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Chapter 167

Chapter 167 Nichole was softly sobbing, tugging at the sleeve of James who stood beside her, crying out, “It’s all myfault for not shutting the door properly, not Harold’s fault It’s nimady come to this, and if we involve thepolice, I just couldn’t bear the shame.” As she spoke, Nichole’s tears flowed even more fiercely Harold, seeing Nichole’s dramatic display, was barely able to restrain himself from confronting her.Sophie held Harold back by the wrist shaking her head at him James watched Nichole with eyes full of sympathy. He gave Sophie and Harold a cold glance, “Whatnow? You want this to become the talk of the town?” “According to Nichole, Harold just barged in and didn’t do anything to her. Calling the police would justbe to clear things up. Right now, it’s her word against his, and clearly, someone is lying” Sophie’s gazetowards Nichole carried a hint of scom, “Could it be that someone is scared, hence the reluctance to letthe police look into it?”novelbin

Nichole’s sobbing stopped abruptly, and she looked defiantly at Sophie, saying, “Sophie, what are youimplying? Are you saying that I’m lying?” Sophie answered dismissively. “Whether you’re lying or not, on Investigation will tell.” Harold quickly made his position clear, “I have no objections.” Nichole was fearful, “Given that the Aldridge family is so influential, I’m afraid.” “Are you scared that Harold might use his family’s influence to sway the police? Don’t worry, Ms.Sophie, you have James too.” Sophie smirked, “With James protecting you, they wouldn’t dare to bebiased towards Harold.” James frowned, clearly detecting the sarcasm in Sophie’s tone. He gently patted Nichole’s back, hisvoice soothing, “Listen, I’m here for you. Пl make sure you get justice and won’t let them mess around.” Nichole’s expression shifted, and she seemed about to say more when James was already instructingColt, “Call the police.”

“Yes, Mr. Burke.” Nichole’s heart thumped wildly. She never expected things to escalate this much. Sophie, pulling Harold by the arm to leave, heard James’ voice from behind, “What’s this? Planning tofabricate a story now?” Sophie was already irritated, and found his remark almost amusing. She let go of Harold, tumed toJames, and said, “Fine, then we’ll just stay right here, not going anywhere, waiting for the police, soyou won’t suspect us of cooking up a story outside to frame your darling. We? James couldn’t help but laugh. Alright, she and Harold had become ‘we’ now. “Ignore him.” Harold gave James a cold glance, then pulled Sophie to sit on a nearby chair. Noticing Harold holding Sophie’s hand, James clenched his fist tightly. “I’m scared.” Nichole murmured, biting her lip, staring pitifully at James. James’ gaze softened as he sat down beside Nichole, though his eyes still closely followed Sophie andHarold in the corner. It wasn’t long before the police arrived. Sophie recounted the entire incident to them.Once the police had a basic understanding of the situation, Sophie turned to James and asked, “Mr.Burke, did I say anything wrong?”

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