Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 549 Special Operations Department
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Chapter 549 Special Operations Department

Finn Chen breathed a sigh of relief after a day of practice.

After getting out of bed and briefly washing up, Finn took out his phone.

He wanted to call Davin Shi and ask about Wendy Lin. But he was in the middle of dialing the number,

and Finn dismissed the idea.

Davin shouldn't have made much progress, and if he had, he would have said so.

Finn still decided to call Maura Shawn and ask her how she was doing.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

Finn's brow furrowed, who could it be at this hour? Few people knew he lived here.

He walked to the door and pulled it open.

Three figures in military uniforms came into Finn's eyes.

The one standing in the middle was a middle-aged man with a smile, and behind him were two hard-

looking thirty-something soldiers.

"Hello, Mr. Chen." The middle-aged man smiled and extended his hand.

"Hello." Finn shook hands with the middle-aged man with some confusion. These three people in front

of him were soldiers, and judging from the middle-aged man's epaulets, they were not lowly in the


But why were the military looking for him?

"My name is Fahn Wang, Director of the City Y Special Operations Department." The middle-aged man

introduced himself.

Special Operations Department?

Finn was slightly surprised that it was this organization.

Fahn had been observing Finn's expression. When he saw that Finn was a little surprised, Fahn

couldn't help but say, "Mr. Chen seems to know about our department?"

"Know a little." Finn nodded.

He had heard it before. It was a pilot division that the military had set up in conjunction with the martial

arts world.

It said that this department had been in existence for over thirty years. It was originally established to

test the feasibility of combining martial arts and modern technology.

Because in recent years, the martial arts and technology development in Country C had reached a


More than thirty years ago, someone proposed combining the two to push the limits of human strength.

At first, this idea was well received by many people.

But when it came to concrete development, this idea encountered great difficulties.

The martial artist's power was too strong for most of the instruments made by modern technology to

carry their power.

In the obscure and obscure period, modern technology was barely able to carry the power. A part of

modern technology can even increase the power of martial artists.

But in the transformed period, this increase was much smaller.

Even the power of some warriors in the transformed period was far beyond the limit of modern


Thus, this idea was not continued in the end.

But, the department that was created to realize this idea retained and became the current Special

Operations Department.

Today's Special Operations Department was still mainly composed of martial artists.

To be precise, it should be army martial artists.

They both studied martial arts and conducted professional special forces training. They might not have

martial arts talent, but their strength was not inferior to those geniuses in the martial arts world.

Moreover, they were all equipped with high-precision modern thermal weapons. In terms of combat

ability, they were a whole lot better than the traditional martial artists.

It could say that army martial artists were killing machines created for killing.

Their duty was to perform some special tasks.

"Since Mr. Chen has heard of us, that's good to know."

"A few days ago, our Blade Special forces group's instructor left, which left the entire group without a

leader. So, we'd like to hire Mr. Chen as an instructor." Fahn stated his purpose simply and plainly.


Finn subconsciously wanted to refuse. But as soon as he said that, Fahn smiled and said, "Mr. Chen,

don't refuse yet. You only need to spare two or three days a month to come to teach the team members

martial arts techniques. We don't need you to come every day."

"Only two or three days a month?" Hearing Fahn said that Finn was a little tempted to say yes. He had

worried that being an instructor would need him to stay on base all the time, but now Fahn's statement

allayed his fears.

"Yes." Fahn nodded, "It's Tomei Guan's idea. He said that being an instructor can't delay your training."


No wonder Fahn had come looking for him. It was all Tomei's idea.

But why did Tomei do it?

"Okay, I promise."

Finn didn't think twice about it and made his decision directly.

The Special Operations Department was an extremely important department of the military. Serving in

such a department, in a sense, he had a military background.

It wouldn't be so easy for certain people to touch him again.

"Song." Fahn looked at the person behind him.

Then, a man with an upright posture walked up to Finn and gave him a standard military salute.

After the salute, Song took a box from the other man and brought it to Finn.

"Mr. Chan, here is your uniform, as well as your medallion papers." Fahn spoke with a smile, "Next time

you come to W Hill, just show this ID, and the guard at the gate will let you in."

"Thank you." Finn thanked. If he went into service, then Fahn would probably be his colleague fromnovelbin

now on.

"It's nothing." Fahn smiled and shook his head.

"If there's nothing else, we'll be off."

"Well, I'll see you off."

Fahn came and went as quickly as he could.

In less than three minutes, they were gone from in front of the villa. But Finn had a dark green uniform

and medals in his hand, along with an ID.

Finn took a glance at the information on the document and was a little surprised. The instructor of the

Blade Special forces group was a Major General. In other words, his current rank in the army was

considered to be Major General.

This rank was not too high. After all, he was only twenty-five years old.

At this point, Finn was more and more certain that Tomei was trying to help him.

He wanted to give himself a military status so that Chen's Family wouldn't be as evil in doing


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