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Chapter 1089

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what was happening or the identities of the intruders.

James stood on the stage calmly and did not panic despite his acupoints being sealed.

Hades grabbed James’ shoulders and jumped, landing about ten meters away.

The people present were shocked by the sight.

They were ordinary people and had never seen such a shocking scene.

“Let’s go.”

At that moment, the Red Flame Army in the military region quickly assembled. Tens of thousands of

fully-armed soldiers gathered and pointed their weapons at Hades’ party.

“Let our commander go.”

“How dare you be presumptuous in the Red Flame Army base?”

“How will the Red Flame Army maintain a foothold in this country if you take away our commander


A battle was on the verge of breaking out.

Hades' face darkened, and he glared at James. “James, tell them to back off if you don’t want any

accidents happening here. If we fight back, this place will become a bloodbath.”

James looked at the soldiers calmly and waved his hand, saying, “Back off. It’s fine.”

Having received the order, the soldiers retreated.

Hades quickly left with James.

Under the watchful eyes of thousands of people, James was captured from the military region.

There were many cars parked outside the military region.

James was brought into one of the cars, and it quickly drove off.

After leaving the military region, James looked at Hades beside him and said indifferently, “Old man, I

haven’t paid you back for last time, but you took the initiative to come and look for me instead. Do you

still think I’m that James that would easily fall prey to others?”

A powerful aura suddenly erupted from James’ body.

Hades immediately realized the situation was dangerous.

He had already tapped James’ acupoints to seal his True Energy. He never expected James’ True

Energy to be so strong and overpowering that he could break through the acupoints.

By the time he tried to react, the car had already exploded.

James’ energy was so strong that it caused the car to disintegrate.

At the moment of the explosion, James quickly jumped and appeared in front of the convoy.

James calmly put his hands behind his back as the Red Flame robe fluttered.

Meanwhile, Hades had also fled when the car exploded. As for the others, they were not spared and

were blown to pieces.

Dozens of cars stopped immediately.

Zaiden, Yasmine, and the other martial artists of the three families quickly got out of the car.

The three family heads stood together, glaring at James, who blocked their path.

With one hand on his back, James stretched out his hand and made a gesture of inviting them to a

fight. “Come at me together.”

He activated his Heavenly Breath, and True Energy flowed through his body, causing terrifying energy

to emanate from him. The energy swept across their surroundings, making the dust and fallen leaves

on the ground flutter in the air.

“He has potent True Energy.” Hades had a grim expression.

Zaiden’s chubby face was also filled with shock. “His energy is at least the sixth rank. How is that

possible? He’s only thirty years old and has only cultivated True Energy for such a short time. How can

he be so strong? The four paintings' secrets must be miraculous to make him so potent in such little


Meanwhile, Yasmine remained silent with a serious expression.

The accompanying martial artists also looked at the imposing James in front of them with disbelief.

James looked at the people in front of him calmly and said, “I don’t have any grudges against you guys.

Why would you capture me from my succession ceremony as the Emperor? Who ordered you to do


Hades said coldly, “No one ordered it, but the Cadens have stolen our family paintings and gatherednovelbin

the Four Great Paintings to solve the secret behind them. Now that you’ve practiced the cultivation

method in the four paintings, you’ve acquired potent True Energy. We’re capturing you so we can get

the paintings' secrets.”

Hearing this, James frowned.

Not many people knew about his true strength.

Thea, Maxine, and Cynthia were the very few. Apart from them, there were the Cadens.

Who leaked it?

Was it the Cadens?

That would be unreasonable since leaking his strength would not benefit them.

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