Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 578 Takeno Amterasu
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Chapter 578 Takeno Amterasu

When the man in black drove through the front yard in the manor and came to the backyard, he

stepped on the brake in horror.

He was not the only one who was terrified, so was Hanzo and his assistant, Linda!

Because they saw bloodstained heads, headless corpses, and the ground stained by the blood.

They seemed to have come to hell!


Linda vomited up all the breakfast she ate this morning.

"Did Finn do this? "

The man in black asked in horror.

Hanzo didn't say anything. He spat out blood, his face full of shock and anger.

Everything in front of him told him that his family had been massacred, and the murderer was most

likely Finn!

Last night, He just asked the Hidden People's Association to kill Finn in this country. However, instead

of running away, Finn massacred all the members of Miyamoto's family!

"Master! All the family members have been killed, and almost all their heads have been cut off. There is

no living person in the whole manor, and even a few dogs have been slaughtered!"

Ten minutes later, the man in black returned and came to the car. His face turned pale, and his voice

trembled as he reported this to Hanzo.

"How about Yuichi? "Hanzo still had hope. Yuichi Miyamoto was his only son, who was powerful

enough to escape.

"Yuichi is also dead." The man in black swallowed and glanced at Hanzo. He knew it would be hard for

Hanzo to accept the news, but the fact was that Yuichi's head was just placed at the door of the living



Hanzo spat out blood again, and even his hair turned grey in an instant.

"Master! Are you okay? "Linda looked at Banzo worriedly. Even if she was not a Martial Artist, she

could feel that Hanzo's internal power was disordered now.

"I'm fine."

"Call Lord Takeno Amaterasu and tell him what happened here."

Hanzo took a deep breath and tried his best to calm himself down, but the beating muscles at the

corners of his eyes showed his true feelings.

"Yes, sir." Linda took out her phone and called Takeno.

At the underground base of DJ Bay, dressed in black, Takeno sat in the hall, motionless as an old monk


He was the leader of the Hidden People's s Association and the person in charge of killing Finn.

"Sir, Mr. Miyamoto is calling. He wants to talk to you." A Martial Artist came up and said respectfully.

There was no answer.

Takeno suddenly opened his eyes, moved his body, and disappeared from the young man's sight


Soon, Takeno arrived at the hall of the base. He picked up the phone and asked directly, "Hanzo. Have

you found out the hiding place of the Martial Artist of Country C?"

"No! "

Holding the phone in her hand, Linda was stunned to hear Takeno's words. She quickly replied,

"Master, we haven't found out the hiding place of the that Martial Artist from Country C. But, as soon as

we came back, we found that all the Miyamoto family's members were killed... "


Takeno's face changed, and his pupils dilated in an instant.

Although he was the eighteenth strongest warrior on the divine list and had a strong will in martial arts,

he was still shocked by the news.

"All the members of Miyamoto's family are dead! Even the dogs in the manor were not spared! We're

sure that all this was done by the Martial Artist of Country C!" Linda reported honestly, feeling a little


She had heard of murder and even exterminating one's family, but this was the first time she had heard

of such a massacre!


Takeno was furious!

He didn't expect that Finn would be so bold. Finn didn't escape under the search of the whole country,

but sneaked into Miyamoto's family and killed all the members there!

"Linda, listen to me. Ask Hanzo to use all the resources he can use. If necessary, ask the Hidden

People's Association to help. Find that bastard out!"

Furious as he was, he ordered in a cold voice, "once you get any news, report it to me immediately. I'll

kill him myself!"

"Yes, sir!"

Linda took the order immediately. She didn't put down her phone until Takeno hung up the phone.

"Master, Lord Amaterasu asked us to use all the resources to track down the madman's whereabouts.

As long as there is any news about Finn, Lord Amaterasu can personally kill him." Linda reported the

situation to Hanzo.

Takeno was the number one warrior under the Super Master level in the Country J, whose stage was at

the peak of a Higher Ninja, and he was the eighteenth strongest warrior on the global divine list.

"Master Amaterasu wants to fight personally?" Hanzo was a little surprised to hear the news. After all,

Takeno was a peerless warrior on the divine list. Such a mighty warrior was well-known even in the

whole world.

Generally speaking, such a skilled master would not fight with Finn, a warrior at the early stage of the

Transform Period, because it would be disgraceful if it was spread out.

But now, Takeno had made such a promise, which meant that he was really irritated by Finn.

"Yes, Lord Amaterasu said that he would come in person as long as there was any news about that

madman." It was confirmed again.

"I see." Hanzo nodded slightly. With the help of Takeno, the top master of the divine list, Finn would

definitely die!

Hokkaido was the only one of the 47 capital cities in Country J and the northernmost first-grade

administrative region. It was the largest island in Country J besides Honshu and the twenty-first largest

island globally.

The terrain of Hokkaido was high in the middle and low around. There were mountains and highlands

in the middle, so the overall landscape fluctuated wildly, and the surrounding was vast flat ground.

The beautiful snow made Hokkaido one of the famous tourist cities in Country J, and the complex and

changeable terrain made it the excellent training base of the underground forces in this country.

The headquarter of the well-known RH Group were located in Hokkaido. Their members were trained

by taking advantage of the complex and terrible terrain and climate of Hokkaido.

Besides, Hokkaido had always been the first choice for the Martial Artist to stay for meditations.

Even in March, the snow in Hokkaido still didn't melt. The city was relatively better, and some of the

snow in the wild was even two or three meters thick.

As the night fell, a farm in Hokkaido was covered by darkness, but the lights there were bright. It was

the headquarters of RH Group.

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