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Chapter 1851

Chapter 1852 Dream PartnerLucian was also curious about what Elektra wanted to discuss with Roxanne.However, he didn't need to ask, as she would tell him afterward.

Producing some premium coffee beans he had been gifted and having it brewed for them, he then brought the children upstairsfor a game of chess. Archie and Benny were improving rapidly, which required him to concentrate and play to the best of hisabilities.

Meanwhile, Estella returned to work on her designs.

"Can | start a company, Daddy?" Estella asked suddenly. "| want to bring my designs of children's apparel to life and see ifpeople like them."

Lucian waved his hand, signifying his approval. Starting a company is a small matter.Overjoyed, Estella turned her attention back to her draft.

Lucian only regained his senses after the game. What did | just promise Estella? That's right-to start a company for children'sapparel! It's not a bad investment to make. Besides, my talented daughter is worth a shot.novelbin

Lucian became serious. After instructing the boys to take a break, he gave Cayden a call to initiate plans for registering thecompany the following day.

"Think about it carefully, Essie. What would you like to name it?”

Estella stopped what she was doing and gave it some thought. She even asked for her brothers’ help, but after they came upwith a few names, she remained unsatisfied. At last, she decided to take a few days to mull it over.

Downstairs in the living room, Elektra learned from small talk with Roxanne that she had taken her wedding photographs thatday. Elektra couldn't help feeling jealous inside.

However, her expression did not betray her. Instead, she showered them with praise about how good they looked.

Noticing that she still had not gotten to the point, Roxanne became curious. What could it be that is so difficult to broach? Doesshe need money? Or does she want my help in treating someone?

"I've been back in the country for quite some time, Roxanne, and have been looking for an investment opportunity. Unfortunately,| haven't found anything yet, and it's been frustrating. | spent the whole of last night brainstorming, and an idea finally came tome. That is why | came so urgently to see you as soon as | woke up."

"Investment? How does this pertain to me?"

Roxanne became puzzled whenElektra had, at last, arrived at thepoint. Wouldn't something like,thys bemore a repriate total uss withLbeldn? Farwell Group had anabundance of money, resources, andconnections. It was the partner everyentrepreneur dreamed of doingbusiness with. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"Indeed. This is an opportunity only suited for you." Elektra's eyes flashed with excitement.Even without the follow-up plans in place, the tip given by Christina was an excellent investment.

Roxanne was rather dubious, soElektra continued, "Your researchinstitute has some of the mostadvanced research and developmenttechniques in the country. Have youconsidered that a small modificationto the ph rmaceutidal(ptoductsyoure alt Qy working on wouldmake it possible to producecosmeceutical products? At themoment, the domestic market forcosmeceutical products isinconsistent, with most consumersprefer foreign luxury brands. This is amassive opportunity for us. Let's bepartners and start a companyspecializing in cosmeceuticalproducts. You don't have to doanything except research anddevelopment, and I'll handle the rest.That way, it won't interfere with otheraspects of your research." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Elektra spoke so quickly that hercheeks flushed with excite enti!do this welhthecrrotnige it Holdscbuld even surpass my family'sbusiness. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Roxanne's doubts dissipated after she listened to it. She began to consider the matter carefully.

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