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Chapter 241

Chapter 241

Nadia wanted to say something, but Charles beat her to it. “Stephany is my daughter,

Steven, so that makes you my son–in–law. Since your wife hung her sister from the beams, youhave to teach her a lesson on my behalf.”

He stopped Nadia from speaking because he couldn’t read Steven. Steven cocked his head andlooked at me. “How could you hang your sister from the beams?”

Charles sighed in relief. He was about to add to Steven’s words when Steven continued

seriously, “You should’ve killed her before hanging her there.”

This time, Charles wasn’t the only stunned one. I was too. Steven looked so serious.

And so, I educated him seriously, “Shut up. We can’t break the law.”

He nodded obediently. “Okay.”

“Y–You two! How dare you!” Nadia’s face was red with rage.

Charles also gnashed his teeth furiously. “You’re nothing but an illegitimate son, Steven.

And you’ve yet to gain a steady foothold in the Lincoln family. With Mr. Martin around, you

have no right to act so obnoxiously!”

He was pissed now. I raised an eyebrow. “C’mon, don’t tell me you’re mad already.”

“How about we… shut the door and get rid of them?” Steven asked creepily.

Ewan had finished dealing with Ann and Kelvin. He came inside and was about to shut the door perSteven’s words.

Charles and Nadia panicked. “W–What are you guys up to?”

Charles mustered his courage. “I don’t believe for a second that he can kill us in broad


Ewan pulled out Steven’s certificate of mental disability. He sighed and said, “I’m sorry to

say this, but Mr. Lincoln is mentally disabled.”

That, coupled with Steven grabbing a fruit knife from the coffee table, made Charles‘ legs give out.Nadia held his arm tightly and backed away in panic. “You’re instigating a psycho to murder,Stephany! Make him put the knife down! Let’s talk this out!”

I gave her a helpless look. “Sorry, but I can’t control him when he acts up.”

Ah won back done, but Ann, Kelvin, and their men had yet to successfully sue it looked like theLincoln family’s security was up to standard, but it

ke something was wrong.

Soon, the sound of dogs barking came from outside. Ann howled, Kelvin screamed, and

the bodyguards with them were also yelling. Had dogs been set on them?

looked at Steven in astonishment. He had an apple in one hand and the fruit knife in the

other as he slowly approached Charles and Nadia. “The Lincoln family has given you 200

lion dolars, so you two need to sever ties with my wife. novelbin

Rom now on, she’ll have nothing to do with you and you aren’t allowed to pester her

anymore What say you?

His tone was airy and casual, but the threat in it was thinly veiled.

Charles had turned pale with fright. He barked at me, “We’ve raised you since you were 18,

Stephany. How could you treat your biological parents like this?”

“Oh, you’re my biological parents now?” I laughed. “Have you really cared about the woman

named Stephany Larson since her return?”

In Stephany’s diary, she wrote that the Larsons thought she was trying to get their attention

by claiming that she had gotten acute gastroenteritis. They thought she was made of

sturdier stuff since she’d grown up in the countryside.

Stephany went into shock from the pain in the middle of the night. If not for her being

discovered by a security guard when she was running out of the Larson residence, she probablywould’ve died from the pain.

Let’s forget the talking. It’s too troublesome. We should just kill them.” Steven turned to look at meinnocently

I took a deep breath without responding. This time, Charles and Nadia were genuinely frightened.Charles‘ voice trembled as he said, “Get this freak away from us, Stephany. D-

Don’t forget what you promised me!*

He wanted to use the fact that Stephany had pretended to be Stephanie so that she could

get close to Steven to threaten me into compliance

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