
Chapter 1 Marital infidelity
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Chapter 1 Marital infidelity

A voice message had shattered Amanda’s dreams about her happy marriage and overturned her viewof his perfect husband; Bill Fu was having an affair!?

"Babe, I miss you, I'll be waiting for you at our old place tonight, and remember to wear my favoriteblack bra...She's flying to Paris again; so, babe, let’s meet up and I will show you some new trickstonight!”

Bill Fu’s voice cannot be more familiar to Amanda, except for that erotic tone; it contradicted his chasteand serious image of usual; gripping the phone fiercely, Amanda’s hands were trembling.

Juan Family was S City's leading rich family with its main industries including the real estate and chainhotels; being an only daughter, Amanda had been privileged in the Juan Family; and as her husband,Bill Fu was deemed as a perfect match with his handsome appearance, profound educationalbackground, graceful manner and oversea study experience. Lord Juan treated him as if he was hisown son.

They got married right after Amanda graduated and returned from abroad. Bill Fu had been such agentle man and supportive husband to her as she started building up her own cause; he was alsogrowing in her heart with time and as everyone envied such a perfect match of them.

Three years marriage had not gifted them any baby child yet, even though her parents were praying allday long; Today, she was due to fly to Paris for Fashion Week, but was delayed by a trip to the hospitalto pick up a pregnancy-test report. Ironically, her extreme joy at the great news on the report stoppedabruptly at the voice message...

Amanda did not see Bill Fu being mistreated by any means in this marriage; he and her cause were hereverything; his vow to take her as his lifetime wife and to love her, take care of her till death did thempart was still ringing in her ears when three years ago her father walked her down the aisle and handedher over to him. So, that was how he loved her and took care of her by sleeping with other woman?

Amanda knew he was having an affair for sure; it was so like an old TV drama in which the mistresstrying to replace the lawful wife and took over all the assets; only difference was, Bill Fu was, in theend, a live-in son-in-law to Juan Family; the divorce would leave him nothing.

Everything was endurable, but not infidelity and betrayal!

Amanda was boiling with anger.

Old place?

Well, she wanted to see how crazy could they go!

She called her friend, Lydia Du, "Lydia, help me check if this ID number has been checked into anyhotel recently."

Lydia Du had her own magic ways with her special profession but was still surprised: "Bill Fu? Amanda,what's going on? What's wrong with Bill Fu? Why are you checking on him?"

Amanda tried to remain her composure. "Just tell me what I asked. I'll fill you in later."

Lydia Du paused for a second and said: "The most frequented hotel was...'Royal Garden Hotel'."

What an ironic joke.

'Royal Garden Hotel', a chain hotel owned by her family.

What a good job, Bill Fu.

Her parents went on a trip abroad half a month ago and will not come back till tomorrow. She had noone to talk to. But on other hand, what was there to talk about any more under such circumstance?

Amanda wiped the tears from her face which was streaming down involuntarily. She just felt lost. Lovewould wither and marriage was not countable either; what and who else could she trust?

But, Amanda had a tough personality; she was only 25 years old and had a bunch of great time ahead;she did not rely on Bill Fu, why should she, especially while he was a cheater?

The more clearly she thought, the more calm she was. She took a bath, changed her clean clothes,and went out after the evening closed in. Instead of driving a car, she took a taxi to the Royal GardenInternational Hotel by the lake of Ciwi.

"Please help me to find out which room Bill Fu was in."

Amanda said to the receptionist.

"I'm sorry, miss, but we can't give away the guest information."

The receptionist apologized.

"I'm Amanda Juan, the owner of this hotel; Bill Fu is my husband. I just flew back from abroad and I amplanning on giving him a big surprise."

Amanda stared coldly at the receptionist.novelbin

The daughter of the big boss? The receptionist was a bit panic at her title and checked immediately onthe computer before saying earnestly: "Mrs. Fu, Mr. Fu is in #888 Presidential suite on the 16th floor.This is...the spare room card."

"Thank you!” Amanda took the card and turned around and walked to the lift gracefully andcomposedly.

But no sooner had she turned the corner than the receptionist dialed a number and spoke into thephone, "Mr. Fu, she's on her way."

Amanda was stepping into a large web of intrigue.

Yet she had completely no idea.

Staring at the 16 on the board of the lift, Amanda found her step extremely heavy; standing outside theroom of #888, she hesitated; The failure of her marriage may simply mean a fresh start for her; but howabout her parents, would they be able to take the hit? And the baby she just conceived...he wasinnocent.

But, what could be worse than the marital infidelity; if he was cheating on her, he should be punishedby her and by the law, if she managed to catch him in the act and get the evidence.

Amanda swiped the card on the panel, opened the door, sneaked in and gently closed it again; thewhole presidential suite was immersed in the melodic and romantic music; two glasses of red wine laidon the table a little lonely; woman's red high-heeled shoes, brace skirts, man’s shirts, pants werespreading everywhere and led her to the inner bedroom; the door was ajar with a black bra stuck.

‘Babe, I miss you, I'll be waiting for you at our old place tonight, and remember to wear my favoriteblack bra...’

That erotic voice message rang in her head once again; Amanda felt a bit suffocated; she was about tocatch the adultery of...the man who had promised to love her for the rest of the life in the act.

Three years of marriage, those honeyed words, everything was in vain? How could he humiliated herlike this! Amanda was itchy to smash the wine glass on Bill Fu.

Moaning of the man and woman drifted out of the room--

"Ah! Bill!"

Amanda peeked through the crack of the ajar door; the man, Bill Fu, beyond doubt, was plowing on topof another woman...

Amanda smiled bitterly, what a spendid scene to watch.

"Bill, you're so good, what a luck to be your wife..."

"Honey..."The man gasped: "you are better..."

"Bill, you glib talk was so sweet, but, I love you..."The woman leered.

Everything was beyond redemption; thought Amanda.

Done watching and recording this, she pressed ‘stop’ on the mobile phone, saved and uploaded it tothe cloud and turned around; she cannot bear one more sight of this; and with the video she justrecorded, law was on his side.

However, as soon as her hand landed on the door handle, a large hand grasped hers from behind andstopped her from twisting the door handle. She looked back in alarm and saw Bill Fu standing rightbehind her with only a bath towel wrapping on his waist.

"Amanda, wanna leave right after you are done watching?"

Bill Fu looked down at her with a faint smile on her handsome and delicate face; there was not a traceof guilt or remorse to be detected; his voice was as gently as usual.

He was like a stranger in front of her?

"Bill Fu, don't you feel sick?"

Amanda struggled to shake off his grip.

"I have served you well before, haven’t I? We could do threesome if you wanna join us?"

Bill Fu stared at her with a sneer on his lips, then he stepped forward and encircled his arms aroundher waist, firmly buckled, ignoring Amanda’s struggles. He almost carried her off the floor beforedragging her back into the sitting room and threw her on the sofa heavily.

Her belly ached faintly at the impact; the woman in the bedroom wearing a bathrobe walked out,showing her slender pale-skinned legs, her long hair scattered around her shoulder and chest and hervoice extreme sweet: "Bill, your wife is here, how horrifying.”

Bill Fu held out a hand to her: "Lily, come here and meet my darling wife, Amanda."

The woman obediently walked barefoot to his side and threw herself elegantly into his arms, her eyesstaring and challenging Amanda all the way.

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