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Chapter 125

Chapter 125 Sophie watched Gordon’s retreating figure for a while. His frame was slender, and for such a frail manto have borne the weight of the Aldridge family for years was indeed daunting. “Sir, we have brought her here.” At that moment, a security guard dressed in black led a flamboyantlydressed woman over. Sophie, thinking she was in for some entertainment, hid to the side pretending to sip her drink. Upon seeing Gordon, the woman’s face turned shy, her eyes filled with seduction. Sophie remembered that this woman had just tried to get close to Harold downstairs, only to be pushedaway by him. “Mr. Gordon, did you call me up here for any instructions?” The woman’s voice lowered, so sultry that itcould make one’s body melt. Unable to resist, Sophie stole a few glances. The woman was nearly clinging to Gordon, who remainedstoic with a faint smile on his face. However, his smile was tinged with coldness.

“Ah! What are you doing? Let go! Let go of me!” Suddenly, the woman’s arms were pinned, and she was pushed to the floor, her face losing all itsprevious charm and turning into sheer terror. “Tell the person behind you that if he thinks he can use a woman to extract information from theAldridge family, he is sorely mistaken.” Gordon’s voice was as if dipped in ice, devoid of any warmth.His faint smile was now distinctly sinister. He paused, then added with a smile, “Never mind, I let mypeople handle it.” The woman, still struggling initially, turned pale the moment she heard his words. With a mere gesture from Gordon, the security guard grabbed the woman’s hair and threw her downfrom the second floor. A scream followed, and Sophie’s heart trembled. This was the second floor, falling wouldn’t kill

someone, but it would likely c r i p pl e her for life. Gordon was indeed ruthless. But then, Sophie thought, if Gordon didn’t have such tactics, how could he maintain control over such avast family empire? It’s no wonder people in these circles were terrified at the mention of him. He was truly an enigma “Ms. Sophie, have you watched enough?” Gordon wheeled around, his gaze meeting Sophie’s full-on. Sophie instinctively looked away. It was her uncontrollable curiosity that had led her to spy. Shedeserved to be caught. “Mr. Gordon, that woman.” “She was just an escort, a plaything of the upper class.” Gordon spoke nonchalantly as if what he hadjust disposed of wasn’t a person but a piece of trash Continuing with a hint of amusement in his tone, he said, “I’ve heard Harold mention you a few times. Itbrother are quite close.” Sophie’s heart s ip p e d a beat, detecting no trace of amusement in Gordon’s eyes. seems you and my younger Initially, her approach to Harold was motivated by his status and future position, but her little schemedidn’t even fool Harold, let alone Gordon. Sophie realized that Gordon’s decision to deal with the flamboyant woman in her presence was clearlya warning. Her heartbeat quickened, yet she managed to say calmly, “We are just classmates, not particularlyclose.” Gordon merely chuckled lightly and said, “It’s rather windy here, Ms. Sophie. It would be best if youdon’t stay. Harold is also downstairs. You can chat with him.” Unable to decipher Gordon’s intentions, Sophie knew one thing for sure-Gordon didn’t want her nearthe balcony. Naturally, she wouldn’t challenge Gordon. She politely nodded and then went downstairs. Once Sophie was downstairs, she spotted Harold alone near the staircase, nursing his drink. Seeing

Sophie come down, he immediately set his glass aside and approached, asking, “Why did you go upthere?”novelbin

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