Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 545 One After Another!
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Chapter 545 One After Another!

However, Tan Zhou, the contemporary patriarch of KL Sect, was once one of the most famous people

in the martial arts world in Country C. He was the fastest Martial Artist to break through the

Transformed Period in the martial arts world in Country C.

At the age of thirty-three, Tan stepped into the Transformed Period.

This year, Tan was 58 years old.

In terms of Martial Artists, This age was the prime of life.

Now, Tan stepped into the later stage of the Transformed Period.

His break-through speed remained as terrifying as ever.

Even though KL Sect had disappeared from the scene in recent years, few people dared to

underestimate KL Sect.

At early in the morning, the red sun rose, and the morning glow ran through the sky. It fell over the

continuous snow-capped mountains, just like putting a golden gauze layer on the white snow-capped

mountains, which was beautiful.

Halfway up a snowy mountain, some wooden houses were built there, and they were almost covered

by lush branches, which were hard to see even when looking down at high altitude.

That was the seat of KL Sect, which had existed for thousands of years. It was just like a paradise.

On a hill more than ten kilometers away from the door of KL Sect, a man with long hair and white robe

sat cross-legged on a stone.

That man's eyes were closed. He breathed in the morning glow.

A white sword was placed beside him. The scabbard was white like ice crystals, and a lifelike dragon

was engraved on its hilt.

It was Dragon Sword--the handed down sword of KL Sect.

Thousands of years ago, this sword was not named like this, but it was broken once, recast and

repaired, and then changed its name to Dragon Sword.

This handed-down sword was placed beside the youth, which proved the identity and status of the

youth in KL Sect.

He was Vince Zhou, a contemporary descendant of KL Sect, and a disciple of Tan.

Just as Vince closed his eyes and breathed, there was a slight noise around him, which might be wild

animals walking in the snow.

However, Vince seemed to have not heard it, sitting still like an old monk.

Gradually, the voice became louder, and dozens of huge gray wolves appeared from all directions,

surrounded Vince.

Grey wolf, a ferocious and social animal, played a significant role in the biological chain of nature,

almost worldwide.

Generally speaking, a wolf would not pose a great danger to other animals, and even human beings

would not afraid of it. However, in the face of wolves, even the mountain king, the tiger, recoiled.

At that moment, dozens of gray wolves flocked to Vince from all directions, with fierce eyes shining.


Suddenly, the leader wolf roared, giving orders to attack.

With the wolf's orders, dozens of wolves rushed to Vince like the tide and launched an attack!

At this moment, Vince suddenly opened his eyes, and murder emerged from his body, centering on his

body, and spreading around him.

He heard the sound of wolves running, and also saw bloodthirsty wolves.

But he didn't draw his sword, just stood up slowly.

As he got up, his murderous intent instantly burst into flames, and the whole person was like a peerless

sword born, which was quite sharp.

The next moment, almost all the wolves approaching Vince were shocked by Vince's sudden terror and

murder outbreak.

They all stopped in unison, clawing at the ground and looking warily at Vince.

As perennial predators, they felt an extremely dangerous breath in Vince, which was dangerous

enough to make their souls shudder.

Therefore, even if the leader wolf had given orders to attack, they would not dare to attack rashly.

After that, under wolves' gaze, Vince walked quietly down the mountain with his Dragon Sword in his

hand. He was quite relaxed as if wolves did not besiege him, and he appreciated the mountain's



Seeing this scene, the wolves roared uneasily. Instead of approaching the siege of Vince, they

retreated uncontrollably.


Suddenly, the leader wolf gave a quick roar, and dozens of wolves turned and ran away from Vince.

He scared off the wolves before he drew his sword.

That was the power of Vince, a contemporary descendant of KL Sect.

An hour later, Vince returned to KL Sect.

Tan called Vince to his room.

"Vince, your opponent, has appeared," Tan said straight to the point.

"An opponent?" Hearing it, Vince felt surprised, and he had been in KL Sect for twenty years, this was

the first time he heard Tan said that.

A man who could be his rival must be no weaker.

"Well, an opponent."

"He is a very good young man. He broke through the record of mine--stepping into the Transformed

Period." Tan looked extremely calm. Tan preferred the version that Finn was at the beginning stage of

the Transformed Period, not the Obscure Period's peak.

"Master, this is ... impossible." Vince's tone was somewhat hesitant. Master Tan had always been a

genius who was rare in one hundred years outside the external reputation. He broke through the early

stage of the Transformed Period at the age of thirty-three. How could anyone be faster than him?novelbin

"Nothing is impossible." Tan smiled. He shook his head and said, "Each new generation excels the last

one. Your generation is destined to be stronger than ours. Even if that person does not break my

record, you will break my record."

Tan was sure that no one knew Vinece's strength better than him.

At the age of thirty-three, Vince broke through and became known as the Martial Arts World's once-in-

a-century genius. However, Vince, who was only twenty-six years old this year, was already a warrior at

the Obscure Period's peak.

Up to 28 years old before, he was bound to break through the Obscure Period!

"Master, how old is he?" Vince suddenly asked.

"Don't ask. There's no point in asking. The reason why I tell you this is not to compare you with anyone,

but to compare you with yourself." Tan said in a hushed tone. Although it was essential to break

records, the foundation was more important.

If Vince ignored the foundation of Martial Arts to break through the realm of it, it would be contrary to

his original intention.

"Vince, I want you to remember one thing. In history, someone with a lower realm once won over a

warrior at the Transformed Period. For the Martial Artists, the realm is not all, but the combat power is


"Thank you for your teachings." Vince respectfully answered.

Tan nodded slightly: "Well, go down the mountain. It's time for people in the Martial Arts World to know

about our KL Sect's existence."

"Yes, Master! I must live up to expectations and make KL Sect famous in the Martial Arts World! " Vince

said with a confident face.

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