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Chapter 1343

Henry was stunned by James' order. “James, do you really want me to come with you? That hardly

seems appropriate. My command over the Red Flame Army is not yet stable, and some of the older

soldiers aren’t listening to me yet. Who’ll be in command of the Red Flame Army if I leave now?”

“I already have a plan. Things in the Capital are extremely tenuous now and it’s on the verge of

descending into chaos. Since it’s come to this, let’s spur things on a little more and leave together.

When we get back, we can give the Red Flame Army some much-needed spring cleaning,” James said

with a knowing smile.

James wanted to use this as an opportunity to see who from the Red Flame Army would step out and

incite conflict while he and Henry were away.

He had a suspicion that someone would attempt to allow Halvor to escape during their absence.

Fortunately, Halvor had outlived his usefulness.

He would just be a means for James to take action against the army’s dissidents.

It would mean that James could openly purge the army if someone snuck Halvor out.

Henry ruminated on the plan for a bit before smiling back. “That’s a good idea.”

“Don’t worry. I’m aware of the inner workings of the Red Flame Army. I know which people can be

trusted.” James grinned at Henry.

General Carlson had given him a dossier on the essential people in the military region.

However, James had not taken action against them yet.

Henry asked, “When are we leaving?”

“We’re not in a rush.”

James gave it some thought before opening his mouth. “I don’t want to covertly leave the country this

time round. I want it to be publicized. I’ll meet the King later and ask him to contact Durandal for a

military exchange between both countries. As the commander of the Black Dragon Army and Red

Flame Army, I will lead the elites of both armies and head to Durandal to participate in the meeting.

If James secretly left the country, it might not spur the opposing forces into action.

Therefore, he wanted the fact he had left the Capital to be public.

Only then would these people make their move.

Henry nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll make arrangements and inform the Southern Plains to deploy some

elite soldiers.”

“Alright. I’ll head off to meet the King first.”

James left the military region and headed to Peace Mansion.

He had been running to and fro the entire day and was exhausted at this point.

Soon, he arrived at Peace Mansion and met with the King to explain his plan.

“What? You want me to contact Durandal to engage in a military exchange?”

The King was surprised, and asked, “James, the situation in the Capital is tenuous at best currently.

Isn’t it rather irresponsible of you to leave at such timing?”

James waved his hand and interrupted the King’s words, saying, “It’s precisely because we’re in this

predicament that I want to leave the Capital. I want my departure to be publicized so that people who

were hiding in the shadows would be emboldened to make a move. As long as they take action while

I’m gone, it’ll give me a reason to take them down one after the other when I return.”

“Are you sure you can keep the situation in check and resolve the havoc in the Capital after this?

You’re confident there won’t be any problems?”

The King insistently asked James as he stared at him doubtfully.

“Everything will be under control. You have my word,” James replied confidently.

The King felt consoled by James’ confidence. He said, “Since you’re that sure of yourself, I’ll contact

Durandal about the military exchange. It may take a day or two, so you should head back first and wait

patiently for the next few days.”

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James got up and left.

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The King could not make heads or tails of James’ plan. What was his motive?novelbin

Why would he head to Durandal at such a time as this?


The King called out.

Gloom walked out of hiding and greeted respectfully, “My Liege.”

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“Yes, I’ll look into it right away.”

After Gloom received the order, he seemingly melted back into the shadows as he left.

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