Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 719 Darren’s Death, Another Life-And-Death Battle
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Chapter 719 Darren's Death, Another Life-And-Death Battle


Just as he was thinking, a voice came from the door.

Rowen looked up subconsciously and saw Soroka standing at the door.novelbin


Rowen stood up and walked towards the door.

Soroka glanced at Rowen and asked, "what's wrong? Are you affected by the battle just now? "

"Yes. Finn Chen can kill Lee in a second, and Lee has no power to fight back at all. It's hard to believe


Although Rowen didn't want to admit it, he told the truth.

"But I expected it!" Soroka didn't show any surprise, as if everything was in his expectation.

"What?" Rowen was stunned.

Soroka explained, "first, there is a certain gap between the strength of Chai Lee and Finn Chen.

Moreover, Chai Lee underestimated Finn Chen and wasn't ready to fight. Second, the speed of Finn is

too fast. In this case, he can easily kill Lee!"

Rowen nodded in secret, thinking about what his master said.

"If Lee had been prepared and had activated his internal power, Finn would not kill him so easily!"

Soroka observed Rowen's expression all the time. At this moment, he continued, "if you improve your

internal power and adjust your fighting state from the beginning, you can defeat Finn!"

"I see!"

Rowen felt relaxed by Soroka's words.

Then Rowen left, ready to take part in the competition, while Darren was already waiting.

At this moment, Rowen looked at his opponent. Yesterday, Rowen saw that Darren and Finn had a

good time talking, and Finn allowed the other party to attack him on the battle ring. Presumably, they

had a good relationship.

Thinking of this, Rowen felt unhappy, especially when he saw the blood on the stage, which made him

more dissatisfied with Darren.

"I'm Darren. Nice to meet you!"

Darren cupped his hands, which showed his respect for Rowen.

"Huh, nice to meet you? I don't want to meet a trash!"

However, Rowen didn't appreciate it. Instead, he sneered at Darren.


Being scolded by Rowen, Darren didn't know what to say for a moment. He also saw the hostility in

Rowen's eyes. Recalling what Finn said, he hesitated whether to admit defeat and surrender.

"The competition begins!"

The referee waved his hand and announced the beginning of the competition. Perhaps he was a little

impatient, so he didn't ask for the two people's opinions and directly announced the competition's



Darren thought of what Finn had said, and he was ready to admit defeat.

But Rowen wouldn't give him the chance to admit defeat.

"Go to hell!"

Rowen roared, clenched his fist with one hand, and rushed to Darren.

In an instant, his figure came in front of Darren.

Darren stopped talking and hurried to deal with it.


Suddenly, Rowen's fist punched on Darren's chest. Darren wanted to stretch out his hand to resist the

attack, but he was much weaker than Rowen. Therefore, Rowen's fist instantly hit Darren's chest, and

his heart broke.


The competition was over, and everyone was quiet. They didn't expect that the match would end in one

move, just like the previous one.

"Why you don't even give me a chance to admit defeat? Why!?"

Barren's heart was broken, and blood flowed out of his mouth. He asked the question when he was


"Humph, don't blame me. It's all your fault. You are too close to Finn. He killed my friend Lee!"

With a bloodthirsty smile on his face, Rowen took a step back.

Darren spat out a mouthful of blood. Without heart's support, he fell to the ground.

"Rowen, you're courting death!"

Before the audience could react, a roar rang out.

In the watching area, Finn stood up and shouted with a gloomy face.

Darren died. He even had no chance to admit defeat.

All of this was just because Darren and Finn had several conversations, which caused Rowen to be


Rowen's arrogance made Finn want to kill him.

If it weren't for this competition, Finn would rush up and kill Rowen immediately.

When Finn's words came out, all the audience immediately looked at Finn. They felt the overwhelming

killing intent from Finn.

"What? Hahaha! Interesting! "

Hearing what Finn said, Rowen laughed, "humph, just a monkey from Country C, come on; I'll wait for

you. I won't let you die quickly. I'll torture you and make your life worse than death!" While speaking,

Rowen waved his hand and shook off the blood on his sleeve, ignoring Finn.


Looking at Rowen's arrogant face, Finn was so angry that he wanted to break the bones of Rowen.

Therefore, Finn directly left the watching area and directly jumped up to the battle ring.

"What happened? What is he going to do? "

Everyone was stunned and didn't know what Finn meant.

Rowen was stunned and laughed, "Monkey, what's wrong? Why are you so eager to die? Okay, I will

fulfill your wish! "

Finn ignored him but rushed to Rowen at a fast speed.

"Finn Chen, stop!"

When the middle-aged referee saw this, he frowned and shouted.

"I'm sorry, sir. I was too reckless, just now!"

Finn suddenly stopped. Without waiting for the referee's response, he directly said to Rowen. "Trash,

do you only dare to bully a Martial Artist whose level is lower than yours? Do you dare to compete with

me in the life-and-death battle?"


Finn's voice echoed in the air, and everyone heard it. They all felt upset about Finn's behavior.

Finn directly announced a life-and-death battle with Rowen, which shocked many people.

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