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Chapter 117

Chapter 117 Colby watched Sophie emerge in her outfit and was instantly reminded of the first time he saw her atthe auction. She seemed to suit such colors, only she could wear such a vibrant dress without seemingvulgar, instead exuding nobility and elegance. Jenna couldn’t help but comment, “Colby really has great taste. That dress looks amazing on you,Sophie” Sophie smiled lightly. Colby said, “Actually, it doesn’t really matter whether we attend the dinner or not. Do you have someplans?” Sophie made a shushing gesture. “It’s a secret” novelbin

Attendance at the Aldridge family’s dinner was highly exclusive, open only to the wealthiest and mostprestigious entrepreneurs in Devonport Dressed in a white gown, Nichole sat nervously in James’ car. She often accompanied James tovarious social gatherings, but they were trivial compared to the Aldridge family’s dinner. The Aldridgefamily held a status in Devonport that matched that of James. Nichole glanced at James sitting besideher, feeling nervous and excited about attending such an event with him. “James, are you sure it’s okaynot to have Sophie accompany you?” Nichole whispered, her voice tinged with uncertainty. MentioningSophie made James frown, his impatience growing. It wasn’t that he hadn’t called Sophie. She justdidn’t even answer his calls today. “You don’t want to come?” “Of course not!” Nichole’s cheeks flushed as she said. “I’m just worried about people gossiping aboutour relationship.” James didn’t respond. He actually hoped that more rumors about him would circulate. He even wantedto see Sophie’s reaction when she heard them. Soon after, James and Nichole arrived at the venue. The crowd was s p rs e, and James beganintroducing Nichole to acquaintances, offering toasts. Shortly after, the door opened again..

Two couples entered, followed by Tina and Krystal, hand in hand. It was their first time attending such agrand event, and both families were thrilled to have received an invitation. Neither family had expected that their modest businesses, earning only a few hundred thousand a year,would qualify them to attend such a prestigious event. As soon as Tina and Krystal entered, Nichole noticed them almost instantly. Her face turned pale,unable to comprehend how they could be at such an important event. Noticing Nichole’s change in complexion, James frowned and asked, “Are you feeling alright? Should Ihave Colt take you home?” Just as Nichole was about to speak, she felt that Tina and Krystal nearby had recognized her andquickly covered her face, saying, “I need to go to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” Saying this, Nichole hurriedly made her way to the corridor leading to the restrooms. Tina and Krystal found it odd. Why was Nichole avoiding them? “Let’s go check her out.” Tina pulled Krystal along toward the restroom corridor, and as they approached the restroom entrance,they saw Nichole, whose face bore an awkward expression. Yet, she feigned surprise and asked,“What are you two doing here?” Krystal responded, “I was about to ask you the same. Why did you run when you saw us?” Tina frowned and added, “Was that your boyfriend you were standing with just now?”

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