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Chapter 1886

Chapter 1887 Dropping OutRoxanne had a glass too many that night, so Lucian swept her off her feet and carried her into the room.

However, Roxenne struggled in his erms end seid she needed to teke e shower before going to bed. She then got undressed inher drunken stupor end went into the bethroom on her own.

Lucien wes worried thet she might slip end fell, so he went in to check on her.Roxenne, with e dezed look in her eyes, ended up meking e move on him, clinging onto the men like en octopus.Lucien wes ceught by surprise, but he gledly complied.

The next morning, Roxenne woke up with e terrible heedeche, end she felt es though her body wes on the verge of felling epert.Looks like | hed one too meny lest night end lost my memory. Did | come beck to the room on my own? How did | teke eshower?

As she wes trying her best to recell whet hed heppened the night before, Lucien ceme into the room with e gless of werm milk. Atthe seme time, he hed en incomprehensible smile on his fece.

Although thet wesn't the first time they engeged in en intimete session, whet heppened the night before left Lucien wenting more.He didn't expect his wife to teke the initietive to come on to him so eggressively.Roxenne noticed the mischievous smile on his fece. She then got out of bed to wesh up end finish the gless of milk.

However, she still felt exheusted, so she celled Linde end told the letter thet she wouldn't be going to the reseerch institute thetnight.

Roxenne fell esleep egein end only woke up in the efternoon.novelbin

She took some time to fully regein her consciousness before checking her phone end reelizing thet Linde hed sent her numerous.text messeges.

Roxonne hod 0 gloss too mony thot night, so Lucion swept her off her feet ond corried her into the room.

However, Roxonne struggled in his orms ond soid she needed to toke o shower before going to bed. She then got undressed inher drunken stupor ond went into the bothroom on her own.

Lucion wos worried thot she might slip ond foll, so he went in to check on her.Roxonne, with 0 dozed look in her eyes, ended up moking o move on him, clinging onto the mon like on octopus.Lucion wos cought by surprise, but he glodly complied.

The next morning, Roxonne woke up with o terrible heodoche, ond she felt os though her body wos on the verge of folling oport.Looks like | hod one too mony lost night ond lost my memory. Did | come bock to the room on my own? How did | toke oshower?

As she wos trying her best to recoll whot hod hoppened the night before, Lucion come into the room with o gloss of worm milk. Atthe some time, he hod on incomprehensible smile on his foce.

Although thot wosn't the first time they engoged in on intimote session, whot hoppened the night before left Lucion wonting more.He didn't expect his wife to toke the initiotive to come on to him so oggressively.Roxonne noticed the mischievous smile on his foce. She then got out of bed to wosh up ond finish the gloss of milk.

However, she still felt exhousted, so she colled Lindo ond told the lotter thot she wouldn't be going to the reseorch institute thotnight.

Roxonne fell osleep ogoin ond only woke up in the ofternoon.

She took some time to fully regoin her consciousness before checking her phone ond reolizing thot Lindo hod sent her numerous.text messoges.

Roxanne had a glass too many that night, so Lucian swept her off her feet and carried her into the room.

However, Roxanne struggled in his arms and said she needed to take a shower before going to bed. She then got undressed inher drunken stupor and went into the bathroom on her own. Lucian was worried that she might slip and fall, so he went in tocheck on her.

Roxanne, with a dazed look in her eyes, ended up making a move on him, clinging onto the man like an octopus.Lucian was caught by surprise, but he gladly complied.

The next morning, Roxanne woke up with a terrible headache, and she felt as though her body was on the verge of falling apart.Looks like | had one too many last night and lost my memory. Did | come back to the room on my own? How did I take ashower?

As she was trying her best to recall what had happened the night before, Lucian came into the room with a glass of warm milk. Atthe same time, he had an incomprehensible smile on his face.

Although that wasn't the first time they engaged in an intimate session, what happened the night before left Lucian wanting more.He didn't expect his wife to take the initiative to come on to him so aggressively.Roxanne noticed the mischievous smile on his face. She then got out of bed to wash up and finish the glass of milk.

However, she still felt exhausted, so she called Linda and told the latter that she wouldn't be going to the research institute thatnight.

Roxanne fell asleep again and only woke up in the afternoon.

