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Chapter 1486

Tobias’ current strength was within James’ expectations.Back then, he was already a seventh-ranked grandmaster.After ambushing Bennett and snatching the Spirit Turtle’s core, he disappeared for over two months.

Since he appeared now, he must have refined the core and already stepped into the eighth rank. As for the Skyward Stairway hehad ascended, James could not be sure.

James never expected Tobias to take refuge in Orient Commerce.He used to be the mighty and superior family head of the Cadens.Yet, he served someone else now.

James looked at Tobias, who appeared at the courthouse gate with members of the Phantom Army. He walked over and saidcoldly, “It’s you, Tobias. | was wondering who had shown up. Do you finally dare to expose yourself again? Aren’t you afraid ofBennett looking to take revenge against you?

Tobias smiled and replied, “You must be joking, Emperor. Why would Grandpa need to take revenge against me?”

“You can drop the act. The Cadens know you ambushed Bennett and injured him to obtain the Spirit Turtle’s core. What's wrong?You don't dare to return to the Cadens now?”

James did not give Tobias any face.Those that betrayed their own would face the wrath of everyone.

Tobias was not infuriated by him. Instead, he smiled brightly and said, “What do you mean | don’t dare to return to the Cadens? |simply want to give the younger generation a chance.”

Tobias was not worried since Bennett had not shown up after such a long time.Although he never saw the corpse, he concluded that Bennett must have been dead.Otherwise, he would not have stayed hidden for so long.

Moreover, Tobias was now part of Orient Commerce and the commander of the Phantom Army.“What is it you’re here for? Did you bring an army to stop me?” James said coldly.“Why would | stop you? We're family, and I’m here to help you.”

“Help me?” James was taken aback.

According to his predictions, Tobias would show up with people to stop him.Otherwise, it would be to inquire about the situation.

However, he was saying that he showed up to help.

James frowned and asked, “What exactly are you trying to do?”

Tobias said earnestly, “The Phantom Army was established to maintain the peace in the Capital. | learned that you arrestedGeneral Zabel last night. In fact, our Phantom Army already had eyes on him. Thus, our army would deal with him even if youdidn’t take action. Moreover...”

He paused and continued, “I have a list of people with problems. Let's work together to eliminate these threats for the countryand our people.”

James was unable to react after hearing Tobias’ words.novelbin

The Phantom Army wanted to help him?

The person behind the Phantom Army was Orient Commerce's leader, Lance.

Lance had been scheming to create an empire of his own since a hundred years ago.What was he trying to accomplish now?

After thinking for a while, James looked at Tobias doubtfully and asked, “The list in your hand consists of people from the GuSect, right? Lance wants to borrow my hands to eliminate these people from the Gu Sect so that Lucjan will resent me and fightme while Lance benefits from it all, right?”

Tobias shrugged and answered, “I don’t know about that. Anyway, I’m here to help you. Let me know who you'd like to arrest,and I'll help you.”

After speaking, he ordered the army behind him.“Heed my order! Take over the Red Flame Army’s post and surround the courthouse.”

After giving the order, Tobias lookedat James and said with a smile“James, the R eeeOwebeer a@bhuing guard for the wholeday. You should let my PhantomArmy take over from here.” Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Tobias walked over and wrapped hisarm around James’ shoulder, saying,“I'm really here to-hele-yiu. I eroyoyinavel idns to take down someprominent figures. With my help,you'll get twice the results with halfthe effort.” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

His arms were still around James’ shoulder.

Those who did not know them would think they had a good relationship.

“Emperor, this...”

Henry looked at the Phantom Army members about to take over the Red Flame Army’s duty with a troubled expression.James fell into thought.

Now that Graydon was dead, his first blow had been dealt.

All that needed to be done now was to elect a new chief justice of the courthouse as soon as possible.

Since the Red Flame Army had nothing else to do, it would not hurt to allow Tobias to stay.

“Dismiss the soldiers and ask them to get some rest.”

After Henry received the order, heimmediately relayed tha nességa"|

“ iC Vv

Fyacuateiie and return to themilitary region.” Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

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