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Chapter 198 William Wants to Divorce

After leaving school, Wade instructed his assistant to drive to Norward.


With no flights available to Norward over the next couple of days, Wade had no choice but to travel by car, bringing only his assistant without alerting anyone.

After his evening classes, Ethan hesitated for a moment before turning on his phone.

As soon as it powered on, countless missed calls flooded the screen.

Ethan felt a wave of depression.

Just as he was thinking about it, the phone rang again.

His mother and Layla have been relentlessly calling him since he moved to Taragon. They called him hundreds of times a day, day and night.

If he didn't answer, they would call non-stop, sometimes hundreds of times a day. If he did respond, video call invitations from his sister, and, it would be endless crying and emotional blackmail from his mothe and


On WhatsApp, he also received constant messages and video call invitations from his sister, as well as videos of his mother crying.

Ethan purchased a new phone, swapped out his old SIM card for the new one, and left it in his dorm, attempting to ignore their constant. interruptions.

He tried to focus on his studies while ignoring the chaos.

However, one was his biological mother, and the other was his sister. Ethan couldn't cut them off like Isabelle did. He felt helpless and overwhelmed by the situation, enduring immense mental and emotional. strain that nearly pushed him to the point of breaking down.


Chapter 198 William Wants to Divorce

But this time, the call was from his father.

Isabelle had just returned to the villa when she received a call from her brother.

He said, "Isabelle, our parents are getting divorced. I want to take a leave to go back."

Until now, Ethan had never mentioned to Isabelle the harassment from their mother and Layla.

Isabelle asked directly, "What do you plan to do if you go back?"

After a moment of silence, she heard Ethan's slightly choked voice say, "Dad wants a divorce. Mom is demanding eighty thousand dollars, the house, and my custody."

"What are you trying to achieve? Do you want to help Dad with the divorce or stop them?" Isabelle asked.

Ethan replied, "I don't know."

Faced with the imminent collapse of the family he had known for so long, Ethan felt lost and helpless.

Isabelle said, "There are only two choices. If you don't want them to divorce and don't want the family to break apart, just let them argue and don't get involved.

"You've seen how much Dad has suffered because of Mom. If you want them to divorce, I can make it happen."

Of course, she wouldn't give Eleanor eighty thousand dollars.

Isabelle continued, "As for whom you want to live with, that's your decision. If you want to stay with me, I can make it work."

Ethan remained silent.



Chapter 198 William Wants to Divorce

Isabelle said, "Think about it carefully. Once you've decided, let me know. I'll handle things in Norward. You focus on your studies."

Ethan replied, "Okay."

William told him, "Ethan, I have made up my mind. This might end up in court. If you want to blame or resent me, I understand. I know I haven't been able to provide you and your sisters with a good life, and I can't even give you a stable home.

"I didn't attend school like you did, and my thinking differed from yours. Regarding the incident with the math problem, I thought we'd be a family at the end of the day. Sigh!

"I thought about it, and I know you're different from me. Growing up poor, I always prioritized my brothers, wanting to give them the best. Seeing them have good food and a good life made me happy. Other than life and death, nothing else seemed important to me.

"I wasn't favouring Layla; I was just trying to keep peace among your siblings. You're all my children, and I care for all of you."

"Now that things have escalated for your sisters, I take much responsibility. I'm sorry for everything."

Listening to his father's words over the phone, Ethan remained silent.

This was the first time in his life he had heard his father speak so much. He didn't complain about anyone, not even his troublesome wife.

Not even the wife, who was so difficult that outsiders couldn't stand her. Despite everything, he didn't say bad about her because he thought she had suffered with him.

He urged them not to blame her.

William had always taken the blame on himself. Ethan was angry at his father's weakness, but he also pitied him after seeing his father bullied by

his uncles


Chapter 198 William Wants to Divorce

He knew the hardships his father had endured.

"Is your elder sister doing well?" his father asked.

Ethan opened his mouth but choked. He held back his tears and said, "She's fine."

William said with a smile, "That's good to hear."

"Dad, you should divorce Mom," Ethan said, feeling surprisingly calm. despite the turmoil.

Although he had been so lost and hurt just the night before, now he was capable of telling him calmly.

He heard his father's prolonged silence after his words, followed by slightly choked, "Thank you for your understanding, son."


With one hand covering his face to wipe away tears, William continued, "Focus on your studies. No matter what, you'll always be my child. Listen to your elder sister, and do well in Taragon."