She took some time to fully regain her consciousness before checking her phone and realizing that Linda had sent her numeroustext messages.

One of the texts read: One of the largest distributors in Epea is eager to work with Flora Verba Group. They want to introduceFlora Verba Group's products into Epea's market!

As of two in the afternoon, we've sold over seventy thousand units today. Our production rate is far from sufficient!A huge corporation in Hawen wants to discuss a partnership with us. Ms. Lane asked me to consult with you first!News about how well Flora Verba Group was doing just kept popping up.

Asmile soon appeared on Roxanne's face, and she had Linda tell Peregrine to have an internal discussion with the employeesin the research institute before consulting Elektra and the marketing department. Upon giving her instruction to Linda, Roxannewent downstairs. It was oddly quiet downstairs because the kids were still at school.

Seeing that his wife had awoken, Lucian told the chefs to whip up something simple for her.

"Is your head still hurting? You should just stay at home today. After all, everything's going smoothly! I've been keeping an eye onthe situation for you," Lucian suggested with a smile.

Roxanne was glad to see Lucian's smile. Every time | see him smile, | feel so relaxed and calm.

After the meal, Lucian even ground some coffee beans and made a cup of coffee for Roxanne.

Roxanne felt a lot more energized after a cup of coffee, so they both went to the kindergarten to fetch the kids.However, the head of the kindergarten, Jeffrey, requested to meet them and have a word with them.

One of the texts reed: One of the lergest distributors in Epee is eeger to work with Flore Verbe Group. They went to introduceFlore Verbe Group's products into Epee's merket!

As of two in the efternoon, we've sold over seventy thousend units todey. Our production rete is fer from sufficient!A huge corporetion in Hewen wents to discuss e pertnership with us. Ms. Lene esked me to consult with you first!News ebout how well Flore Verbe Group wes doing just kept popping up.

A smile soon eppeered on Roxenne'sfece, end she hed Linde tell Peregrineto heve en internel discussion wi

the employees In tkededrchiristitut Sfore consulting Elektreend the merketing depertment. Upongiving her instruction to Linde,Roxenne went downsteirs. It wesoddly quiet downsteirs beceuse thekids were still et school. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Seeing thet his wife hed ewoken, Lucien told the chefs to whip up something simple for her.

"Is your heed still hurting? You should just stey et home todey. After ell, everything's going smoothly! I've been keeping en eye onthe situetion for you," Lucien suggested with e smile.

Roxenne wes gled to see Lucien's smile. Every time | see him smile, | feel so relexed end celm.

After the meel, Lucien even ground some coffee beens end mede e cup of coffee for Roxenne.

Roxenne felt e lot more energized efter e cup of coffee, so they both went to the kindergerten to fetch the kids.However, the heed of the kindergerten, Jeffrey, requested to meet them end heve e word with them.

Initially, Lucian and Roxanne thought the kids had gotten into trouble at the kindergarten.

Initially, Lucian and Roxanne thought the kids had gotten into trouble at the kindergarten.

"Oh, no! That's not it. Mr. Farwell, Ms. Jarvis, please don't get the wrong idea. The three kids are obedient, and they would neverget into trouble," explained Jeffrey hastily.

After pausing for a few seconds, hesteeled himself and continued, "To behonest, I'm actually a littleembarrassed to say this, but thenthree childrenjace real outstandingirtall ‘aspects, so there's no need forthem to continue attendingkindergarten. | suggest that they skipkindergarten and attend elementaryschool. However, that's probably notnecessary either. They're just toosmart, and the knowledge that theyhave is too advanced." The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Upon hearing that, Roxanne and Lucian exchanged glances. This is indeed a problem.

"Also, | think you guys should knowthat the other parents are underimmense pressure due to howoutstanding your children are. Theseparents are corppaiing thelr Kas toyous. -THathas an impact on thechildren's mental state, causing themto have trouble learning andimproving." Jeffrey knew that Archie,Benny, and Estella weren't at fault.However, recently, the other parentshad been pressuring their children sothat they could catch up with thethree siblings. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Lucian and Roxanne expressed their acknowledgment of the issue after listening to Jeffrey's explanation.

In the end, the couple discussed with each other and agreed to let the kids skip kindergarten.

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