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Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Krystal’s lies spun as the security guard eyed her up and down, along with Tina and Nichole standingbehind her.

“I’m sorry, but visitors to the community need to have their identity confirmed and also need explicitpermission from the homeowner to enter.” The security guard’s demeanor was impervious topersuasion.

Krystal retorted, Tve never heard of needing ID to visit a friend. I told you, that person is my friend, andwe’re from the same school.”

“Sorry, please have the homeowner call us, then we can let you in.”novelbin

The security guard’s tone was already showing signs of impatience. The residents here were allwealthy and influential, which seemed to elevate even the security guards‘ standards.

Frustrated but helpless, Krystal eventually had to slink away defeated.

On their way back, Tina finally voiced her confusion, “Who is that woman, really? I heard that onlypretty important people live in that complex. Is she really a sugar baby?”

“Tina, what are you implying? if she’s not a sugar baby, is she some kind of rich lady? Don’t beridiculous, stealing someone else’s boyfriend?” Krystal scoffed dismissively.

Hearing Krystal’s response, Tina fell silent.

Nichole then said, “Since we didn’t discover anything today, we might as well head back.”

s, would a rich girl stoop to

“That’s all we can do,” Krystal said, her expression downcast. It was a pity they hadn’t managed tocatch Sophie in the act.

At that moment, high up in the apartment complex, Sophie was watching Nichole and the others asthey left.

The security guard had already called Sophie, asking, “Ms. Sophie, three people just came to the gateclaiming to be your friends. Should I let them in?”

“No, if they come again, send them away.”

“Alright, Ms. Sophie.”

After hanging up, the room filled with Colby’s steady voice, “You’re just going to let them walk away likethat?”

“What else? Put on a catfight show downstairs?”

Sophie didn’t want to waste her time on these trivial matters.

She didn’t understand why, in her past life, her calculated attempts to get close to James had beenignored by Nichole, but now that she was rebom and no longer pursued James, Nichole had startedattacking her.

Regardless, Nichole was still the apple of James‘ eye, a fact unlikely to change..

After all, in this new life, James and Nichole’s relationship faced fewer obstacles from her. They wereeven more likely to end up


Sophie decided to steer clear of Nichole–related drama to avoid future trouble.

“But why did you suddenly have time to come over today?” Sophie asked as she sat opposite Colbyand poured some water.

“Adler called me this morning, all flustered, saying someone was spreading rumors about you atschool. Then he called again at lunch saying you almost got into a fight in the cafeteria, so I came tosee what the fuss was about,” Colby explained, sounding quite serious

Sophie marveled at Adler’s ability to exaggerate. She responded, “That’s not true. How could I possiblyget into a fight in the cafeteria? Don’t listen to his wild stories.”

“But the rumors are real.” Colby said meaningfully, “A good–natured women can be trampled on andbullied.”

Sophie didn’t take Colby’s words to heart, assuming he was just joking.

The next day at school, Nichole stood at the classroom door in a white dress, seemingly waiting forsomeone.

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