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Chapter 281

Chapter 281novelbin

In a world where people like Corin confidently stirred up trouble by relying on his good looks, it wasonly a matter of time before their actions caught up with them.

Hearing Sophie’s words, Reece knew she had a plan up her sleeve.

Indeed, within just three days, a bombshell dropped on Corin.

The eve of the Best Actor awards was the worst possible time for Corin to face a scandal. DespiteBurke Entertainment’s best efforts to shield him, they couldn’t keep the gossip journalists at bay.

Suddenly, the internet was ablaze with allegations against Corin–soliciting prostitutes, sleeping withfans, and even being kept by a fifty-year–old female CEO. The accusations spread like wildfire.

As victims started coming forward, providing evidence of Corin’s past actions, he had no ground todefend himself.

After three days of escalating drama, Corin faced an industry–wide ban.

Burke Entertainment was in a frenzy. Their heavily invested star had crumbled overnight.

Moreover, Corin was now facing a massive fine for breach of contract, a cost Burke International wouldalmost entirely have to cover

Reece, sitting in Sophie’s office, looked up from his phone and said, “You knew all along?”

“Why else could I have sent Corin over to Burke International?”

“You’ve been planning this for so long! You thought several moves ahead.”

Reece had underestimated Sophie.

As Sophie read the news about Burke International’s impending financial doom on her computer, shemurmured, “What will James do now?”

Burke International had been losing partners to S Corporation, suffering significant project setbacks,and had a fallout with the Russell family. Now, with Burke Entertainment facing a colossalcompensation fee, James was undoubtedly in a tough spot.

Meanwhile, at Burke International, the executives were in a crisis meeting. Everything seemed to betargeting their corporation, making it hard not to suspect a deliberate attack.

*S Corporation has gone too far, orchestrating so many underhanded tactics behind our backs!”“Corin’s not just a liability to himself but to all of Burke International! Mr. Burke, we need a solution!”

The board members‘ voices filled the meeting room with chaos.

James, feeling exhausted, massaged his temples and said, “Enough! Everyone out. I’ll handle this.”

Once the room cleared, James opened his eyes and said to Colt, “Take care of it. Whatever Corin hasdone, he needs to give it all back.”

“You mean…” Colt understood James‘ cold implication.

“Make sure it’s clean, without traces, James instructed.

“Yes, Mr. Burke.”Colt left promptly.

At that moment, James‘ phone rang. He answered to hear a staff member on the line, ‘Mr. James,we’ve recovered the clothing Mrs. Burke was wearing when she fell overboard. Could you please cometo identify them?”

Chapter 282

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