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20:50 Mon, 10 Jun

Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 199 Wade Visits


The car drove into the old part of the city and stopped in front of the Jenkins' house.

Wade, who had been resting in the back seat, opened his eyes and glanced out the window. He asked, "Are we here?"

He rubbed his tired eyes, worn out from a couple of days on the road.

"Yes, Mr. Sullivan," his assistant replied, quickly getting out to open the car door.

As soon as he heard they had arrived, Wade's energy returned. He stepped out of the car and looked at the old, shabby courtyard in front of him. He glanced around at the neighbouring houses, all in much better condition than this one.

Wade felt a mix of emotions. Despite the renovations, the house's previous state was still evident..novelbin

Standing at the entrance, Wade took in the place where Isabelle had grown up, feeling a deep sense of guilt and sorrow.

"I'll knock," the assistant said, rapping on the Jenkins' door.

"Who are you looking for?" asked Eleanor, stepping out of her house next door.

She watched Wade and his assistant up and down. They looked. distinguished and well-dressed, as did the car.

Eleanor craned her neck to get a better look at the car. Clearly, this wealthy man is probably here to see that ungrateful girl again. But what are they here for-money or something else?




Chapter 199 Wade Visits

"Are you Madam Jenkins?" Wade asked.

In the past couple of days, Wade had familiarized himself with the Jenkins' family situation and immediately recognised Eleanor.

The polite address surprised Eleanor. It wasn't every day someone called her so politely, especially not someone who looked important. She felt flattered.

Quickly popping the last peanut into her mouth, Eleanor brushed her hands together and adjusted her shoulders. With a smile, she replied in a softer, more pretentious voice, "That's me. How do you know my name?"

"I'm Wade Sullivan. I'm here to see you and your husband," Wade extended his hand and said, "Nice to meet you."

Wade's tall, handsome appearance from his youth had matured into a distinguished charm. His tailored suit fit him perfectly. Seeing this gentlemanly, well-mannered man, Eleanor shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Nice to meet you," she said, shaking his hand.

Eleanor's voice grew even softer and more pretentious. She asked, "What brings you here? I don't know you.”

Wade withdrew his hand and said politely, "May we speak inside?"

"Of course, please come in," Eleanor said eagerly, opening the door and inviting them in warmly.

The only things that seemed newly renovated in the old courtyard were the walls and the ground. The rest of the place was in much worse condition than Wade had imagined.

The wooden doors, mud walls, moss-covered steps, and an old threshing machine in the corner all made the place look rundown. An old water numn in the vard unused for years further contributed to the desolate

20:50 Mon, 10 Jun

Chapter 199 Wade Visits



In the living room, the fridge and TV looked out of place, being the only new and valuable items.

When they arrived, Wade noticed Eleanor wearing gold earrings and dressing fairly well, but inside the house...

She made some tea and turned to see Wade glancing around.

Maybe the developer is interested in this house for a new project? she wondered.

It might be possible.

Feeling hopeful, Eleanor's hospitality increased. She said, "Come on, have

some tea."

Wade thanked her, but as he stepped forward, he accidentally kicked. stainless steel basin, making a loud clanging noise.

Startled, he looked down.

"Sorry," he apologised, bending down to move the basin aside.


The house was large, but cluttered and messy. There were several rooms, but a couple looked too dilapidated to be livable.

"I'm sorry for the poor hospitality," Eleanor said, handing him a cup of hot


Wade took the cup with both hands. He said, "Thank you. It's fine."

"Do you want to watch TV? I can turn it on for you," Eleanor offered.

Wade declined, "No, thank you."

Eleanor turned the TV on anyway and said, "Please sit down and have a drink."


Chapter 199 Wade Visits

Her noise had disturbed someone in another room.

Layla, with a tone of irritation, came out and said, "Mom, what are you doing? Can't I get some sleep with all this noise?"

Wade looked around.

Eleanor glared at Layla, muttering under her breath, "Sleep, sleep; that's all you do. Do you even know what time it is?"

Wade frowned slightly.

Eleanor turned back, her tone changing instantly as she spoke to him, "That's my daughter. Sorry about that."

Wade nodded. He recognised Layla and noted that she looked even thinner and more worn out than in the photos.

"Mom, who are they?" Layla asked, eyeing the visitors.

Are they coming for that fat pig again? She wondered.

Eleanor snapped, "None of your business. Go back to your room.

