Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 557 Here He Comes
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Chapter 557 Here He Comes

Simultaneously, a passenger plane from Country K landed at City T's International Airport on time. A

young man with long hair dressed in hip hop, carrying a bag and pushing a suitcase, walked out of the

airport with people's flow.

After leaving the airport, the youth took a taxi, got off one kilometer away from the affluent area of City

T. He threw his luggage and disappeared into the night like a ghost.

At the moment, it's just ten hours since someone kidnapped Wendy Lin.

While the Martial Arts World discussed whether Finn would go to Country J, and the Miyamoto Family

was comprehensively monitoring the people from Country C coming to Country J, a replaced Country

K's youth came to Country J.

The youth was Finn Chen!

After arriving in Country J, Finn did not go yo find RH Group immediately but came to a villa area

according to the information provided by Davin Shi.

This villa was located in T Bay, which was a famous rich area in City T.

Kaede Matsushima and his family lived here.

Finn didn't intend to save Wendy directly. He intended to ask Kaede about the deployment of the QS

Chamber of Commerce.

Unlike the City Z's Chamber of Commerce, there were only two families in the QS Chamber of


One was the Miyamoto Family, where Hanzo Miyamoto was located.

Another, naturally, was the Matsushima Family, where Kaede lived.

In Country J, the Matsushima family was a super-family with great prestige, and their industries were

almost all over Country J.

Last time, when Kaede came to celebrate the birthday of Chastity Chu, he gave a luxury yacht as a gift.

At that time, the gift from Kaede shocked the Chu Family.

That yacht was worth over 100 million yuan!

Finn only met Kaede one time at that birthday party.

So he didn't remember Kaede very much, but only remembered that Kaede was a short, stout man.

Before coming to Country J this time, Davin told him that if he wanted to go to RH Group and save

Wendy, he had better find out something from Kaede.

Because Matsushima Family's warriors of the Transformed Period were practicing these days and

didn't go out.

At the moment, the Matsushima Family was dining.

"Kaede, I heard them say you know Finn?"

Marco Matsushima, the father of Kaede, suddenly put down his knife and fork and asked.

"Yes, I do know that, Finn." Kaede nodded his head with a complicated expression.

"Do you think this person will come to Country J?" Marco asked.

Kaede shook his head: "Dad, I don't know much about Finn, so I don't know if Finn will come to

Country J."

"However, people in Country C have always attached great importance to love. If Wendy is Finn's

woman, then he will come to Country J." Answered Kaede.

"He'd better come. If he doesn't come, our arrangement will be in vain." Marco said.

"Dad, are we sure to kill him?" Kaede couldn't help asking, even now, he couldn't believe that the

seemingly gentle young man he saw that day would be such a horrible genius.

"Hum, this time, RH Group sent 30 preliminary ninjas and ten elite vantage ninjas. How could such a

force not be sure to kill him?" Marco snorted.

Kaede looked slightly solemn. The preliminary ninja Marco referred was the lowest ninja in Country J.

Such a ninja was equivalent to a warrior in the Obvious Period of Country C. Besides, the vantage ninja

was equal to the warrior of the Obscure Period of Country C.

Thirty warriors of the Obvious Period and ten warriors of the Obscure Period!

To kill Finn, RH Group sent such power!

"Dad, what about us?" Kaede couldn't help but ask. What Marco just said was the power deployed by

RH Group. As the real behind-the-scenes bosses of this attack, Matsushima Family and Miyamoto

Family would probably send more elite force!

"We?" Matsushima' s mouth raised a sneer. "We only need to dispatch two people."

"Two people?" Kaede was shocked and immediately thought of something. His face changed much.

"Dad, it is very likely that Finn will broadcast live in front of the global warriors when he saves Wendy

Lin this time. If we let our higher ninjas go out, I'm afraid ..."

Every higher ninja in a big family like the Matsushima Family was a well-known master in the world. If

they openly block Finn, they would be recognized by the powerhouses in the world.

"Don't worry, the higher ninja dispatched by our family died ten years ago ..." Marco calmly interrupted


Like Miyamoto's Family, Matsushima's family also had a higher ninja who should have died ten years


"Dead?" Kaede felt surprised. Matsushima's words referred to their identities were dead!

When Kaede and Marco discussed how to deal with Finn, Finn sneaked into the villa area.

And he came to the residential area where Kaede lived.

At noon today, Davin Shi publicized Wendy's kidnapping in the Forum on Martial Arts according to his

plan, which caused a great sensation. At the same time, Finn disguised himself and went to Country K

under a false identity. Then he used the Chu Family's relationship in Country K to find a Country K's

youth with similar appearance, swaggering to City T under the false identity, and then went straight


At the moment, Finn lost her wig and changed into black clothes, and seemed to blend into the night.

In the night, he squinted, looked at Kaede's villa, pricked up his ears, and listened carefully to


Like all top Country J-style villas, Kaede's mansion had a yard covering an area of nearly,000 square

meters and the main building, in which various precious flowers and trees were planted, and two

pavilions, several stone lamps, and a pond.

Besides, the villa was built with a wall as high as two meters. The wall was covered with monitors.

Anyone who approached the mansion would be monitored and photographed, displayed in the

monitoring picture of the concierge monitoring room, and bodyguards would discover him.

A few seconds later, Finn stopped looking and took a deep breath, and the strength inside his body

rushed to the soles of his feet.


The next moment, Finn moved, and his figure flashed like a phantom. He swept to the wall, jumped,

directly crossed the wall as high as two meters, and then quietly fell to the ground without noise.

All these things seemed complicated, but because Finn was fast and finished it instantly, he was not

seen clearly on the surveillance screen.

"Was that a human figure just now?"

In the monitoring room, a bodyguard saw the shadow. When he wanted to confirm, he found that thenovelbin

shadow had disappeared. He couldn't help but ask his companion.

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