Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 642 Force Him Battle!
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Chapter 642 Force Him Battle!

Tomei, Master Void, Taoist master, Brut, and other Martial Arts Grandmaster sighed and thought. 'Teng

is too arrogant. Moreover, he is also a cruel and ruthless person judging from his tone.'

"After all, he is the successor of Jing's Family. But can he guarantee to defeat Finn? Besides, Finnnovelbin

hasn't agreed to accept the challenge yet! "

Perhaps it was because Jing's Family was too powerful, or perhaps it was because Teng was too

arrogant that the warriors on the other ship couldn't stand it. Some of them even whispered and


"You'd better shut up your mouth!" Although the man's voice was low, it was still heard by everyone

present. Among them, Teng glanced at him coldly, and his words were full of threat.

Although the man was quite unhappy with the threat of Teng, thinking of the power of Jing's Family, he

had to lower his head and do not dare to say anything.

Not only him, but also the disciples of other sects were unsatisfied with him. They were looking forward

to Finn's appearance as soon as possible, giving him a painful lesson, and even killing him directly.

While they were looking forward to it, they couldn't help but ask themselves, 'it's past noon. Finn neither

responded to the battle nor showed up. Is it true that he is afraid of fighting with Teng?' Not only the

disciples from different sects but also some Martial Arts Masters began to suspect that Finn didn't dare

to fight with Teng.

With such a question, everyone continued to wait, and Teng went to the cabin to rest.

An hour later, Wind, Walker, and other big shots also came here. They entered the blockade area and

boarded the third ship.

In addition, Chastity and some members of Chu's Family also came. They also boarded the third ship.

At four o'clock, the sun began to set. Everyone was a little impatient and couldn't help but discuss it

again. There was only one topic: will Finn come again? He wouldn't come!

Such a thought emerged in their minds of the majority of people, but they did not leave. Instead, they

were still waiting, planning to wait until the sunset. If Finn did not come by then, they would leave.

"Since that coward is determined not to come, I will force him to come!" At the same time, Teng looked

at the setting sun and thought. Then he picked up his phone and called his cousin." Rehn, it seems that

he won't come. Let Yang do it!"

"Okay!" On the other end of the phone, Rehn responded immediately. Then he hung up the phone and

said to Yang, "Teng said we could do it now."

"Mr.Rehn, please lead the way!"

Yang stood up and said expressionlessly.

He knew what his words meant -- He would forcibly accept Maura, Finn's wife as his maid!

"The Maura will probably resist fiercely. You should be careful. Not hurt her!" reminded Rehn.

"Don't worry, Mr. Rehn. She is just a bastard. If I want to kill her, I can kill her with one hand. If I don't

want her to die, it will be an extravagant hope for her to suicide!"

With a sneer, Yang strode into the villa of Michael Yuwen.

According to the information they got, Maura came here yesterday, but they didn't know that Finn was

also training here.

At this time, in the private villa of Michael Yuwen, Maura, Michael Yuwen, Queena Yuwen, as well as

the talent of The Sword Sect, Cary, and four brothers of Chen's Family, were waiting outside the villa.

Maura just knew yesterday that Finn was going to compete.

After learning the news, she came here from City Z overnight.

But because Finn was training, she did not see Finn.

At this moment, Zac came in a hurry. As soon as he came in, he said to Wen, "brother, master just told

me that there is a sea of people in the WH Lake. Almost half of the people from the martial arts world of

Country C came. They are all waiting for Master Finn."

"More than half of the people from Country C martial arts world have come?" Hearing what Zac said,

Wen and other people were shocked. They did not expect that there would be such a great scene in

the WH Lake.

"How about I go inside and wake him up?" Maura glanced at the crowd and said with hesitation.

Among these people present, she was the closest one to Finn, so it was reasonable for her to call Finn.

"Wait a minute." At this time, Cary waved his hand to stop Maura. Then he said in a low voice, "I just

went in and observed. I found that Finn has entered the state of 'being in a trance'. At this time, we

can't interrupt him."

"In a state of 'being in a trance'?" Hearing Cary's words, everyone was stunned. What was the state of

being in a trance?

As if noticing the doubts of the crowd, Cary explained, "the state of being in a trance means that a

Martial Artist accidentally reaches the state of being unintentional."

"The so-called unintentional meant giving up one's consciousness. If one had his consciousness, all

sorts of distractions would occur, and he would not be able to concentrate on unleashing his ability and


"If a Martial Artist enters a state of 'being in a trance,' it will have an unimaginable effect on his martial

arts comprehension. From ancient times till now, many Martial Arts Masters stepped into a new level in

a state of 'being in a trance.'"

"It can be said that the state of 'being in a trance' is something precious for Martial Artists. Normally,

more than ninety-nine percent of the Martial Artists are impossible to enter such a magical state all their

life. Only a tiny number of martial artists can occasionally enter this state during the practice of martial

arts, which will lead to the rapid progress of martial arts and becoming a great master.

"Since it's so rare to be in a trance, don't disturb him. Let's talk about it after he wakes up."

After hearing the explanation of Cary, Maura spoke first and made a decision directly.

No one had any objection to Maura's decision.

After all, Maura was the wife of Finn. She was the closest person to Finn among all the people present.

Furthermore, Maura's decision was right for Finn.

Therefore, they had no reason to refute Maura.

Soon, two hours passed.

However, to everyone's surprise, Finn was still in a state of 'being in a trance,' without any signs of

waking up.

At this time, Michael Yuwen received a call.

After hanging up the phone, Michael Yuwen looked weird.

"My father said that all the famous people in the martial arts world of Country C have arrived, and Jing's

Family have also arrived. They are waiting for Finn."

"It's over four o'clock now. If we don't inform him, I'm afraid it's too late."

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