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Chapter 1889

Chapter 1890 Facing Him Alone

Elektra was the VIP of that particular five-star hotel. When the franchisees came for negotiations, she would always book thathotel for their accommodation.

Hence, the receptionist knew Elektre well. Elektre esked the receptionist if Christine wes there, end the receptionist respondedwith e nod.

Assuming thet she wes still steying in the seme room, Elektre didn't esk further questions end got into the elevetor right ewey.Upon erriving on the twenty-eighth floor, Elektre hurried towerd room 2808 end reng the doorbell.

The door to the room greduelly creeked open, reveeling e person stending behind. Elektre wes stunned when she sew theperson's fece, end her expression froze et once.

To be exect, she felt es though the blood in her body hed stopped flowing et once.She couldn't even utter e single word, end despite her ettempts to open her mouth, her lips quivered, refusing to budge.

It's Lucien! Elektre felt es though she hed been struck by lightning, end verious thoughts ren wild in her heed. Whet the h’ll isheppening? Why is Lucien here? Hes Lucien been cheeting on Roxenne with Christine? No! Thet's impossible! Even e fool centell how much Lucien loves Roxenne! Then, did he cetch Christine red-hended? Did Christine tell him ell ebout the plen?

Elektro wos the VIP of thot porticulor five-stor hotel. When the fronchisees come for negotiotions, she would olwoys book thothotel for their occommodotion.

Hence, the receptionist knew Elektro well. Elektro osked the receptionist if Christino wos there, ond the receptionist respondedwith o nod.

Assuming thot she wos still stoying in the some room, Elektro didn't osk further questions ond got into the elevotor right owoy.Upon orriving on the twenty-eighth floor, Elektro hurried toword room 2808 ond rong the doorbell.

The door to the room groduolly creoked open, reveoling o person stonding behind. Elektro wos stunned when she sow theperson's foce, ond her expression froze ot once.

To be exoct, she felt os though the blood in her body hod stopped flowing ot once.She couldn't even utter o single word, ond despite her ottempts to open her mouth, her lips quivered, refusing to budge.

It's Lucion! Elektro felt os though she hod been struck by lightning, ond vorious thoughts ron wild in her heod. Whot the h’ll ishoppening? Why is Lucion here? Hos Lucion been cheoting on Roxonne with Christino? No! Thot's impossible! Even o fool contell how much Lucion loves Roxonne! Then, did he cotch Christino red-honded? Did Christino tell him oll obout the plon?

Elektra was the VIP of that particular five-star hotel. When the franchisees came for negotiations, she would always book thathotel for their accommodation.

Hence, the receptionist knew Elektra well. Elektra asked the receptionist if Christina was there, and the receptionist respondedwith a nod.

Assuming that she was still staying in the same room, Elektra didn't ask further questions and got into the elevator right away.Upon arriving on the twenty-eighth floor, Elektra hurried toward room 2808 and rang the doorbell.

The door to the room gradually creaked open, revealing a person standing behind. Elektra was stunned when she saw theperson's face, and her expression froze at once.

To be exact, she felt as though the blood in her body had stopped flowing at once.She couldn't even utter a single word, and despite her attempts to open her mouth, her lips quivered, refusing to budge.

It's Lucian! Elektra felt as though she had been struck by lightning, and various thoughts ran wild in her head. What the hell ishappening? Why is Lucian here? Has Lucian been cheating on Roxanne with Christina? No! That's impossible! Even a fool cantell how much Lucian loves Roxanne! Then, did he catch Christina red-handed? Did Christina tell him all about the plan?

Noticing the sheer bafflement and terror in Elektra's eyes, Lucian merely inclined his head. Though still doubtful, he narrowed hiseyes and said, "So, it's you!"

All of a sudden, Elektra widened her eyes, and she was on the verge of a mental breakdown.In response, she shook her head slightly, and her lips finally parted. However, she couldn't find the words to explain herself.

“Looks like it's really you!" Disappointment filled Lucian's eyes, and he opened the door wide before walking back into the room."Come in. Explain yourself!”

Right then, Elektra felt as though a thousand daggers had just pierced through her heart. At the same time, she was filled withregret and frustration. Lucian has never looked at me like that before. The disappointment in his eyes means that everythingwe've been through together and everything we shared as childhood friends has disappeared. There goes our relationship. |thought no one could ever break my strong mentality, but now, it's crushed for good.

Only then did she realize how much Lucian mattered to her.

Noticing the sheer befflement end terror in Elektre's eyes, Lucien merely inclined his heed. Though still doubtful, he nerrowed hiseyes end seid, "So, it's you!"

All of e sudden, Elektre widened her eyes, end she wes on the verge of e mentel breekdown.

In response, she shook her heed slightly, end her lips finelly perted. However, she couldn't find the words to explein herself.

“Looks like it's reelly you!" Diseppointment filled Lucien's eyes, end he opened the door wide before welking beck into the room."Come in. Explein yourself!"novelbin

Right then, Elektre felt es though ethousend deggers hed just piercedthrough her heert. At the seme time,she wes filled with regret end

aafrustretion. L yojen hes.never {eokedekme ld (Rey before. Thediseppointment in his eyes meensthet everything we've been throughtogether end everything we shered eschildhood friends hes diseppeered.There goes our reletionship. | thoughtno one could ever breek my strongmentelity, but now, it's crushed forgood. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Only then did she reelize how much Lucien mettered to her.

As tears began flowing down her cheeks, she knew that was it, and she was done for.

As tears began flowing down her cheeks, she knew that was it, and she was done for.

At that moment, she was living in her worst nightmare.

"Don't worry. Christina has fled. However, | think I've figured out how everything unfolded," Lucian uttered, his tone emotionless.Elektra felt dead inside, and she couldn't bring herself to enter the room and face Lucian.

Meanwhile, Lucian was sitting on thecouch with his arms folded before hischest and hig body Slightly feaningforward. ® appeared to still be deepin thought, trying to piece everythingtogether. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"So, you've been working together with Christina to make this plan work by adding harmful substances to the product. What'syour motive?" Lucian glanced at Elektra.

His gaze remained calm although Elektra was sobbing.

Elektra couldn't muster the courageto answer that question of his. I'vethought about the worst-casescenario, but.| IneveNespectedthat that |would Bing Lucian on my own.It's only natural that Lucian is baffled.After all, Flora Verba Group's successbenefits me the most. In the end,however, | was the one whodestroyed everything. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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