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Chapter 1551

“You've wasted so much of my time, f*cker. I’m not going to let you leave without paying me three hundred dollars first.”The driver was getting impatient.

At that moment, he started getting sick of arguing with James and was tempted to simply let him go.

However, the thought of having wasted so much time dealing with James and not getting any money out of it vexed him.So, he decided to teach James a lesson.

He pulled out his phone and made a call.

After a few minutes, a dozen taxis came and surrounded the car. Dozens of people got out of their vehicles.

“Hey, man. I’m giving you one last chance. Give me the f*ckin’ money right now, or else...”

James did not take the driver's threats seriously.

He looked at the time. Henry should be arriving soon.

Sure enough, military vehicles appeared from the distance at that moment and were driving closer to them.

When the military vehicles got close to the airport entrance, a man wearing a Red Flame robe with three stars on his shouldergot out of one of the vehicles and was followed by some fully armed soldiers.

The appearance of the military vehicles attracted a gaggle of onlookers.

Some people even whipped out their phones to take pictures or start recording.

“That’s the Red Flame Army!

“That’s a three-star general from the Red Flame Army. He’s probably at the rank of a deputy commander.”“Why would a three-star general show up at the airport? Is he on a mission or is he here to pick someone up?”Some of the onlookers secretly discussed the situation.

James sat in the taxi and watched as the military vehicles appeared. Seeing Henry get off the car, he smiled and said, “Yourmoney's arrived. Let’s go. Aren’t you going to come with me to get it?”

The driver looked at James with a flabbergasted look on his face.

He had not properly looked at James’ appearance prior to this. Now that he was looking more carefully at him, he had the feelingthat James’ appearance seemed familiar to him but he could not put his finger on where he had seen him before.

After staring at James for 20 seconds, the driver exclaimed in terror, “Oh my god.”He finally recognized James.‘Isn't this the Emperor?’ he thought to himself.

After his sudden outburst, he paled as a regretful expression immediately formed on his face. “E-Emperor...I’m so sorry. | didn’trecognize you. P-please...please spare...”

“Alright, just hurry and open the door.” James did not berate him for it.

“Yes, of course.”

The driver immediately unlocked the door.

James got out of the car and walked toward Henry.

As soon as he walked over, Henry and the accompanying Red Flame Army soldiers saluted him in unison.The dozen or so taxi drivers called over by the driver were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.James ignored the driver.

He was just a driver and not worth getting worked up over.


Henry rushed over and said with a smile, “Where have you been for the last two weeks?”novelbin

“It's a long story. Bring me to Thea’s place first.”

“This way, James.”

Henry escorted James into the car.

James got onto the military vehicle.

The Red Flame Army soldiers also hopped into their vehicles and drove away.

Inside the car, Henry asked, “What happened, James?”

James briefly summed up the events after going to Malgudi.

He spoke very calmly, but Henry listened to the stories with a shocked expression.

Henry did not expect so much to have happened in the past fortnight.

Soon, they arrived at Thea’s courtyard house.

The courtyard’s gates were locked.

James jumped over the gates and entered the yard. Then, he attempted to open the front door.However, the door was locked.

He exerted a little force, and the lock broke open.

There was no one inside the house.

Moreover, a layer of dust covered the

furniture. The house appeared menen

e-been\wackh or a long time.

Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

“She hasn’t come home?”

James frowned.

Thea had not returned home, which meant the situation had taken an extreme turn.He quickly walked out the door.

Henry was waiting outside the house.Seeing James walk yt} be comimgpedintalgasked, ‘Is Thea not

home?” Please read the original

content at NovelDrama.Org.

“Bring me to the Cadens’ mansion.”James hurriedly hopped into the car.

Seeing his solemn expression, Henryknew something serious hadhappened. He id potebeary noreqapstions rd quickly followed suit,ordering the driver, “Quick, head tothe Cadens’ mansion.” Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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