Layla gave Wade one last look before turning losing the door, leaving

it slightly ajar so she could listen in.

Wade casually asked, "Isn't it a school day? Why isn't your daughter at school?"

Wade, with limited time, had only learned the basics about the Jenkins. family and didn't know about Layla's expulsion from Taragon University for cheating.

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20:51 Mon, 10 Jun

Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 200 Birth Secret

Eleanor smiled and brushed it off. "The child isn't feeling well. But you haven't told me why you're here."

Wade put down his tea and asked, "Where's your husband?"

Eleanor waved dismissively. "He's at work."

Wade nodded and asked, "You have three children, right? The two eldest daughters are twins."

Eleanor responded, "Yes, why?"

Wade continued, "Isabelle, your eldest, is studying at Taragon University."

Eleanor eyed Wade suspiciously and said, "Yes."

He isn't a developer, and he's here to see that brat again. Eleanor's enthusiasm. waned significantly.

Wade said, "You gave birth to her at the health center on 3023DK, March 8th, at 6:20 PM, correct?"

Eleanor found this man odd and asked, "What exactly are you here for? Why are you asking these questions?"

Wade cautiously said, "I noticed Isabelle doesn't look much like her twin. sister."

Eleanor said, "Well, there are fraternal twins, you know. That brat used to be chubby; you wouldn't have recognised her. She only slimmed down. this summer."

Wade asked, "That brat?"

Eleanor inquired, "What do you want, sir?"

20:51 Mon, 10 Jun

Chapter 200 Birth Secret

Wade took some documents and reports from his assistant and placed them on the table.

Meanwhile, William was bombarded with calls from his wife at work. Unable to avoid them, he finally answered.

This time, she wasn't asking for money or custody rights. Her first words. made his heart sink, and he didn't wait for her to finish.

Typically mild-mannered, William shouted for the first time, "Nonsense! Who claims Isabelle isn't my daughter?

"You carried her for ten months and gave birth at the health center. I've raised her for over two decades. How could I not know if she's my biological daughter?

"Just because they don't look alike doesn't mean they aren't twins. You gave birth to them, raised them, and now you're saying you don't know? You're listening to nonsense.

"I don't care about those fake reports. Get that person out of my house. I don't have time to meet him."

William's unusual reaction startled Eleanor.

His odd behaviour raised Eleanor's suspicions. She snatched the reports from Layla and reviewed them one by one.

"Come home and clear the air, or I'll go to your office with him," Eleanor said, hanging up.

Half an hour later.

William arrived home.

When he saw Wade in the yard, he became agitated. Before Wade could say much, he tried to drive him away.

Seeing Wade seem wouldn't want to leave William nicked un a stick need


Chapter 200 Birth Secret

for hanging clothes, looking ready to fight.

"Who gave you the right to come to my house and spread lies? Leave, or I'll call the police"

Though William was only about 170 cm and worn out from years of work, he managed to push Wade and his assistant, both over 180 cm tall, door.

Out the

"Don't think that because you have money, you can bully others. Anyone who tries to mess with my daughter will face me."

William stood at the door with the stick and warned, "Leave! Don't ever

come back."

Eleanor noticed William's strange behaviour. She approached him with the documents, demanding, "Explain why this report says one of my twins died. If one of them died, where did the other girl come from?"

Eighteen years ago, in a remote town lacking resources, Eleanor hadn't had any prenatal checks, only knowing she was carrying more than one baby.

"And this report clearly states I gave birth to fraternal twins. How did we end up with two daughters?"

No wonder she never felt close to the eldest daughter. It made sense if she wasn't really her own. William grabbed the papers from Eleanor, crumpled them, and threw them on the ground, his face turning red with anger.

"You're talking nonsense. What are fraternal twins? Both my daughters are alive and well. Who told you that one died?"

Given William's extreme reaction, Wade knew something was off. He stepped forward, risking being hit by the stick.

Wade said "Mr Jenkins calm down If I didn't have evidence I wouldn't


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Chapter 200 Birth Secret

be here."

"You call these fake reports evidence? My daughter is eighteen. Do you believe you can investigate something that old? Who knows what you're after? I want you gone now."

Wade said, "The health center's records are accurate. If you don't believe me, I can bring staff to verify that these documents are real, not fake.

"I'm not here to cause trouble. I only ask for your cooperation in a paternity test. If Isabelle is your biological daughter, I will apologise."

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