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Chapter 97: I Was Wrong

Zac felt like he was going out of his mind every time he was affected by Patricia.However, this wasbetter than being unable to sleep at home due to constantly worrying about her.Besides, he could onlyfall asleep after confirming her safety with his own eyes.

Noticing Zac's hesitation, Patricia pursed her pink lips and said lightly, "I'm not lying.I'm really okay."

Hearing this angered Zac more.Glaring at her, he looked at her angrily.

‘Since you've claimed that you're fine, don't blame me for being rude, ' thought Zac.

He then reached out his hand and gently touched her back.As he was about to say something, herscream rang out and stopped him in his tracks.Zac was shocked to hear such a heartbreaking wail.

His fingers stiffened in midair, and he wondered if he had applied too much pressure when he touchedher.

'No, I didn't use any of my strength, which means...’ Looking down at her seriously, he took a deepbreath before saying

"Did you hear yourself just then? You've been badly injured, yet you're telling me that you're fine.You..."

Before Zac could say anything more, Patricia, glaring at him, angrily interrupted him.

"You know that I'm injured, but you still used so much strength when you touched me.That wasn't verynice of you!"

With an aggrieved look on her face, Patricia pursed her lips.

‘Zac knows that I'm injured, yet he touched my wound so mercilessly!’

Not giving Zac a chance to retort, Patricia continued, "You know that I'm injured, but you're still treatingme like this.You're so hateful!"

As she spoke, her eyes filled with tears.As her teardrops cascaded down her cheeks, she looked atZac sadly.

She didn't know why she was crying.

‘Is it because of what Zac did just now?’ But she didn't think so.While she was in the Sampson family'shouse, she had been able to bear the pain.But standing in front of Zac now, she could no longer hideher discomfort.

She didn't know why, but Zac's presence made her tears fall uncontrollably.

Seeing Patricia crying had left Zac speechless.His lips opened and closed, but no words came out.

'Why is she crying? Is it because I just touched her?’ Zac felt panicked and didn't know what to dowhen he saw Patricia in this state.

After a while, Zac's guilt made him lower his eyes, and in a soft voice, he said, "Patricia, please don'tbe angry.It's not good for your wound.Don't cry anymore."

He then had reached out to comfort her but stopped midair as he didn't know how to console her.

He wanted to touch her, but remembering how his touch had made her cry, he stopped and withdrewhis hand.He couldn't help but worry about her.

"No.I just want to cry to my heart's content." Like a spoiled child, she kept crying.

Perhaps it was because of the pain in her body, or perhaps it was because of Zac's presence, but shewept profusely this time.

Zac didn't know what to do.He stood there in a daze, sighing, as he looked at her with concern in hiseyes.

‘Well, this is all my fault.I shouldn't have touched Patricia's injured body on purpose to verify that shewas lying.That was pointless.I was wrong! I was really wrong to do that!’ Zac thought.

"It's my fault.Don't cry, okay?"

Pushing aside his dignity, Zac admitted his mistake to her.

Patricia was so stunned when she heard this that she forgot she was crying.

She then cast a suspicious gaze at Zac.

‘Have I heard wrong? Did Zac apologize to me just now? How could an arrogant man like Zacapologize to me?’ Seeing the distrustful look in her eyes caused a hint of displeasure to flash acrossZac's face.

'I have genuinely apologized and admitted my mistake.Why is she still looking at me like this? Is shestill blaming me?’

"It's okay if you don't accept my apology."

Zac coughed in annoyance as if what he had just said wasn't true.

Patricia frowned and stared at Zac unhappily.

She said sharply, "Your apology is fake, right?"

"It is whatever you think it is.If you think it's true, then it is.If you think it's fake, then it's fake."

Zac stared at her in annoyance as he bit his lower lip.

A slight frown formed on his brows.

‘Isn't it obvious that I apologized sincerely just now? Why is she misunderstanding me? This womanactually asked me if what I said was the truth! She is so annoying!’ However, unbeknownst to Zac, whathe had just said and how he looked was in sharp contrast to how he usually behaved, which madePatricia suspect him.

Seeing this, Patricia suddenly understood and nodded.

‘It turns out even Zac can apologize and admit when he's wrong! I always thought Zac was an arrogantman who didn't understand what an apology was.Rather, as Zac often said, there was no such word inhis dictionary!’ Confirming his words were true through his facial expression, Patricia reluctantly noddedand accepted his apology.

Coughing, she said, "Okay, I'll accept your apology, but on one condition."

"What condition?"

Confused, Zac frowned as he didn't understand what had brought this smile to her face.novelbin

‘Patricia was weeping so sadly moments ago.Why is she suddenly happy now?’

Before Zac regained his senses, Patricia pointed at his chest and said firmly, "You have to drive mehome!"

Zac was stunned when he heard this.

Looking at her with his deep penetrating eyes, he waited for her to continue.

Realizing that she was finished speaking, he quickly nodded his agreement without hesitation.

Zac didn't understand why she would make such a request on her own that would put them in closeproximity to each other.

However, as long as she was willing to get into his car, he didn't care what her reason or excuse wasfor doing so.

Since Zac agreed so readily, Patricia turned and walked over to his Porsche.

Seeing this, Zac secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The corners of his mouth slightly curved upward, and a faint smile touched his lips.

‘This woman is finally becoming docile.

The only thing on Patricia's mind was how Zac needed to atone for making her cry earlier.

She thought him giving her aé ride was fair compensation.

And this way, she wouldn't feel like she owed him or needed to keep in touch later on.

So, this was an appropriate form of compensation.

But little did she know that these were just excuses to justify why she didn't want to leave Zac's side.

As for the real reason, she didn't know why either.

However, anyone with a discerning eye could see how happy she was.

"Zac, what are you doing! Come and drive the car!"

Patricia urged in a low voice as she sat in the front passenger seat, looking commanding like a queen.

Casually shrugging his shoulders, Zac watched her intently and noticed that there was no displeasurein her eyes.

"Well, today I will let you have your way! “Zac smiled as he walked over to her.

"Before going home, there's something important that you need to take care of."

Seeing the serious look on Zac's face, Patricia frowned with suspicion.

She felt as though she had boarded a pirate ship, so she instantly became vigilant.

Examining Zac's face several times brought her no closer to figuring out what he meant.

Zac, on the other hand, smiled knowingly without saying a word.

Sitting on the driver's seat, he started the car and sped away.

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