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Chapter 1539

The interior of the house looked completely new.

Everything, including the furniture, had been replaced.

“Honey, what would you like to eat? I'll cook for you.”

“Anything is fine.”

James did not have an appetite.

His greatest wish had been to retire and live in seclusion.

He was now retired and living in seclusion, but he was frustrated.

James did not want to spend the rest of his days in regret here, in a place no one knew about. However, he could not doanything right now.

Thea, on the other hand, went into the kitchen after she spoke.James simply sat there in his wheelchair, unable to move despite wanting to.

Given that Tobias was out for blood then, when he attacked James with his terrifying True Energy, he immediately struck andparalyzed James’ limbs. James was brought to the hospital, and after being examined there, it was determined that his limbscould not be fixed. Amputation was the only option.

Regardless, Thea did not request amputation. She was a martial artist, after all.Moreover, she was an extremely powerful elite. The Book of Malice was also in her possession.

It was said that before one could hurt another, one must first learn how to save them. In the Book of Malice, numerous methodsfor saving a life were also documented.

Thea was confident that once she fully comprehended the Book of Malice, she would be able to heal James.James was sitting in his wheelchair and staring out the window.

Although the locals had left, there were still some domestic animals roaming the village paths.

There were chickens, ducks, dogs, etc.

James could tell that the village had inhabitants before this.

Thea simply spent some money to buy this village and the villagers’ lands, then made them move away. This was the reason thevillage was deserted.

Despite having some regrets in his heart, James was content as he took in the view outside the window and watched as a dogchased after a brood of hens.

If he truly was unable to regain his strength...

If he had to spend the second half of his life in a wheelchair...

Then having the woman he loved by his side was a kind of sheer happiness as well.Shortly after, Thea finished preparing the meal. It was some very simple home cooking.Even though it did not look particularly appealing, it was quite tasty.

When James noticed that Thea had some soot on her face, he wanted to reach out and help her wipe it off, but he was unable tomove his hands.

Thea took a forkful of vegetables and held it close to James' mouth.James gently opened his mouth. After the vegetables were placed in it, he chewed softly.It was an endearing scene.

However, it was also heartbreaking.

For some period of time after that, James and Thea made their home in this small, uninhabited village.

Every day, James sat in his wheelchair while Thea farmed. She raised her own chickens and planted her own vegetables.

At the moment, she was far from being the top beauty of Cansington in terms of demeanor.“The hens have laid their eggs, Honey.” Thea's shout came from the courtyard.


She was wearing some plain clothesand even had some mud on her. Herlong, black hai was pelle bSek?behindhe Hea casually. She walkedin carrying several eggs. Her slightlydirty face was adorned with a brilliantsmile. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

She held up the eggs in her hands.“Look. These are the eggs that our chickens have laid. We'll have them for lunch.”When he saw the smile on Thea’s face, James was satisfied. It had been a long time since he had seen Thea smile.

Despite the fact that there were nojewelry or glamorous cl thegommei,J mes thauaht rat the Current Thea

s the most beautiful, innocent, andpure. Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

At that moment, James was content.

“Get some sun, Honey. I'll go and fry the eggs.”

Thea entered the house after she said that.

James leaned against the chair.

Currently, he was unable to move and could not do anything without the help of a woman. He felt uncomfortable with that.This was not the life he desired.

“No, | must regain my strength. This

is not the life | want. pat wants !V

pa-thevast'o y days ina

wheelchair.” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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