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Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Ewan meant that Steven would leave Ignatius alive, but Martin wouldn’t.

I didn’t say anything. I knew it wasn’t something I could stop. Once Martin got rid of Ignatius, I wouldbe


On my way back to Steven’s house, I texted Rachel, ‘Rach, Martin had Steve forcibly taken to anasylum.

What can I do to get him out?”

Rachel cursed. “Fuck! Look, don’t panic. Tell me where the asylum is; I’ll try to think of something.

There weren’t many people I could trust now–Rachel was definitely one of them. I sent her theasylum’s address. Soon, however, she replied and told me there wasn’t any record of Steven beingadmitted there.

My heart clenched as I gave Ewan a fearful look. “Are you sure they took Steve to the asylum?”

He didn’t answer me.

“Stop the car!” I yelled. “Go after that car from earlier, Ewan!”

Instead of doing that, he pulled over and turned to look at me. “The most important thing now is tokeep


and the baby safe, Mrs. Lincoln. That’s my priority.”

“Well, mine is to ensure Steve’s safety. Did Martin have him taken to the asylum or not?” Mytemples were

throbbing. I knew I shouldn’t have allowed Steven to get into the car.

Ewan soon received a phone call. I vaguely heard the person on the line say the asylum’s peoplehad gotten into an accident on the way there. An overloaded truck had crashed into them and sentthe car

flying down the cliff. Everyone in the car had died.

My vision turned black for a split second. I grabbed Ewan’s shirt with trembling he

what happened.”

nd said, “Tell me….

“An accident happened.” Ewan’s voice seemed to be getting further from me. My vision blurred, andthe ringing in my ears grew louder.



There were various noises around me. Then, I lost consciousness,

When I came to, I was already lying in my room at Steven’s villa. I shot up and staggered out of theroom. I wanted to hear that Steven was safe and sound, but the villa was completely empty. I wasalone. Even Leo was gone.

Suddenly, Stevie barked in the courtyard. I saw a figure climb over the wall, followed by severalmore. I


knew they were here to get rid of me.

We now lived in a civilized society, but behind affluent families like the Lincolns lived a group ofcriminals who couldn’t care less about the law.

Stevie bared its teeth and snarled at the men. It pounced on them when they weren’t payingattention, making them howl in pain.

I hurriedly reached for my phone, wanting to call the police. Stevie was only a dog–it wouldn’t holdout for long.

But when I pulled out my phone, I noticed the traces of blood under my nails. It took me aback. Ichecked my hands carefully–I wasn’t injured, so where had the blood come from?

This wasn’t the time to think any further. I called the cops, then grabbed a club from the corner andran downstairs.

I saw the men holding Stevie down. It was no match for them. novelbin

“Let the dog go!” I cried. Then, I saw the man in the lead brandish a knife and swing it towardStevie’s neck.

“No, don’t!“I shrieked. I ran forward but tripped and fell onto the grass.

Suddenly, there was a shout of pain. Stevie had bitten one of the men and broken free. It rantoward me.

It was covered in blood, and it whimpered in my arms.

My eyes turned red, and my fingers trembled, “Stevie.

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