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Chapter 338

I sat down slowly and leaned against the wall.

Peter wanted me to get close to Michael.

He wanted me to deceive myself and get Michael to fall in love and marry me.

He wanted Michael to become an obedient puppet.

"Is it so that he can control the Ford Group?" I thought.

The Ford Group was involved in pretty standard industries. Those included real estate, medicalequipment, domestic trade, and international trade. I couldn't work out what Peter wanted to gainthrough Michael. He was just a doctor, after all.

"Stephanie, you have to climb the corporate ladder to avoid being stepped on all the time. It's theonly way you can break free from all of this…"

Peter's voice repeated like a mantra in my head, as if it was echoing in my ears.

He was a lunatic and might have been a devil in disguise.

I was almost certain that he had something to do with my amnesia.

"Is it possible that a person can forget certain memories if they were in a car accident and weresubjected to hypnosis, medication, or other therapeutic methods? Could false memories beimplanted through hypnosis by another person after that?" I asked in a whisper.

I was starting to seriously doubt that Michael was the man I had loved for ten whole years. Petermight have deliberately misled me to believe that about myself.

He might have taken advantage of the fact that I had amnesia to mislead me, causing me to havefalse memories about myself.

"It's possible," Zion said. His expression turned grave as he continued, "There was a case wheresomeone was incited to murder someone else three years ago. A psychiatrist had incited his patientto commit murder on his behalf."

The psychiatrist in question hypnotized his patient, who already had psychological issues to beginwith. He transferred his hatred toward the victims onto his patient, causing the patient to feel thesame anger and hatred he felt toward the victim.

The patient ended up having delusions that the victim had deliberately hurt him and his family in thesame way, which led the patient to stab the victim to death in public impulsively.

I sat there without saying a word.

There was something off about Peter. I was almost sure of it.

Michael turned out to be just another pawn on the chessboard. He was not the one playing chess.

I wondered if Yasmin was the replacement Peter had previously threatened me about. He told methat he would have me replaced if I didn't obediently do as I was told.

It felt as if Yasmin was playing the role of a catalyst.

Perhaps Peter had intended to use Yasmin as a warning to me. He wanted to egg me on so that Iwould complete my task of getting Michael to marry me quicker. However, he didn't expect me todie.

It seemed that Peter hadn't anticipated that I would die at the hands of the serial killer either.

I scoffed inwardly. This meant that everything had spiraled out of his control after that.

"The case has really been closed…" Eason murmured when he finally came back.

"The culprit managed to describe the facts of the crime very clearly. He said that he believed thevictim had something to do with his son's disappearance. He had approached the victim about hisson multiple times, but the victim kept turning him away. That's what led him to commit the murder."

The case sounded clear-cut when put that way. However, it was clear that someone haddeliberately arranged for it to seem that way.

There were sub-cases within the case. And behind these sub-cases were more cases.

There were problems left and right in this case.

I stared at the clues Eason had plastered all over the whiteboard and said softly, "There are twocases here. One with serial killings, and one involving mutilation. It seems to me like themasterminds behind both cases are using the victims to commit murder for them."

"Victims are rarely ever completely innocent," Eason said while looking at me.novelbin

He continued, "There were six cases nationwide of teenagers with Asperger's syndrome goingmissing simultaneously that year. Do you know why only the parents of these two teenagers are stillpersistently searching for their children?"

I shook my head.

"It's because the others believed they had gotten rid of a burden. In their eyes, people withAsperger's syndrome or autism are monsters. Their parents regard them as aliens.

"Besides, when their kids went missing, the parents got to receive a large sum of donations from thepublic. Why wouldn't they welcome it?"

Eason sneered and continued, "Can you take a guess as to why the Lincolns didn't claim Stevenback into their household back then? He might've been a bastard child, but it's not like the Lincolnscouldn't afford to raise him.

"Maybe the Lincolns cared too much about their own reputation. But the thing is, Steven's motherand Andy Lincoln had gotten legally married in Melovia."

Steven frowned at that. He warned Eason to watch his tongue with his eyes.

Eason ignored him and continued, "They think Steven is a monster too. It was said that he wouldn'tspeak after he was born. When he was diagnosed with autism by a doctor and abandoned at theorphanage, everyone thought he was a mute."

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