Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 520 Despicable_
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Chapter 520 Despicable_

"Transformed Period?" Taoist priest Yan was shocked. There were only a dozen people who reached

the Transformed Period stage came to ML Island this time, and they were all from the field of military

arts in County C. He knew all of them, and they were sitting with him together during that time. They

still had no chance to save Song even though they were sitting so close to the arena.

"Tomei. Do you know who that warrior in Transformed Period is?" Taoist priest Yan couldn't help asking;

That warrior just saved Song, so the Wudang sect owed him a favor.

They would have to pay up the favor.

"I don't know. There were too so people in the field that I didn't see clearly." Tomei shook his head;

Although he was in the highest stage of the Transformed Period, he couldn't keep an eye on so many

people in the field. He only knew that the person who made a move was very close to the arena.

"All right." Taoist priest Yan was a bit helpless; It was the first time that he saw a person did something

good but didn't ask for a return.

On the other side, Sasuke Saito just returned to the team of QS Chamber of Commerce, and a man

couldn't help asking, "Sasuke. Why didn't you kill that Country C guy just now?"

Sasuke looked at the man and said with a gloomy face, "Do you think I don't want to kill him?"

That man was confused for a moment, "What do you mean by that?"

"I was stopped by someone." Sasuke said in a deep voice that when he was on the stage, he didn't

understand why the dagger shifted somehow, but after getting off the stage, he realized it.

When he was about to attack the warrior from Country C, someone hit an internal power to interrupt,

which deflected his dagger by a distance.

At this time, Taye Watanabe and two other Country J's old warriors in the Transformed Period came in.

When Sasuke and other young warriors saw these three men came in, they immediately bowed down,


"Well done. Sasuke." The old warriors who stood in the middle took a satisfied look at Sasuke; Today,

Sasuke had embarrassed the Martial Artist of Country C. He not only defeated the Country C's Martial

Artist but also used the kind of humiliating way.

"Thank you, Sensei. It's my honor to do so." Sasuke's eyes were full of enthusiasm; The old warrior in

front of him named Hanzo Miyamoto. He was the deputy leader of ZG Group in Country J, and he had

reached the higher ninja tier five years ago.

In recent years, Hanzo Miyamoto was the most promising higher ninja who could breakthrough to

supreme ninja.

"Your opponent for tomorrow is Travis. He's the disciple from Mount Dragon and tiger, an ancient

martial sect in Country C. His strength is much stronger than today's two. You can't underestimate

him." Hanzo Miyamoto seriously said. Sasuke won two battles in a row today, and his mentality would

inevitably change slightly. If he took the enemy lightly, he might be defeated.

"Sensei. No worries. I won't underestimate any enemy. I'll do my best to defect them." Sasuke was

busying explaining. He had heard Mount Dragon and Tiger a long ago; it was one of the few martial

arts sects with a history of more than one thousand years in Country C. No matter how arrogant he

was, he would never despise the disciple of Mount Dragon and tiger.

"By the way, Sensei. When I was trying to kill the warrior from Country C, someone stopped me. Were

they the organizers from the official?" Sasuke asked; Among all the people in the hall, Hanzo Miyamoto

had the highest cultivation. Therefore, if things went as Sasuke's conjecture, only Hanzo Miyamoto

could see it.

"It's not them." Hanzo Miyamoto shook his head with a gloomy face and said, "There were someone

else who stopped you."

"Someone else?" Sasuke was shocked. If it wasn't Tomei, who else could that be?

"Yes." Hanzo Miyamoto nodded then said in a deep voice, "The Country C's people are so despicable

that they are likely to let their warrior in Transformed Period hide in the team of ordinary Martial Artists."

Sasuke seemed to figure out something, "Sensei. You mean that they have guessed that we will attack

their players, so they let the warrior in transformed period hide in the team of the ordinary Martial Artists

to save those players from our assassination?"

"It's very likely." Hanzo Miyamoto said. What Sasuke said was precisely the same as what he had

guessed. At that time, he could be sure that Tomei was not the one who made a move because there

was no Tomei's internal power fluctuation.

Besides Tomei's group, it could only be a Martial Artist who was very close to the arena.

"So what about when I fight Travis tomorrow?" Sasuke became worried. If that hidden person hit an

internal power to him at the critical moment of the battle between him and Travis tomorrow, he might

lose the fight; Because the slightest influence would tilt the outcome.

"Don't worry. I'll ask Taye Watanabe to keep an eyes on them. If their Martial Artist in transformednovelbin

period dares to interrupt the fight again, I'll take this matter to the International Wushu Federation and

let it arbitrate the matter for us." Hanzo Miyamoto said in a deep voice. Although the battle's

responsibility were officials from Country C and J, the International Wushu Federation was also spying

on the match.

Suppose the Martial Artists from Country C cheat again. In that case, they could apply to the

International Wushu Federation and directly judge the result of the match of City Z's Chamber of

Commerce as a failure.

The International Wushu Federation was the highest level organization in the martial arts world; even

the Martial Arts' League from Country C should abide by their orders.

Sasuke was relieved when he got the assurance from Hanzo Miyamoto.

The next day came in a flash.

Compared with yesterday, the morale of the people of City Z's Chamber of Commerce was much lower.

Even Queena Yuwen, who had always been active, spoke a lot less today.

Cary was the only one who remained expressionless among them.

The match started at nine o'clock. Finn and his party had already arrived in the arena at about eight


When Finn and others arrived near the arena, the temporary auditorium 100 meters away from the

arena was filled with Martial Artist already.

Eveline and Gaspar were there as well. They sat in the very back, and they were in the corner of the

back row, which was not easy to be noticed.

It was obviously Julian's arrangement.

"Gasper. Do you think my vision had become blurred rencetly? Everyone here looks similar with that

loser." Eveline suddenly rubbed her eyes and looked uncertainly at the stage. She felt like she saw the

figure of Finn again.

"Aunt. You must have a blurred vision. Only martial artist can enter this place. That garbage can't be

here." Gasper said firmly to her. Finn might have appeared on ML Island, but he never believed that

Finn would show up here.

"You're right." Eveline murmured, feeling that she must have seen the wrong person.

At this time, Hinds and Sonya came over.

Sonya looked pretty tired. She had been suffering from insomnia these days. Whenever she thought of

the picture of herself being riding by Finn, she felt sick and couldn't fall asleep.

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