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51 Boss

was with disdain as exclaimed“not !

White interrupted reckless .

ignored behavior thought herself“Jackyou’re so , glancing at


, snatched Owl’s knife from handwho then to his clothespocket.

he touched pocketWhite realized his had taken.

he askIsabelle . Lend to .”

she towards under treeholding knife.

squatted .

What you ?Badmana from , at girl him with vigilant dangerous .

Don’t .She Badman’s with handand tip the went the hole.

was . he thisJack about rush but stopped White Owl

two closest Badman already , Isabelle too . they rush stop , saw raise knife it the . a and pickthe head Badman’s flew and to ground blood.

technique even proficient decisive than desperadoes in rain bullets many .

groanedsweating from pain.

then they that helping and no intentions.

then out lighter, a jumped out.

flame the back the , it.

Isabelle the back the to bleeding holeand was sizzling .

Badman his and in , .

watched a and was that ordinarylooking girl decisive daring.

That’s .” stood and threw and back White ,

companion tore strip cloth bandaged woundwhich already bleeding.

51 .

The have returned youwe now” boss the on other asked carefullycovering chest unbearable .

glanced them . What’s rush”

of inercenaries in heart.

You just usGod’s won’t you kill .

White and looked the of mercenarieswho just the of Armamentbut they scared they God’s to their .”

Leave few minor to escort goods usand rest leaveIsabelle .

, mercenariesescort for group mercenariesand other had been defeated . this outit be laughing in .

, boss the didn’t dare protest quickly out few and them over.

Owl others stunnedthinking would die humiliated this.

we now” boss the asked . novelbin

didn’t but out took gun White waistWhite instinctively to herbut didn’t .

What you to ?The on other were so that backed , hearts their .

loaded bulletA soundedand she the and the of mercenaries the leg.

blood immediately ,

boss the covered leg screamed pain.

Owl others this looked Isabelle .

was Badman.


BossMore twenty looked their , had shotbut of dared helpMany so that almost control legs wanted run .

, Leave”

Gogo, goA subordinates the injured and leftleaving few wounded uneasy .

made gestureand mercenaries climbed into truck’s .

Get the Isabelle , the to in car.


51 Boss

darkthe were escorted the place.

Owl others a amount commission.

the , the on way made fire roasted Badman’s needed be by doctor prevent .

were to to hospital.

the , Owl the meditating the opposite , face by


though was complete , though were completely peopleshe him same feeling.

it her cold , slight of eyebrowsher and way doing , way speakingor the she , were too to ..

heard noiseslightly her , and saw Owl a of and rabbit skewered a .

raised eyebrows and the but take money.

Thank for . twothirds the for . it go” Owl .

at others found were watching . didn’t care took bite the leg.

Do want be boss the Mercenary ?Isabelle while .

That’s our business” Owl .

, You’ve mistreated your diedright”

as death mentionedJackas stepping a , up and Isabelle“upIf dare say boss dead , kill you.

smiledlightly , Are sure can meLittle ?

was .

realized had it .

only Jack , everyone too.

was youngest themand also youngTheir loved call that .

their would him .

his /more . Be ! not to me !

Do know boss” Owl .


51 Boss

I .

What your with ? is ?

She’s and you meIsabelle casuallyStillit a blow White and others.

What you ?

She’s ,Isabelle , a tone.

ImpossibleNo in world defeat boss” refused believe and to Isabelle if continued spout .

a silenceWhite asked . Who responsible”

eyelashes slightlyand cold flickered her as revealed“will avenge boss”

will our ourselvesWhite declared .

Isabelle , You .

Owl silent againgritting teethAfter a , vented frustration slamming clenched into ground.

Where our body” Owl , to suppress anguish.


Owl up Isabelle disbelief.

NonsenseI to itUnable accept newsJack his and retreatedeventually and into forest.

Owl the fell a silencewith the of fire the Isabelle breaking stillness.

finishing rabbit , offered comfort , It’s worth too . your , perish day.”

You that boss us youDo have evidence” Owl .


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