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Chapter 355

The police’s posture clearly indicated they had evidence in hand.

What in the world was going on?

Was it Nichole? Or Vanessa? Perhaps James?

No, it couldn’t be any of them. They didn’t have access to Russell Enterprises‘ financial records.

In her past life, the Russell family had never had any financial discrepancies. This was too strange.

“Ms. Sophie!” Tricia rushed out, anxious at this moment.

Sophie shook her head at Tricia Under these circumstances, she had to follow the police back to thestation to prevent the situation. from escalating.

She wouldn’t confess to something she hadn’t done.novelbin

At this moment, the internet began broadcasting news of Sophie being arrested for embezzlement andmisappropriation of public funds. Those who had been defending Sophie just yesterday had nowchanged their tune.

[Rich people are never clean! No wonder her husband wanted a divorce!

Heard she embezzled millions. Looks like she’s going to serve a long sentence!]

Rumor has it that she was involved with many men during her marriage, so she’s not exactly a saint]

The comments were overwhelmingly negative.

Seeing this news, Jenna was so anxious. She rushed to S Corporation and asked Tricia, “Where arethey? Where are Colby and Adler?!” Tve been trying to reach them all day, but there’s been no contactwith Mr. Colby and Mr. Adler!”

“Damn, they’re

re MIA when we need them most! Don’t they realize the gravity of the situation?”

Tricia said, “Ms. Jenna, please don’t worry. I’ve hired a top–notch legal team to defend Ms. Sophie.Besides, Ms. Sophie hasn’t done anything wrong, how could she possibly-”

This is bad! Really bad!”

One of Tricia’s subordinates ran over from outside the company, saying, “Russell Enterprises is nowunder a full audit, and it seems…it seems they’ve actually found discrepancies!”

“What did you say?” Tricia stepped forward, saying, “Didn’t we go through the transition phase sayingeverything was checked and there were no issues?”

“But that was a self–audit by Russell Enterprises, just a formality.

of one billion“”

“One billion?

Incia was stunned. How could that be?

Who knew there were actual problems with the accounts? A total loss

Jenna frowned. “This couldn’t possibly be Sophie’s doing. Someone must be framing her

“But who could be behind this? These are Russell Enterprises‘ accounts. Who else could be framingher?”

As Tricia’s words fell, the receptionist helped Perry, who was trembling, to walk over.

“Mr. Perry!” Tricia went forward, taking Perry’s arm from the receptionist, saying, “Your injuries haven’tfully healed. Why have you come here in such a state?”

“I saw the news. I was worried about Sophie. What in the world is happening? How could theresuddenly be financial discrepancies?” Perry looked deeply worried.

Tricia said, “It must be someone inside Russell Enterprises intentionally frarning her. Mr. Perry, do youhave any suspects in mind?” At this moment, Jenna’s gaze fell on Perry, Mr. Perry, who was managingthe Russell family’s affairs before?”

“It was me.” Perry said shamefully, “But I’m not that capable, and my subordinates didn’t respect me. Ifit weren’t for Sophie, the Russell family would already be in dire straits.”

Jenna was skeptical, but Perry continued, “I guess it must be my foolish ex–wife and Sophie out ofthis!”

my foolish son doing this. Don’t worry, I’ll get

Tricia hurriedly said, “Mr. Perry! You need to calm down! No one’s managing the Russell family affairsnow, and everything’s in chaos. You can’t afford to make a move now.”

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