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James had summoned Quincy to the Capital.Since he was aware of Orient Commerce's existence, he wished to establish a chamber of commerce in order to compete withOrient Commerce and reclaim control of Sol's economy from them.In this day and age, money was everything. With enough money, one could rule over everything.Quincy was quite active during this period.After listening to Gloom, the King began to ponder. Up until this point, it had become increasingly difficult for him to see throughJames.Although James appeared uninterested in the throne, everything he did was to pave the way for his ascension.He rubbed his temples gently. Now, he was not sure if he should trust James.“Gloom, tell me. What is James trying to do? He doesn't care about the King's position, and he's not interested in being at thehelm of Sol, but he's doing so much. And everything he does seems to be laying the groundwork for himself. Aside from Quincy,there's also Maxine.”The King's expression was solemn as he mentioned Maxine.“Maxine is far too impressive. She was adopted by the Caden family, but she’s now the head of the family, and she is firmlyseated in that position, having gained their trust. During this time, Maxine wasn't sitting around either. She's been up to a lot inthe shadows.“Maxine and Quincy. They are both people close to James.”Gloom responded, “I don't think James has any good intentions either. Why else would he be so dedicated to doing all of this?My guess is that even if James doesn't become King, he still wants Sol to be under his control. He's going to personally trainsomeone to be the King.”“Then wouldn't that be like Mr. Lance?” said the King.“Perhaps it'll be different.” After giving it some thought, Gloom said, “At the very least, James wishes to end the convolutedconnections in the Capital, dissolve Orient Commerce, and bring Lance down right now.”“We can only take it one step at a time.” The King rose to his feet, deeply concerned, and said, “I simply don’t want the new Kingto be ruled by others after assuming the throne. | don't want him to be another puppet.”As he was saying that, he left the Peace Mansion since he had a meeting to attend.He did not go earlier because he knew James had returned.The King knew James would come to him after returning to the Capital to inquire about the Phantom Army, so he specificallywaited for James.After leaving the Peace Mansion, James went back to Thea's courtyard.According to his previous plan, he had intended to start dealing with the intricate connections in the Capital after his return fromDurandal.However, the Phantom Army sprung up.Moreover, the commander of the Phantom Army was Tobias, the same person who had made a sneak attack on Bennett for theSpirit Turtles core.The Phantom Army's presence was partially intended to thwart him.Right now, he could not make any rash decisions.“Emperor, we've arrived.”The driver's voice interrupted James’ train of thought.“Hm.”James regained his composure, got out of the car, and entered the courtyard.As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Thea standing in the garden. She was wielding a wooden sword, movingdeliberately.When she saw James had returned, she immediately tossed the wooden sword aside and approached him. With a brilliant smileon her fair face, she asked while straightening his clothes, “Did it go smoothly?”James nodded and said, “I met with the King. Lance is now certain to be the man behind the Phantom Army. I'm now under a lotof restrictions. I'm not sure how to proceed right now.”“Don't rush. Take it slowly. There's still time,” comforted Thea.She led James into the house.Inside the house...James was smoking incessantly while feeling gloomy.

Thea was sitting to one side andlooking at James, whesieface Wis!Tot ltr she too, was upset.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.She was still not strong enough and could not help James get rid of all his problems.“Honey.”

She moved closer to James until shewas right next to him. She toakHiEnhand and SnuaglesNFagnst hisshale , saying softly, “Don't behasty. We should take it one step at atime.” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

“I'm just worried.” James sighed andsaid, “It's too chaotic where thingsare right now. Various forcesemerged, Thereisis6ihe Phantomy How. I'm at a loss for what todo next. I'm not sure where to begin.Aside from that, I'm concerned that if| take action and end the currentsituation, | won't be able to deal withthe fallout.” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.“It'll all work out somehow.” Thea gripped James" hand firmly.At this moment, the doorbell rang.“I'll get the door.”Thea rose to her feet and exited the room. She arrived in the garden and opened the gate in the garden.Outside the courtyard stood a strange man.novelbin

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