
Chapter 10
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Chapter 10

"Good morning, oppa." I smiled brightly at the sleepy figure that trudged out of the room, whilst I firedthe blender in the kitchen.

"Soojung..." my older brother reaches in for a sibling hug, leaning his body onto my back for support. Istruggled a little under his weight as he nuzzled his face on my head.novelbin

"Yoongi, you're smelly" I stuck out my tongue at him after I finished with the blender. He frowns slightlyat my remark, but cherishes me too much to make a comeback like he usually does to others.

It would probably be a shocker to those around him that the cold and distant Min Yoongi - is protectiveover his little sister.

"Soojung, do you have time later?" Yoongi plops himself on the couch, staring blankly into space. Iglanced over at his appearance, and snickered at the sight of his tousled bed hair and loosenedbuttons.

"I did the chores yesterday, so I have alot of free time," I responded, pouring the juice from the blenderinto a cup. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm going to meet my friends. You should come along and make bad life decisions with me." He quotedcasually, lying down in a comfortable position while scrolling through his phone.


"Is Yoongi hyung coming soon?" I peeked over at the lounge, where the rest of them were bickeringabout the difference between a peck and a kiss.

"He's coming over in a minute!" Taehyung calls over in a giggly voice as Jimin begun to tickle him onthe floor.

After seeing them sprawled out so comfortably, I decided to just act the same. I pulled the tight shirt offand threw it onto my bed, proceeding to change into my grey sweatpants. Since my hair was still dampfrom a shower, I hung a towel over my neck.

I strolled around the house in a carefree motion, ruffling my hair occasionally with the towel. I watchedquestionably as Namjoon blasted porn on my flatscreen tv, the younger ones giggling at the sceneswhile they hid under the covers.

"Aish, hyung! Please tone down the volume!" I complained over the moaning sounds that resonatedthrough the walls and the entire building. I made up my mind to start Overwatch, in attempts to ignorethe noises polluting my virgin ears.

Right then, a loud knock sounded over the commotion. It must be Yoongi hyung.


I watched intently as Yoongi punched the password on the device. While the tune sounded as he did, itwas impossible to not notice the weird noises emitting from the other side of the door.

The automated door opens, revealing a sight that made me want to wash my eyes in holy water andperhaps enlighten myself for the next ten years to become a monk.

My eyes landed on a big screen that was displaying uncensored scenes of body parts I didn't want towitness. As any other normal virgin would do, I closed my eyes tightly in fear of being scarred for life.

"Close it now!" I heard a familiar voice yelling to the direction of the noise, and I perked up. There's noway...

However, I couldn't open my eyes to check because there was a bare chest pressed against my face,and an arm around my neck. I noticed a sweet scent of soap that hit me as soon as I was pulled into

the embrace.

"Soojung?" He calls my name with a soft voice, burying my head further into his chest in a protectivestance, and preventing me from seeing whatever that was around us. There was scuffling and yellingfrom the other direction as he did so.

"...You can open your eyes now."

I pulled away to lock eyes with the man opposite of me, his arm still firmly wrapped around my torso. Itwas a sight much more pleasurable compared to what I've seen seconds ago, to be fair.

Jungkook was shirtless, the locks of his damp hair stuck onto his forehead. My vision then travelleddown to his neck where a towel hung loosely, and further down where his chiseled abdomen wasflawlessly displayed in full view altogether with a pair of grey sweatpants that adorned the below.

"I...uh." my mouth opened and closed like a goldfish, trying to make sense of his presence here. Ormore like, his strikingly attractive appearance that makes me want to jump off the nearest window.

I turned my head over to glance at my brother, standing near a couch with a bunch of boys crowded onit. It was hard not to scream when I recognised one of them being Park Jimin.

He was wearing a black turtleneck and ripped jeans, his hair pulled to the back. The slim jaw wasprominent against the clothing, accompanied by a half opened stare and parted lips. Holy cow, busanmen are dangerous.

"She's my little sister." Yoongi explains, placing the bottles of alcohol onto the table by the side. Myears flushed a scarlet red when I scanned some familiar faces amongst them, aside from Jimin.

"Wait...what?" Jungkook stared in shock at my side profile, observing me closely. His grip around meloosened as realization hit him like a truck.

"Anneong~" a head pops up from behind the couch, greeting me with a wide smile. His features wereprominent and ethereal, almost like a character from a drawing. His mouth was shaped like a rectangleas he smiled.

"He's Kim Taehyung." Jimin walks over to me, the sides of his eyes crinkling into a smile. "you met thehyungs before right?"

I nodded shyly in response, my muscles tensing up as he approached me. Holy shit, eye candy fordays.

Jungkook's expression turns sour as Jimin separated me from him, pulling me gently along to the otherboys. In comparison, I was totally distracted by the way he held my hand.

"Anneong..." I bowed respectfully to the older boys, fixing up my clothes as well. It wasn't long beforethey invited me to watch Dora The Explorer together with them on the couch, probably to make up forthe R21 I saw earlier.

"The map~" Taehyung sung along cluelessly to the English lyrics, moving with the rhythm. He remindedme of a small child.

Meanwhile, I had let down my guard when Jungkook suddenly squeezes beside me, so I wassandwiched in between Jimin and him.

He was now fully dressed, clad in a thin white shirt and his earlier grey sweatpants. His hair was nowtousled and messy, presumably the product of a hairdrying session.

"we match." Jungkook smiles teasingly at me, shifting closer so our shoulders touched. I looked downand realized that our attires were similar, since I wore out my comfy black sweatpants.

"more importantly," I came close to Jungkook so it was a whisper. "why are you here?"

"Min Soojung, you don't know?" Jungkook leans closer to my ear in response, a smile creeping up hisface as I shot a confused look at him.

"I own this penthouse."

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