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Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Moments later, Nichole walked out of the restroom with a pained expression, now dressed in a pristinewhite evening gown.

James asked, “What happened?”

“I was changing in the restroom, and when I came out, I think I saw Sophie.”


Nichole nodded.

“I saw Sophie with that man from last time, and they were… close. After saying this, Nichole watchedJames’ reaction closely, quickly adding. “But maybe I was mistaken. How could Sophie possibly knowsomeone like Colby? I heard that Colby is a real outlaw.”


James’ tone turned chilly.

He had noticed before that Colby seemed interested in Sophie. Could she not see the danger? Shewas even getting close to a dangerous man like Colby.

James felt an inexplicable tightness in his chest.

At that moment, Sophie emerged from the restroom, noticing James’ displeasure and the questioninglook in his eyes.

“What were you doing just now?” James’ voice was low.

“Me? I just went to the restroom.” Sophie was quite puzzled.

Nichole stepped forward, feigning affection as she grasped Sophie’s hand. “Sophie, I saw it all. ThatColby is no good. You mustn’t be deceived by him.”

Sophie instinctively withdrew her hand.

Nichole’s grip hung in mid-air, her voice shaky. “Sophie, I didn’t mean to tattle to Mr. Burke. It’s just thatColby really isn’t a good man.”

“I know what kind of person Colby is. I don’t need others to judge him.’ Sophie’s tone was frosty.novelbin

“I…” Nichole bit her lip, looking hurt.

James coldly interjected, “Nichole is just looking out for you. Don’t be so naive, and stay away fromthose you shouldn’t mess with.”

Nichole tugged at James’ sleeve as if reproaching him for being too harsh.

Sophie saw this. Well, anyone who didn’t know better might think Nichole was James’ wife.

any case, Sophie, you should stay away from Colby. You’re a lady of distinction, and he’s nothing butan uncultured savage. How could you have anything to do with him!”

Suddenly, the sound of a cane striking the floor echoed from nearby. Everyone turned toward thesound and soon saw an elderly man with silver hair standing in the center of the foyer.

Sophie turned around, recognizing the elderly man as the gardener she had seen arranging vases inthe


Chapter 15


ds, exuding an intimidating

Now, the old man was dressed in a sharp suit, flanked by two body, presence, especially with his sternand fierce gaze that kept people at bay.

“This is Mr. Lennon,” Introduced a bodyguard beside the old man.

Everyone around respectfully toasted the old man.

At this moment, Nichole was the only one who looked distressed. The elderly man she had yelled atwas Mr. Lennon!

Soon after, Colby stepped out from behind Lennon, supporting his arm.

Sophie had a sinking feeling. Colby looked towards her, his lips curling into a slow smile.

“Ladies and gentlemen, today I have gathered you here to let you know that Colby is my grandson andthe sole heir to the Costello family.”

Lennon glanced coldly at Nichole, his gaze chilling her to the bone. “He is not some unculturedsavage.”

The room was filled with shock. Only Sophie’s heart raced uncontrollably.

Something was wrong! The timeline didn’t add up! How could this be?

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