknown who had spread the news.

However, every martial artist within Sol now knew that Thea was the Celestial Sect’s leader.Meanwhile, James had arrived in the Southern Plains Military Region.

“Dragon King.”

As soon as he alighted the plane, he was greeted by the sound of his soldiers welcoming him in unison.A few generals approached him. The person in their lead was Levi.

“Welcome back, Dragon King.”

James cast a glance at him and waved his hand.

Standing beside him, Henry asked furtively, “Where to, James?”

“We'll head to the Black Dragon Palace first.”

James walked away.

Soon, they arrived at the Black Dragon Palace.

Inside the living room of the Black Dragon Palace, James asked, “Henry, did you find out who are moles within the SouthernPlains?”

“There aren’t many of them. According to my investigation, only two or three generals in the Southern Plains present an issue.Other than that, the others aren't of significant rank. Out of them, the highest-ranking one is Levi. However, as I’ve explained toyou previously, he was coerced into it. Now that the Emperor is dead, | haven't found anything suspicious about his behaviorduring this period.”

James said in a low voice, “Even so, he has to deal with the repercussions.”Henry asked, “When will we act?”

James gently waved his hand and said, “We're not in a rush. It can wait a few more days. | need to see Thea first and ensureshe’s safe.”

His main concern was Thea.

He planned to reorganize the Southern Plains after seeing and confirming Thea’s safety with his own eyes.The Capital and Sol’s peace could be restored in two to three months if everything went according to plan.After that passes, he would have nothing else to worry about.

Then, he planned to resign from his position and live a carefree life in seclusion.

“Mhm.” Henry nodded.

“Prepare a car for me. I'll be going to Mt. Thunder Pass first.”

Thea and Tobias’ duel would take place at Mt. Thunder Pass.

James was unsure of whether Tobias would make an appearance.

He was certain that Thea would surely appear.

“Alright. I'll make arrangements right away.”

Henry immediately pulled out his phone and made a call. He instructed, “Prepare a car. The Dragon King is heading out.”

After making the call, Henry asked,“James, didn't you sa hat there's! |wane ne rrr Aaiehe the duel?re you leaving so early?” Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.novelbin

“This matter can’t wait.”

He said worriedly, “Things don't lookgood for Thea as they are. | don’know et S is querditly,s5 canonly ga to tt ae Pass to waitfor her to Sow up. Tobias must die,but not by Thea’s hands.” Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

James did not want Thea to be the one to take action.

Tobias had absorbed his True Energy and crippled him previously.

It would have been difficult for him to recover his strength if not for the Nine Scriptures of Ordeals.He wanted to take revenge himself.

There was no need for Thea to do it in his place.

Hearing this, Henry did not ask any more questions.

Soon, the car was ready.

James drove the car to Mt. Thunder Pass alone.

Initially, Henry offered to accompany him, but James refused.

It would be dangerous in Mt. ThunderPass. Even though his Seale ayaaimproved cgnsiesabsy, Ne was not aHund percent confident that hecould guarantee Henry's safety.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Meanwhile, a young man in his 20s sat deep in the forests of Mt. Thunder Pass.He was dressed in white and chewed on a stalk of straw, vacantly staring down the cliff.

It was Tapio, the son of Mount Thunder Sect’s leader, Jackson. He was also Delainey’s eldest brother.

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