Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 589 The Wreaking
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Chapter 589 The Wreaking

Even some well-known overseas betting institutions have opened a handicap for this. Among them, the

probability of Finn Chen being able to escape from Japan is 1 to 5, and the odds of Finn dying in Japan

are 1 to 4.

Judging from the odds, the bookmakers were not optimistic that Finn could leave Country J alive.

Because, in the history of humanity, there had never been a precedent that a person could survive from

the joint encirclement of Killer's Group in Hidden People's Association and the patrol.

After all, they could work together to use modern weapons with great lethality, and they could also use

human tactics. Even the peerless powerhouse on the Divine List could compete.

Just as the field of martial arts turned upside down because of Finn, a freighter arrived at Busan,

Country K on time.

Finn left the freighter quietly and then left the port openly without attracting people's attention.

Half an hour later, he drove to a five-star hotel in Busan, checked in to a room, and then gave the hotel

staff a great tip to help him buy clothes.

Finn entered the hotel room, took a hot bath comfortably, and booked a flight ticket back to Country C.

"Ding Dong."

After Finn had done all this, the doorbell rang.

Finn got up and opened the door. It was not the hotel staff who appeared in his sight but a group of

heavily armed patrols, and there were many Martial Artists.

Because what Finn did in Country J has attracted global attention, all countries had mentioned his

danger level to the SSS level, which was the most dangerous level!

After Finn registered in the hotel, Country K learned the news for the first time.

Seeing the full-armed patrols, Finn didn't show the slightest panic on his face, not even a hint of

surprise; he had expected all this long ago.

"Mr. Patrol, I just use this as my transit point back to Country C. I never thought about what to do here,

and you don't want me to do anything here, right?" Finn looked at the lead patrol, Said with a smile.

"Can I go in and chat with you?"

Finn's words sounded in his ears, the head of the patrol, stared at Finn for a few seconds and then


He was the Busan patrol leader, and the special people came not to capture Finn, but to find out the

purpose of Finn's visit to Busan.

"of course."

Finn smiled and nodded, making an invitation gesture.

When the Busan patrol leader heard this, he gestured to the Group of heavily armed special patrols

behind him, and those patrols retreated after seeing this.

"Mr. Chen, the first thing that needs to be stated is that you are not welcome for patrols in Busan and

even Country K. I also believe that no patrol from any country in the world will welcome you." The

Busan patrol leader entered the room and sat on the sofa with a calm face.

"Similarly, you don't want or want to be my enemy." Finn smiled.


The Busan patrol leader admitted this with an ugly expression, "Because of this, I brought people to

find you, not arrest you. We also don't have the ability. I just want to know the purpose of your coming

to Busan, and also want to know you. When to leave."

"I just booked a ticket and will go to the airport soon," Finn said.

"Mr. Chen, to ensure that everything you say is true, I will let my subordinates follow you for the next

two hours until you leave Busan. Do you think it is okay?" The Busan patrol leader spoke again.

Because, in his opinion, Finn was a God who cannot offend, but must be sent away as soon as


"Yes." Finn agreed quickly.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

The Busan patrol leader stood up to thank him and then couldn't help but sigh, "To be honest, I am

shocked that you can successfully escape from Japan. At the same time, I believe that once this news

comes out, it will shock the world! Of course! Before you leave, I will not let my people spread the


"It's okay; I won't care. After all, this is Country K. Country J's patrols can't come here to encircle me,

right?" Finn smiled indifferently.

"Although you are right, our Busan and even patrol in Country K don't want to get involved in any way.

Well, Mr. Chen, goodbye, I hope we never meet again."

Hearing Finn's words and looking at Finn's indifferent smile, the Busan patrol leader felt inexplicably

scared, he said and quickly left the room.

An hour later, Finn arrived at Busan International Airport in a suit and shoes and recorded a short video

posted to the Budo Forum through Martin Hu.

"I am Finn from Country C. I am in Busan, Country K. I am responsible for certain things that happened

in Japan in these two days."

"Everyone has a bottom line, and I am no exception-whoever touches my relatives and friends will be

liquidated; those who commit my Country C will be punishable even though they are far away!!"

"This is my kind reminder to some people. If someone doesn't take my reminder to heart, imprint it in

their mind, and do things with fire in the future, I promise that the tragedy in Country J will be staged in

other countries!"

In the video, the young man who sneaked into Country J alone killed the underground world and the

martial arts circles. He was surrounded and suppressed from the field of martial arts in Country J and

the patrol, and left unscathed, standing on a Country C airline plane. Then he said those words calmly.

On this day, the whole Country J was shaken for the young man.

Finn was flying away from Country J silently!

Before that, he shot such a threatening video.


This was a naked humiliation to the field of martial arts in Country J!

After the second battle, the field of martial arts in Country J would inevitably be nailed to the pillar of

shame forever!

Killers' Group, which represented the highest combat power in Country J, had made joint patrols and

hunted down a Martial Artist who was not in the early stage of transformation. Even let this Martial

Artist escape from Country J!

It was made the field of martial arts in Country J to be a joke! Even for the martial arts around the


On the other hand, Finn had officially entered the sight of global powerhouses!

Although his strength was only in the early stage of the Transformed Period, he had set an extremely

impressive record.

John Saito and Yoshimasa Chiba both were in the early stage of the Transformed Period, even Hanzonovelbin

Miyamoto, who was in the last stage of the Transformed Period, all killed by Finn.

And the last one was ranked 38th on the global Divine List!

There was also another man, Muno Amaterasu, who was less powerful than Grand Master. He was the

head of the Hidden People's Association, and he was ranked 18th on the Global Divine List!

Although Muno Amaterasu did not kill by Finn, he had to suffer a lot that was more than death.

He became a complete waste!

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