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Chapter 1340

They had gathered and were talking about Orient Commerce.

Maxine was talking about the current members of Orient Commerce that she was aware of.

The current Orient Commerce relied heavily on the Great Four of the ancient martial arts world.

However, the Great Four had been doing their own thing for years and were rarely in contact with one


Now, Orient Commerce was just for show. Despite that, it was not dissolved, given that there were

always profits to be made.

“Still, I think it's necessary to establish a chamber of commerce first.” After speaking for a while, Maxine

looked at James once again and continued, “Once the chamber of commerce is established, we’ll

recruit some foreign companies to compete with Orient Commerce.”

“It’s too late for that,” said Quincy. “The election is only six months away. In the remaining time, the

chamber of commerce won't be able to grow, and James intended to resolve everything before the


“Recruiting the Great Four would be the only option then,” Thea chimed in. “If the Great Four takenovelbin

James’ side and support him, everything will be easy to manage.”

Hearing that, Maxine shook her head slightly.

“I’m afraid that’s not going to work. In the past, the Great Four had an agreement with the King not to

interfere in the affairs of the country and not to take sides.”

“The situation is already in chaos right now,” said Thea, “It has been in disarray since James

assassinated the previous Emperor. Moreover, this chaos was deliberately orchestrated, and not by a

single person. All forces have silently agreed to this. Since no one wanted the situation to remain in

such a stalemate, they decided to use James to resolve the situation.

“Besides, it has been even more chaotic since the Mount Thunder Conference. Right now, nobody

even seems to care that much. Who still cares which sides the Great Four are on?”

James could not help but take a glance at Thea.

Thea was thought to be simple-minded. He had not expected her to grasp the situation so thoroughly.

Maxine was getting lost in her thoughts as well.

Thea was right. It was due to the Great Four not choosing sides that so many people were trying to

make them do so in an effort to resolve the situation.

She looked at James and said, “James, say something.”

With a look of frustration, James touched his nose and said, “It's a tricky situation. I'm really at a loss

about what to do. I'm not sure who I can trust at the moment. Initially, everything was done to assist the

King in cleaning up and preparing for the new King's ascension, but now I realize that the King was

doing the same thing that the old King, Lance, was doing. I worry that once Orient Commerce is

dissolved and the Gu Sect is destroyed, another ‘Occident Commerce’ will rise up and take control of

Sol again.”

“If you’re worried, why not be the King yourself,” suggested Maxine, “If you become the King, then all

your worries will be gone.”

James waved his hand slightly. “Don’t bring that up again. I’m not interested in being the King. After all

of this is resolved, I'll go far away with Thea, away from the Capital and Cansington, and find a place

where there is no one and live a life free of the world.”

As James said that, he could not help but take Thea's hand in his. In a way, he wanted to stop being

concerned with the Capital’s affairs, but he was worried that if he did, the situation in the Capital would

spiral out of control.

He was worried that the current King would not be able to defeat the Gu Sect, led by Lucjan.

Maxine and Quincy were both looking at James. For a brief moment, both of them fell silent.

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Maxine glanced at Thea.

She wanted to tell Thea to make use of the Celestial Sect, and in the shortest amount of time possible,

unify the ancient martial arts world.

The words were almost out of her mouth before she forced them down.

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