Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 587 Full Pursuit
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Chapter 587 Full Pursuit

"Kill Finn Chen at all costs and never let him leave Country J alive."

This was the final decision of the meeting.

The first time killed one person with one country's forces in Country J's history.

After made the decision, the Head of the hidden people's Association immediately ordered the police in

Hokkaido to block all major airports and ports, strictly inspect highways and railway stations at all levels

to form a tight blockade network and prohibit Finn from fleeing Hokkaido.

Also, to defend the field of military arts / the military arts world and the dignity of the whole country,

Arnold Amaterasu took a fighter plane to Hokkaido for the first time.

According to the plan of the hidden people's Association's battle hall, if they could, they decided to kill

Finn at the lowest cost. They used the martial artist of the war hall to surround Finn and then Arnold

Amaterasu, who was in the later stage of the Transformed Period.

After zero, a chariot roared on Hokkaido's streets and roads, just like a first-class alert posture.

A warehouse in Hokkaido. Finn looked at the cars coming in and out. Through observation, he found

that the vehicles for picking up goods mainly went to the airport and the pier, among which the cars

carrying heavy goods went to the pier, while the light and small goods went to the airport.

After making this clear, Finn took out his spare mobile phone and found a string of numbers sent by

Martin Hu, which, according to Martin, is the phone number of Arnold Amaterasu.

As soon as Muno Amaterasu died, his brother in charge of encircling and suppressing Finn.

After suffering from the destruction of RT Hall and the heavy injury of Muno Amaterasu, Arnold

Amaterasu turned his grief into hatred. He asked the hidden people's Association war hall to encircle

Finn at a high cost.

After learning that the meeting had made a decision, he did not fall asleep. Instead, he sat in the study

of his ancestral home, waiting for Finn's news.

As a result, he waited for a strange call.

"Hello, who is it?"

Looking at the strange call, Arnold Amaterasu was stunned, and then connected the phone.

"Arnold Amaterasu, are you satisfied with my surprise?" Said Finn with a smile.


Stunned to hear Finn's words, Arnold Amaterasu was stunned again, and then judged the identity of

Chen Feng. He stood up from his seat and said, "you don't need to be arrogant, you're dead!"

"Is it?"

Finn laughed scornfully. "Before I came to Country J, you carefully arranged the killing game and

thought I was dead. As a result, I killed everyone. After that, Hanzo Miyamoto and Muno Amaterasu

claimed to leave my life in Country J. As a result, I bloody washed Miyamoto's Family, the headquarters

of the soul enduring organization, and the headquarters of the tolerance hall. I killed Hanzo Miyamoto

and seriously injured Muno Amaterasu! This time, you say I'm dead. Do you think it's possible? "

"What? "

Like a sharp dagger, Finn's words pierced's heart, which made him shiver all over with internal power

and was short of breath. Arnold Amaterasu didn't reply for a moment.

"Wash your neck and wait. I'll go to Tokyo to kill your dog and kill all the core members of Amaterasu's

Family!" Finn cold channel.

"OK, bastard, I'm waiting for you to kill me!" Arnold Amaterasu has a face of hate, and its internal power

is startled and angry.

He was very angry at Finn's arrogant attitude, and he wanted to put Finn to the bone and ashes

immediately to vent his hatred, but he was also inexplicably frightened by Finn's words.novelbin

As Finn said, although the forces of the Hidden people's Association had deployed dense forces, no

one could not guarantee the hidden people's If Finn escaped from Hokkaido and sneaks into Tokyo,

Amaterasu's Family may face the disaster of extermination after the nightmare comes!

Instead of saying anything, Finn hung up and rushed to the warehouse in front of him this time. He

quietly turned off his mobile phone and put it in a truck about to leave after starting.

He had already observed that the truck was loaded with light goods and was heading for the airport.

After all this, Finn, with his terrible speed, dodged to another truck loaded with heavy goods and ready

to go to Hokkaido port. Then he hid on the bottom, tied his seat belt to the bottom of the car, and

grasped the accessories at the bottom of the car with both hands to ensure that his body kept a certain

safety distance from the ground.

Soon, the truck heading for the airport took the lead out of the warehouse yard, followed by the van

where Chen Feng was hiding, and the two trucks left in opposite directions.

Although Finn told Arnold Amaterasuthat he would go to Tokyo, he didn't want to go to Tokyo to kill

Arnold Amaterasu.

Because he had seen more than one chariot before, he knew that the Hidden people's Association, the

highest combat power organization in Country J, had been launched.

In such a situation, Arnold Amaterasu must leave Country J immediately or face the encirclement and

suppression of the whole war Hall of the hidden people's Association, which is an extremely dangerous


It is no longer feasible for him to leave Country J by plane with a fake identity. The only way is to take a


And he got in touch with Martin Hu and learned that at 3:00 a.m., a freighter would set off from

Hokkaido port to Pusan port in Korea.

To avoid a long night's dream, he planned to take the freighter to leave, but he had to take

transportation because of the tight time.

Therefore, the purpose of calling Arnold Amaterasu is to confuse the enemy and make the enemy

mistakenly think that he will not leave. At the same time, he put his mobile phone on the truck to the

airport, deliberately attracting the attention of the hidden people's Association war hall and the

patrolmen, thus disturbing the sight again.


Tokyo, in the ancestral home of Amaterasu's Family.

Arnold Amaterasu, who ended the conversation with Finn, called Murakami Sato, the first leader of

Patrol house in Country J.

"Mr. Sato, I just received the phone call from that bastard. He threatened to come to Tokyo to kill me!"

When the telephone was connected, Arnold Amaterasu was the first to speak and went straight to the


"What? "

Stunned to hear the words of Arnold Amaterasu, Murakami Sato was not surprised, "he is also too


"Yes, he didn't pay any attention to the Hidden people's Association and your patrols!" Said Murakami


"If he was not so arrogant, we still need some time to find him. Since he voluntarily exposes

information, he is not far away from death!"

Murakami Sato said angrily, "Mr. Amaterasu, you send me the phone number and call time. I will locate

the phone and contact the Head to encircle him."

"OK, Mr. Sato."

Arnold Amaterasu quickly gave a reply and then stopped talking. He hung up the phone directly and

sent the mobile phone number and called time used by Finn to Murakami Sato.

Sato Murakami received the mobile phone number and calling time, immediately let the Information

Department of in Country J located and tracked.

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